Chapter 66 Free "The Maid" ([-])

Xu Xianglan was so angry that she was dying.

Not to mention the disturbance of the funeral, He Xiaoyun's reconciliation was a bigger blow to her.

After all, from now on, no one will help her work.

So no matter what, Su Tian must become He Xiaoyun's substitute.

Xu Xianglan has already figured it out, when the time comes to ruin Su Tian's reputation, she will have to marry if she doesn't.

But Xiaofeng is not here, as long as Su Tian is forced to come to work at home, and when his son becomes famous and comes back, he will just let that woman go.

I have to say that Xu Xianglan really thought well.

It's a pity that it's the first time for her to make arrangements for the funeral, so she's so busy that she doesn't know what's going on outside!
The Su family quickly found a buyer, and gave the other party some money at a lower price. The other party saw the layout and livestock of the Su family, so they made a decision on the spot and bought it!
However, the family still has disagreements about where to go!

According to Su Tian's thinking, there is still some money in the family, and all the big things have been sold.On the road, you just need to pack lightly, and Xu Xianglan's temperament, even if they move to the town, it doesn't matter if her father becomes a policeman, or something else, I'm afraid they will still come to the door, and I'm afraid they will make trouble at that time. It's more embarrassing, who knows what that woman will say.

In addition, Fu Mingzhu had already returned to the imperial capital a while ago, but the two of them have not lost contact.

Even if Su Tian moves, she will still be able to contact each other at that time.

The most important thing is that Su Tian can foresee what kind of tragedy Zhang Feng will have when he sees the Zhang family after he comes back.

After all, both Xu Xianglan and Zhang Zhi did their best to die.

At that time, if I am not with my parents, but my parents are in the town, I am afraid they will still vent their anger on them, right?

Thinking of this, she thought of the He family again.

I don't know if Zhang Feng will take his anger out on the He family at that time.

According to Su Qinghe's intention, if he went to the town, he would meet many people and find work to do, so there would be no problems in life.

After all, even if the family had money, including the money to sell the house, it would only add up to a hundred taels.

If you go to a place where you are not familiar with, and if even your livelihood becomes a problem at that time, life will be difficult, and a hundred taels of silver can't last long.

Su Tian knew Su Qinghe's worries, and then thought for a while and said, "Father, in fact, I went into the forest one day ago, but I saved a noble person. She said that she would repay me. Her family is in the north. We You can definitely go there."

Su Qinghe was stunned for a moment, then thought for a while and asked: "Tiantian, people's hearts are far away, are you sure the other party is willing to settle us down?"

"Father, don't worry, I'm pretty sure about people. That person is the girl who bought our hare back then. It was because she bought our hare that I thought she had an accident in the mountains and forests to save her."

"Father, and that girl's family is also a high-ranking official in the imperial capital. She asked me about my situation before, and I told her about Zhang Feng. She said that Zhang Feng seems to be highly valued by the nobleman, and now he has a bright future. , Dad, our family is tearing apart from theirs now."

"You also know that Aunt Xu, if she gains power, I'm afraid she won't forgive others."

"We really need to plan ahead."

Su Qinghe nodded after thinking about it.

He still wanted to listen to what his precious daughter said. The most important thing was that Zhang Feng was okay before, but later he really felt that he was not good enough.

Even if he made a fortune, to be honest, Su Qinghe doesn't regret it, and Xu Xianglan is also very troublesome, if he really talks nonsense in the town, he really can't help it.

After the father and daughter had decided on the matter, Wang Xiaocui naturally had no problems.

But before leaving, Su Tian told Su Qinghe about the He family, thinking that after all, He Xiaoyun has a good relationship with them, and knowing that Zhang Feng will definitely return to his hometown in the future, he can't really let people keep him and get revenge. They will ask people to go with them to see if they are willing.

Of course, if they don't want to, they can go by themselves.

If you want, having an extra family can be regarded as a care.

To be honest, not everyone is willing to do the thing of leaving home.

Afterwards, Su Qinghe went to get a guide, and in the early morning, after handing over the house and the family clearly again, the family of three set off.

They didn't bring anything either, the bank notes were all sewn into their close-fitting clothes, and they only carried some copper coins and broken silver on their bodies.

I brought enough dry food.

And some bacon and food.

Most of them are clothes.

There is a little donkey and a cow at home, but the cow is sold directly.

The little donkey can be used to carry things.

Most of the clothes and food for the family of three were carried on the little donkey.

Of course, the three of Su Tian also carried things on their backs.

For example, Su Qinghe carried a huge basket on his back, which contained some rice, flour, dried vegetables, pots and the like.

Wang Xiaocui also carried a bag on her body, while Su Tian carried a bow and other things needed for hunting, but they were all wrapped in cloth and put in a basket.

They all knew about Hejia Village.

However, after walking for two days, I still took shortcuts and climbed the mountain road to get there.

If you walk seriously, I'm afraid it will take at least three days.

When I arrived at Hejia Village, I found out where He Xiaoyun's house was after a little inquiring.

Seeing Su Tian and others, He Xiaoyun was stunned for a while.

Then he greeted people warmly.

To be honest, He Xiaoyun was also a little confused, not knowing what Su Tian and others were looking for.

When Su Tian talked about the matter, He Xiaoyun's father also hesitated.

He has also learned the virtues of his original in-laws.Is it just because of this that you go away?You must know that I am also a family of five here, and the roots are here.

Su Tian just felt that she had reminded her that it was up to them whether they wanted to leave or not.

And even where to go is just a mention, go to the hometown of the old man.

He didn't say where he was going. After all, if the other party didn't leave, if Zhang Feng came to the door one day and really came to revenge, it would be bad if someone knew where his parents were.

After all, in the days to come, she will definitely not be able to accompany her parents. Although she may be able to avoid the end of the original owner by escaping, how can she avoid it? What she wants is not just to avoid it.

That being the case, she can only be better than Zhang Feng, or even better than the so-called Lord Protector.

He Xiaoyun's father said he wanted to discuss it.

Su Qinghe decided to live here for a day, and if he decided not to leave after a day, they would leave.

He Xiaoyun is actually the same age as Su Tian, ​​but after marrying into the Zhang family, he was tortured by the Zhang family and lost the edges and corners, and also lost the vitality that a girl should have.

Now that I have returned home, although it has only been a few days, I have recovered somewhat, and there is light in my eyes.

This also shows that the He family still loves this daughter very much.

On the second day, He Xiaoyun's father said directly that he was willing to go with them.

I asked He Xiaoyun about the situation of Su Tian's family last night, and I know that this family still takes good care of their daughter, and they are also very reliable.

 The past few days are really in dire straits. Xiaoqing's parents and in-laws are not here. The child's father is in Hangzhou, and he is currently in a Yang state!Xiaoqing took care of the child alone. First, Xiaoqing had a high fever. On the third day of the fever, the child also had a fever.Fortunately, Xiaoqing was much more comfortable at that time, otherwise it would be really difficult.These days, I have been going back and forth to the hospital and home. I have to go to the hospital to get the IV drip twice a day. It was okay a few days ago. Since yesterday, a large number of fever patients have poured into the hospital. Today there are even more. Fortunately, after the IV drip today, the child’s After the blood test report came out, there was no need to go again, and the fever subsided.

  To be honest, Xiaoqing is still a little sorry, because it takes seven hours for the drip to be done again, and most of them are after ten o'clock when they get home. It’s cloudy after making it, and I should go back to work the day after tomorrow. Next, Xiaoqing has time, try to make more, and thank you for your support, okay.I wish everyone safe, healthy and healthy!
(End of this chapter)

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