Chapter 26 I am the Prince (26)

Speaking of which, the prime minister and others are all good people, and the eldest princess is not allowed to be rubbed at will.

As a result, two-thirds of the people support the eldest princess.

Su Tian feels at ease, at least she has been recognized for what she has done in these years.

If this group of people are all white-eyed wolves, then she doesn't mind letting them know that the existence of the title Dagan is just a thought on her part.

The practice of the wizard has been on the right track, and I am grateful to her.

And after what happened to General Fan, the imperial guards, the patrol battalion of the imperial city, and the permanent army have all supported her.

Not to mention General Chen at the border, who only obeyed her orders.

The queen and the others want to take away the big position with just a few words?Really wishful thinking.

The matter here can't be debated, but the prime minister and others wholeheartedly support the eldest princess.

It was also at this time that the southern capital of Dagan was attacked by foreign enemies, and the most important thing was that there was another drought in the north.

Su Tian worshiped the heavens and prayed for rain with great fanfare, and it rained heavily in the entire northern region, and the drought was solved immediately.

Of course, this is because Su Tian used the spell.

But others don't know.

As long as Su Tian is the real son of heaven, even if the fact that Su Tian is a woman is exposed, in the eyes of the common people, the prince is probably a god from the sky, otherwise how can it be said that praying for rain will really rain?

It shows that the prince is the real son.

It doesn't matter if it's a woman, what has been confirmed by the heavens, how dare mortals have objections?

As for the military disaster in the south, Su Tian dispatched troops to directly beat the enemy to pieces.

After these two incidents, even if there are ministers who still have a sense of Su Tian's female status, they seem to be speechless.

It is also true that the prime minister and others have already considered choosing a date, waiting for the new emperor to ascend the throne.

After all, His Majesty has been in a coma, and it's not a problem.

After the previous confrontation between court and court, the queen and the nine princes never appeared again.

The queen wanted to find the prince, but the prince ignored her at all.

The queen couldn't understand why things that she had clearly thought about did not develop according to common sense?

She is naturally not reconciled.

If the daughter really ascended the throne, she would be the emperor.

What's the matter with your own son then?

The most important thing is that the disharmony between her and her daughter, the better she lives, the more careful she will be.

She is her mother, so the queen naturally wants to jump around.

No, there are rumors that the eldest princess is pretentious, does not take the queen seriously, is not filial and so on.

However, as soon as the rumors came out, Su Tian directly asked people to pinch the source, and severely punished the people involved.

Naturally, there are people close to the queen, but how could Su Tian be merciful.

After dealing with those people, Su Tian didn't pay attention to the queen any more, but waited for the enthronement ceremony.

Su Tian's accession to the throne was very grand, and the giant spirit directly led the team with a wizard and sent a precious gift.

When the people in Lingdu and other places heard that the crown prince was going to ascend the throne, countless scholars and ordinary people also went north to watch the ceremony.

Although you may not be able to see it directly, you should also send blessings, right?

There are also other neighboring countries that also specially send people to watch the ceremony and give gifts.

Su Tian finally ascended to the throne.

When the ceremony was over, there was a rain of flower petals in the sky.There are bursts of fragrance permeating the air.

Such a vision all shows that His Majesty's ascension to the throne is the destiny of heaven.

After everything was over, Su Tian went to the palace of the unconscious father.

Her fingertips lightly touched the emperor's forehead.

Afterwards, the emperor was like a dream. Everything that the original owner experienced, he seemed to be personally on the scene, and became the prince in the dream.

Abandoned, humiliated, and finally self-knowledgeable.

And what about big work?

Because the prince was gone, the second prince finally became the prince with the support of General Fan.

After that, Dagan fell into the hands of the Fan family.

The second prince became a puppet.

And he, who was obviously in good health, was assassinated and passed away long ago.

After the death of General Fan, Dagan became even more chaotic and was finally submerged in the torrent of time.

As soon as the screen changed, the current Daqian, the crown prince ascended the throne, congratulations from all over the world.The Fan family was gone, but the biggest and most threatening giant spirit bowed down to the crown prince.

Afterwards, he fell into a dream every day, witnessing the subjugation of the Dagan under his rule, and the prosperity of the Dagan after the crown prince succeeded.

As for the queen, after Su Tian officially ascended the throne, she seemed to be sick too.

He is muddled every day, and it is said that he always talks nonsense, and even trembles from time to time.

The Ninth Prince was directly picked up by Su Tian and handed over to special personnel for training.

Didn't the queen always think that what her daughter experienced was trivial and didn't matter?

It was even more natural to feel that she could do whatever she wanted.

Then Su Tian asked her to experience what the original owner had experienced.

The empress, like the emperor, was in a coma and was actually in a dream all the time.

It was as if he had become the original owner.

Experience the original owner's grief, sadness and despair.

As for the noble concubine and the second prince, according to the request of the noble concubine, they were demoted to common people and allowed them to leave.

After finishing the matter, under the reminder of Qi Ling, Su Tian is considered to be able to leave, or continue to stay and wait for this body to die naturally before leaving.

When Qi Ling reminded her, Su Tian felt that her soul seemed to have stabilized a little bit.

She naturally chose to leave early. Since it is useful, she naturally wants to continue. There is no benefit in staying here.

The aura here is thin, no matter how much she cultivates, she still cultivates on this body. She can feel her own soul, but it is still fragile.

But to leave, it is natural to arrange follow-up matters.

She was going to leave, so naturally she needed a successor.

Naturally, she would not choose the Ninth Prince. Although the Ninth Prince is only a child, Su Tian still remembers that this child has been spoiled under the empress' teaching.

Of course she wouldn't feel uncomfortable.

I didn't agree with the Ninth Prince to be the crown prince at that time, so I can't let the Ninth Prince be the prince again now, right?Isn't that to blame yourself?
Most importantly, she didn't have time to wait for the Ninth Prince to grow up.

After choosing a suitable and capable successor directly from the clan, she left directly.

As for what people in this world think, it has nothing to do with her.

She has already solved all the powerful enemies around Dagan, and she has almost solved some internal problems in Dagan, such as building dams, building canals, and so on.

As for what will happen to Daqian in the future, Daqian will naturally have her own direction, and she is just passing by in a hurry.

After leaving this world, Su Tian only felt the darkness in front of her eyes, and then she was a little dizzy, and when she opened her eyes again, she was no longer busy.

(End of this chapter)

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