Chapter 27 Fat President ([-])

When Su Tian opened her eyes, she found that this place seemed to be completely different from Daqian.

I raised my hand again, only to find that my hand was five or six times "thicker". What's the matter?
Su Tian sat up and looked up, the room was very magnificent, but it was different from the grandeur of Daqian's meeting.

It seems that the beds here are much softer, and the quilts are light, but very warm.

After a while, Su Tian received countless pictures in her mind.

It's like a movie.

The original owner of the body she is currently staying in is the daughter of the Su Group.

This girl is also called Su Tian, ​​which is the same as her name.

It was just an illness at the age of 13. Due to the influence of some drugs, she began to gain weight continuously. Even if she didn't eat much, she would gain weight, even if she drank water, she would gain weight.

When she came to this world, the original owner was already 22 years old, and her weight had already reached 180 pounds.

This is still the result of constant control.

Because of physical problems, after the age of 14, the original owner did not go to school, but found a teacher to study at home.

The original owner was the eldest child of the Su family, and the Su family also had a youngest son who was only 14 years old.

But the parents really love the original owner, and maybe they also have some guilt.

No matter what the original owner does, they will support it unconditionally.

Although the original owner gained weight due to physical problems, she is still very talented, and she has already shown her business acumen at a young age.

So when the original owner was 20 years old, her father let her work in the company.

After two years of secret observation, when she was 22 years old, Su's father directly handed over the company to the original owner.

The original owner handled many things perfectly.

In Lincheng, the Su Group is well-known.

The original owner is indeed powerful, with her, the Su Group is even more powerful.

So even though the original owner looked unattractive because of her obesity, no one dared to underestimate her.When a person has strength and background, even if she is not good-looking, no one dares to laugh at her or look down on her.

It's just that even though the original owner was smart, she stayed at home since she was a child, and she had too little contact with the outside world, so she stumbled emotionally.

Su Tian came here when the original owner was 22 years old, and when she was in charge of the company.

It was also this year that she met a man.

That man harmed the original owner and also the Su family.

Su Tian's appearance here is to restore everything for the original owner.

The original owner didn't want any accidents in his family, and he didn't want to be hurt by love anymore.

And this time, that man and the original owner are about to get to know each other.

Su Tian stood up and looked at herself in the mirror.

He is 1.6 meters tall and weighs 180 pounds.

She just stood like this for a while, feeling uncomfortable all over and a little out of breath.

To be honest, Su Tian has never experienced a life with such a weight.

From these miscellaneous memories, she also knew what the furnishings in the room were.

After thinking about it, she opened the window, made a gesture, and felt it, and found that the spiritual energy here seemed to be thinner, not as good as that in Dagan.

This body is fat because of the influence of drugs. If you want to get rid of the influence, if you can practice, you can solve this problem.

Sighing, he sat on the sofa. If the aura is so thin, it might not be easy to cultivate.

I can only look around to see if there are any treasures that can be replaced, just like the meeting in Dagan.

The original owner had a huge cloakroom, but because of her obesity, the original owner didn't like to buy clothes and the like, all of her clothes were custom-made, but there was a large jewelry cabinet in her cloakroom.

The cabinet door is unique and requires fingerprint input to open it.

After opening it, Su Tian felt her eyes were about to be dazzled.

This is too much!

She stretched out her hand to feel it, and soon, she found that there were many things with aura, Su Tian laughed, that's great.

However, among those jewellery, there were some bright white jade stones, which felt a little bit cool in the hands, but contained a strong aura inside, which made Su Tian feel very comfortable.

Looking at it, there are more than a dozen pieces of such bright white jade.

Su Tian took these jade stones back to the room.

It's already eleven o'clock in the evening, and the surrounding area is already relatively quiet.

She placed those jade stones on the ground according to special positions, which is a formation of releasing spirits and gathering spirits.

It can not only release the aura inside the jade, but also gather the aura through the jade for Su Tian to practice.

Su Tian sat cross-legged on the ground, her body was too fat, and she couldn't sit still. After finally supporting herself, Su Tian started to practice immediately.

This physical condition can be regarded as extremely poor.

But Su Tian has experienced so many things, and her perseverance is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

No matter how poor her physical condition was, she gritted her teeth and persisted.

This persistence is two hours.

Two hours later, she collapsed to the ground, sweating profusely, and couldn't hold on any longer.

But even though he has not practiced Qi into the body yet and his body is very tired, Su Tian feels that the whole person is much more comfortable than before.

After putting away the jade stones on the ground, I went to take a hot shower, and then lay down to rest.

The bed here is really comfortable to lie on.

Although she also wants to practice as soon as possible, but tomorrow is an important day.

Tomorrow is the day to meet that man, oh, yes, people in this world call this type of man a scumbag, and tomorrow is the day to meet that scumbag.

Naturally, I have to rest well today, and keep my spirits up to deal with it.

At seven o'clock the next morning, Su Tian woke up and found that she seemed much more relaxed.

Originally, the original owner was weak and fat, and if he moved a little, he would be out of breath.

The whole person always has a feeling of being out of breath.

But today when I woke up, I just felt refreshed.

I picked a black dress, and it matched well, but I looked a lot thinner.

Walking downstairs, it happened that Su Tian's parents and younger brother were there. Her father was going to work, her younger brother was going to school, and her mother made breakfast by herself.

In the past, the original owner would sleep at least until nine o'clock.

It was so early today, but it caused my parents to be nervous for a while.

To be honest, Su Tian is not used to such strong feelings.

In the past, she was a genius in the realm of comprehension. When she was five years old, she became a core disciple valued by the sect, and she spent very little time with her parents.

But at that time, her parents were ordinary people. Although some elixir was given to them, there is a difference between ordinary people and cultivators.

During her foundation building period, her parents had already passed away.

It seems that he has long forgotten how to get along with his parents before.

Parents seem to always respect her more than love her.

On the contrary, Master and her are more like mother and daughter. However, Master is a relatively cold person, so naturally he won't get too tired of her.

(End of this chapter)

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