Peninsula Entertainment Starts as a Writer

Chapter 37 Thank you Fundu for the rocket

Chapter 37 Thank you Fundu for the rocket ([-]rd update)

Of course, working for yourself is more exciting. Han Zidong discussed with Liu Chengcan for 10 minutes before starting to design the follow-up marketing plan.

There is only one core point. With the help of Xingyou's reputation, try to cooperate with relevant organizations to create Tumblbug. It is a fait accompli that crowdfunding.

To put it simply, it is to use part of Lilai to cooperate with welfare institutions such as Coal Bank, and use real performance to impress government departments such as the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, as well as various public institutions such as the Industrial Promotion Institute, and jointly create a similar "Today's Our Comics" Award" industry conference brand.

There are so many various promotion institutes here on the peninsula, such as the cultural industry promotion institute, the comic image promotion institute, Tumblbug involves a lot of art resource modules, and naturally there are many promotion institutes that can be contacted, and no one will come out to respond.

The specific planning book will definitely take two days of work, and it is impossible to write it out immediately.

Han Zidong drew up an outline, then temporarily put aside this job, and then went on to solve the later problems of Xingyou's second episode.

Liu Chengcan was on the side, occasionally chatting with Han Zidong to discuss the details of the follow-up marketing plan, and occasionally chatting with Jin Minxiu about inviting sponsors to visit the comic studio.

Unknowingly, the time came to 22:[-] in the afternoon, and the phones of Han Zidong, Liu Chengcan, and Jin Minxiu rang almost at the same time.

Han Zidong's call was from Cui Xueli. Hearing what the other party said, he held the phone between his shoulders and immediately opened Naver.

Liu Chengcan, Jin Minxiu, and Park Sungsu, who didn't know why, quickly surrounded them. Although they didn't say anything, the three of them understood that the content of the calls they received should be similar.

Damn it, Fundu doesn't talk about martial arts, but secretly bought a hot search.

On the hot search list of Naver and Daum, the entry of Fundu is impressively listed.

Contributing a click rate, Han Zidong entered the homepage of Fundu. When he saw that Fundu still insisted on his own style and did not follow up Tumblbug, he was very relieved. He liked the unruly appearance of Fundu.

While browsing the various data of Fundu, he asked Liu Chengcan about the background of Fundu.

"Have you ever studied Fundu?"

"Of course." The matter is urgent, and Liu Chengcan is rarely serious: "The founder of Fundu, Jin Shicheng, has more than ten years of experience in the securities industry..."

"Wait a minute, isn't he the same as Lawyer Zheng?" Han Zidong paused, then changed his words: "We have experienced a lot of weather!"

Liu Chengcan understood what Han Zidong meant, and replied: "Yes, the style is very old-fashioned! And I heard that he likes to physically punish his subordinates."

"You continue the topic just now."

"Because he has a wide network of contacts, he attracted many powerful investors when he founded Fundu, so even though Fundu was only founded at the end of last year, it took us a few months to complete our journey in the past six months and start the Fundu brand. .”

After browsing several projects on the homepage, Han Zidong continued, "But their user data is definitely not as good as yours. I think their project data is a bit poor."

"Yes," Liu Chengcan raised his eyebrows, he was very confident about the advantages of his own website: "Although they have the shadow of a big company behind them, their user experience is worse than ours, and their service attitude is not good.

Especially since they entered the game half a year behind us, there are only so few people in China who are willing to sponsor art, and if we win over more people, they will naturally be less. "

Han Zidong nodded and looked at Jin Minxiu: "Who is calling you?"

"It's Seki. She told me that a crowdfunding company called Fundu was trending online, and asked me if I made a mistake. The topic of Tumblbug is higher on SNS." Kim Min-soo replied.

Han Zidong was overjoyed, his little assistant might have more artist contact information than him!

"Brother Cheng Can, you see, this is the opinion of an ordinary netizen. It is obvious that Fundu is stealing the sky, and netizens don't buy it."

Hearing his words, the pressure in Liu Chengcan's heart was relieved, and his expression became much more relaxed.

Han Zidong said to Jin Minxiu: "Ask Seki for me, we will have a barbecue party tomorrow, ask her if she will come. And tell her, I have serious business to see her."

"Boss," Jin Minxiu opened his mouth, hesitating for a moment: "You mean that Seki must be there, why are you asking?"

"This is not the same, public is public, private is private."

Jin Minxiu curled his lips and led Park Shengxiu back to his work station.

Seeing the irrelevant people leave, Liu Chengcan said in a low voice: "The performing arts company contacted us again, asking if we need any services."

Han Zidong's expression was wonderful, he was speechless, a little funny, and even a little curious.

"Don't tell me, it's the same company that provides services to Fundu."

Liu Chengcan didn't say anything, swung his right hand in a big circle, and finally gave a thumbs up: "I just said you are this."

Damn, my heart is still dark, and I still want to make money from the two families.

Han Zidong stroked his chin, thought for a moment, and asked, "Brother Dacheng, what did they say?"

"Brother Dacheng thinks that there is no need to pay too much attention to it. Tumblbug has more confidence, and he can properly guide the comment areas of Naver and Daum." Liu Chengcan said.

"That's true, but the lion is fighting the rabbit, and it is also doing its best. I think that in addition to continuing to increase the drainage on Twitter and Instagram, we can also launch a certain amount of topic guidance on local websites such as me2day and Pann."

Han Zidong thought for a while: "Leave Pann to me, there are more junior high school students there."


Daechi-dong, chemistry training class.

Doing seven meals a day is posting heroic posts in a star you fan group, calling on the group of friends to fight, tearing Fundu's ugly face!
A group of friends named "Meat Eaters" expressed their incomprehension: "Isn't this your fan group? What does Tumblbug and Fundu matter to us?"

Doing seven meals a day backhanded a few screenshots of me2day hot search list, Twitter trend, and Ins topics. The pictures show that Tumblbug's topicality on SNS is obviously much higher than that of Fundu, and there are even many under the label of Fundu Netizens are questioning Fundu's hot search.

Seven meals a day: "I can't stand these fake ugly guys, brothers, let's go, everyone who participates today, each will get a high-definition genuine poster of Xu Yihua."

Ah yes yes yes: "Is Gyeongsangnam-do also sending it?"

The third child of Tian's family: "Can I send you off from Datian?"

There are also many people in the group who are not in Seoul, and they have asked similar topics.

After seven meals a day, seeing so many people responding in the group, I didn’t bother to discuss it with Han Zidong, so I packed the ticket and said: “Give it away, it’s you in Xiaotian, the beautiful country!”

Just when a group of junior high school students were gearing up, me2day, Twitter, Ins and other platforms, Tumblbug's official account once again posted a new record.

"As of 14:27, the cumulative crowdfunding of the Star You project has reached 3001.7 million... In addition to thanking all the sponsors, I especially want to thank the Rockets sent by the veteran Fundu. 』

In addition to a few performance report pictures, the post also posted a cartoon of Lao Deng stepping on a rocket, with a green "N" drawn on Lao Deng's chest shirt, which looks very much like Naver's logo!

 Thank you Jiyouyuan for the monthly pass, and thank you for the reward of a word horse fork, Chapter 3 is here.

(End of this chapter)

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