Chapter 67 Free "Maid" ([-])

He Xiaoyun also told her parents about Xu Xianglan's temper.

According to Xu Xianglan and Zhang Zhi's temperament, and Zhang Qiang's physical condition, life will be a mess in the future.

As for Zhang Feng, he was considered filial. If Fei Huang Tengda really came back one day and saw that the family was in a mess, it was uncertain whether he would take his anger on her.

People who are unreasonable will naturally not consider right or wrong!
The most important thing is that Su Tian and Zhang Feng grew up together, Su Tian should know Zhang Feng best!Su Tian wants to avoid her sharp edge, can they really resist?
He Xiaoyun's father was able to make such a decision, but there was another reason why He Xiaoyun was attracted by an old gangster in the village.

He also left a message, saying that he would go out for a few days, and when he came back, Xiaoyun would come in.

Saying that Xiaoyun has already been married once, and she is no longer a big girl, is always not very pleasant, and she even wants Xiaoyun to come for nothing.

He Zhang is also considered a decisive person.

My daughter-in-law was originally a child bride, and there are no relatives in the family.

I learned that all the houses in Su Qinghe's house were sold.

After thinking about it, he also found someone directly and sold it at a low price.

They all belong to the same village, and it is clear who needs He Zhang in the village.

To be honest, He Zhang was still in a hurry, afraid that the old bastard would come back.

In this way, on the fifth day, the two families left directly.

Nor did they take the high road.

With the hidden danger of the hooligan, they discussed it and planned to take the path first.

After walking for a day and having nothing to do, he embarked on the official road.

After walking for a few more days, they arrived at Tianfeng City.

Tianfeng City is said to be the place where the founding emperor and queen met.

This is a big city.

After a short rest for a day, the two families decided to go with the Escort after discussing it.

After all, the road is long, and the road is not all peaceful.

Follow behind the Escort, pay some money, and your safety is guaranteed.

After some inquiries like this, I learned that the Fuwei Escort was going to Xiping City.

The two paid the money, and the escort agency also said that they would call them when they set off.

But on Xu Xianglan's side, the family affairs have been sorted out, and it has been a few days since Su Tian's family left.

People in the village actually know about the two families.

Before Su Tian left, she specifically told some things to the most vocal person in the village.

In the past few days, the village has talked and talked about the affairs of the two families.

If Xu Xianglan comes out again and makes irresponsible remarks about Su Tian, ​​people will think about it. After all, what kind of person Xu Xianglan has been with for so long, who in the village doesn't know?
The most important thing is that everyone has moved away, so it's not interesting to talk about it.

And to be honest, everyone has contacts with Su Tian, ​​and it's not like what Xu Xianglan said.

Only when Xu Xianglan realized something was wrong, did she know that Su Tian's family had already moved out. As for where they moved, no one knew, only that they went to live with distant relatives.

Xu Xianglan was full of anger and had nowhere to put it, and she was so angry that she was dying, but there was nothing she could do.

"Good days" are still waiting for her.

Without He Xiaoyun, the Zhang family would be a mess.

The first is the housework at home, and neither mother nor daughter are willing to do it.

There is no way, Zhang Qiang can only go to work.

But after the work at home is done, there is still work in the field.

There is really no other way for Zhang Qiang, who works in the field.

However, Xu Xianglan definitely didn't want to move, so she could only instruct Zhang Zhi to work.

Zhang Zhi could only cry and fuss, or just lie there without moving.

Xu Xianglan beat and scolded, but she couldn't scold or order her.

In desperation, Zhang Qiang could only go to work.

I don't know what this man is thinking. When his daughter-in-law is ordered to work every day, he just stands by and does nothing, even if he can't help.

Now he worked hard.

But his hands themselves were useless.

With such an effort, there was no way, Zhang Qiang's hands swelled up.

The whole person also developed a high fever in a dazed state.

This scared Xu Xianglan into a fool, there is only such a male in the family, nothing can happen!

After seeing a doctor and taking medicine, Zhang Qiang's fever finally subsided, but the doctor also said that light work can be done, but heavy work is really impossible.

Xu Xianglan had no choice but to go to work by herself.

She does little work herself, and many things become a joke.

However, she was born in a farming family, and it's not like she hasn't worked in her entire life, so she gradually became familiar with it.

But Zhang Zhi is still unwilling to work.

Xu Xianglan was also ruthless. If Zhang Zhi couldn't get up, he would have nothing to eat.

Even the quilts were put away.

Zhang Zhi wanted to be tough, but after being starved for two days, he understood.

After that, I started to work obediently.

Although it is said that someone has done the work at home, the work in the field has also been done gropingly.

But when Zhang Qiang saw the doctor, the family's money was stretched.

In addition, there is no other income, and there is no support from the Su family.In the past, every once in a while, the Su family would send some silver and meat over.

There is no such thing as being taken advantage of now.

The life of the Zhang family is getting worse day by day.

Su Tian followed the Escort, stopped and stopped all the way, but nothing happened, but Su Qinghe's hunting ability was impressive a few times in the wild.

Even the members of the Escort Bureau valued Su Qinghe a bit.

No, when sleeping in the open, Su Tian would go hunting with Su Qinghe, and they would return with a full load every time, and they could exchange some dried steamed buns from the escort agency.

In this way, after walking for two months, I finally arrived at Xiping City.

Separated from the Escort, everyone found a small inn to rest for two days, and then set off again.

Xiping City is a big city, but for them, it is not a good place to live.

After walking for another two days, I arrived at a small mountain village in the north called Xiaoyu Village. It is said that the people in this village are pretty good and kind, but there are many mountains and forests, and it is not very convenient to get in and out.

After the two discussed it, they decided to go there.

He Zhang also used to hunt when he was young, but later he found it more dangerous and changed to farming.

Seeing that Su Qinghe is so powerful now, it's good to have someone take care of each other.

And the fact that there are many mountains and forests does not mean that you cannot farm land.

Because Laughing Village is relatively remote, after the two families walked there, they found the head of the village, and after giving some small gifts from Su Qinghe, the two settled down in Laughing Village smoothly.

Laughter Village has approved two pieces of land for the two families.

There are also relatively simple houses over there. Of course, the money paid by the two families is much less.

After all, the land is not good, and the house is not good.

The house must be renovated, but it is still possible to live temporarily.

The people in the village are also more enthusiastic.

After more than half a month of busy work, the house has been refurbished, and the low mountains behind the house have been plowed and planted.

The two families also live next to each other, and life is developing in a good direction.

(End of this chapter)

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