Peninsula Entertainment Starts as a Writer

Chapter 17 Nobody Knows Tumblbugs Better Than Me

Chapter 17 Nobody Knows Tumblbugs Better Than Me
Han Zidong lay flat on a basketball court by the Han River, sorting out his development plan.

Since there is a viaduct above his head, he can still hear "bang bang bang bang" and "rumbling" sounds from time to time, but these sounds did not interfere with his thinking, but instead made him more focused.

Taking entertainment as the main body and focusing on short videos and e-commerce as the fist is the development blueprint he has sorted out for the time being.

The population base of the peninsula is only 5000 million, which determines that there are very few tracks for him to exert his strength.

To put it bluntly, he wants to get involved in the short video track in the future, and the companies responsible for researching recommendation algorithms can only be established in China.

Considering the application scenarios of the recommendation algorithm, a logo appeared in Han Zidong's mind: a Chinese character "shrimp" in the middle of an orange round square.

However, there is not much time left for him. Xiami Music will commit himself to Ahri at the beginning of next year, and then he will die slowly.

If he can't grab Xiami, he can only build a software with a large number of recommendation algorithm application scenarios, such as Xiaohongshu.

Short video and social e-commerce are fists, and he can enter the track two years later, but entertainment is the backbone, and he must seize the market as soon as possible. After all, the works in his mind are limited by the countdown.

However, making more webcomics requires money, and operating Lezhin Comic also requires money. In the final analysis, the root of all problems is lack of money.

Taking out his mobile phone, Han Zidong entered the Tumblbug website again.

It would be great if Tumblbug could support multiple projects initiated by one person, and it would be even better if it could be withdrawn instantly.

Immediately, Han Zidong was amused by his naive thoughts. Tumblbug is not his cash machine, so why should it operate according to his needs.

Wait a minute, isn’t Tumblbug, a crowdfunding site, positioned itself as a cash machine for artists without money?
Then why am I still short of money? It seems that there is a problem with Tumblbug's business strategy, and there is a big problem.

Han Zidong sat up and studied it carefully.


Wednesday morning, Itia Café.

In a large box, Han Zidong met the three founders of Tumblbug and their legal counsel.

Li Yongjun, Shin Dae-sung, and Yoo Sung-chan are all graduates of the 09 class of Kyung Hee University. In 2011, the three of them co-founded the crowdfunding website Tumblbug. Since its establishment, the company has a total of 27 employees.

After the two parties formally met, Li Yongjun introduced Tumblbug's business status, which gave Han Zidong a preliminary understanding of why his project was valued.

To put it simply, since Tumblbug was founded, the sophistication of his project book theory can be ranked within the top five. In other words, the project writing of other project applicants is too rough.

The more he thinks about it, he is from 2022 and has personally experienced the development of the peninsula's webcomics in the next ten years. This is equivalent to him opening up the overall vision in the game. Random killing.

Secondly, although the crowdfunding amount of his project is not large, it is also at a medium level.

It is natural and reasonable for Tumblbug to want to promote his project as a benchmark.

After the initial pleasantries between the two parties, they got to the point. Han Zidong invited the four of them to watch the first episode of "My Love from the Star".

Different from page comics, the smooth reading experience of bar comics on mobile phones has greatly improved the four people's evaluation of comics.

The three founders of Li Yongjun carefully discussed their impressions, and finally Li Yongjun gave a comprehensive evaluation of the three.

"The pictures in the manga are very beautiful. For example, the scene where the hero uses time-space stillness to save the heroine. If this scene is made into a movie, it will definitely be very attractive."

"The lines are also very simple, but it is this simplicity that is the most moving," said Zheng Yinghao, a legal adviser who has not spoken.

"Brother," Shen Dacheng called Zheng Yinghao: "Does sister-in-law know about this?"

"Dacheng, you don't want your senior brother to live in peace, do you?"

"Haha, that depends on the performance of the elder brother."

For a moment, the box was filled with a happy air.

Shen Dacheng's affectionate address revealed that apart from their business contacts, the four of them also had a relationship between senior and senior.

"By the way, where did I just say?" Zheng Yinghao asked Han Zidong.

Han Zidong understood that the other party was pulling in the relationship between them, so he was naturally happy to see the result, and replied with a smile: "The first love back then."

Zheng Yinghao pressed the phone and read the lines with emotion: "My lord, I have something to say.

In fact, I... adore you, I really want to grow up quickly, and let you see how beautiful I am when I grow up. "

To be honest, although Zheng Yinghao did not report his age, judging from the slight frost on his temples, he has at least entered the middle age. A middle-aged man speaks ignorant and childish love words in the tone of a little girl. Don't be too full!
Li Yongjun took the lead and "slapped" twice, and the other three, including Han Zidong, also applauded respectfully.

Although he understood that these people were trying to increase the distance between him and himself, Han Zidong still wanted to laugh.

Considering that if he didn't take the initiative, the other party didn't know what to do, Han Zidong said with a smile: "If you want me to say, the current manga reading function is still too simple.

Perhaps in the future, in high-energy parts like confession, readers can hear automatically played background music while reading, and the adapted music will make readers feel more substituting. "

"It really is a writer who can create stars, but his imagination is different." Zheng Yinghao once again praised Han Zidong.

"The emergence of Tumblbug has greatly reduced the artist's early creation costs, and the project sponsors, including me, are very grateful for Tumblbug's support for artistic creation."

Han Zidong patted each other's rainbow farts at the right time, Li Yongjun and the others laughed from ear to ear, and waved their hands humbly, indicating that he had only made a trivial contribution.

While enjoying the banquet, Han Zidong took out two project documents from his backpack.

The cover of the project book reads "Tumblbug Operational Plan".

Han Zidong distributed the project letter to the four people, while apologizing: "I came in a hurry, and only printed two copies of the project letter, please forgive me."

"Writer Han, what are you?"

"As a project applicant and potential project sponsor, I found that Tumblbug failed to provide applicants and sponsors with the services they deserved during the process of using Tumblbug. This is very regrettable."

As the founder of Tumblbug, Li Yongjun's mouth twitched and he was speechless.

The four of them flirted with Han Zidong so modestly, only because of the big gap in age and cultural background between them, in order to reduce embarrassment, they took the initiative to lower their faces to ease the relationship.

If it comes to the operation of Tumblbug, can anyone understand Tumblbug better than the three founders?
Han Zidong showed an expression of "no one knows Tumblbug better than me", just like Li Yongjun and the others think that many projects on their website are rough, in his eyes, Tumblbug in 2012 is also rough!

(End of this chapter)

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