Chapter 15 Sir, Madam Reported You Again 15
After Qi Yuan drank three cups of soy milk, he was dragged out by Director Tang, and they stood together outside the small courtyard to "pick him up" with sullen faces, as if someone owed her eighteen lives.

In front of the courtyard.

Director Tang touched Qi Yuan's arm, and reminded in a low voice, "Miss Qi, don't make a bad face, all the important people will come here soon, so be careful."

Qi Yuan glanced at him lightly, facing the breeze outside the yard, blowing away a little restlessness, she looked ahead: "It's not that I begged to see them."

She is Party A's father, okay?

Where did the host come up with words?
Director Tang: "..."

Having said that, it's the boss who came!The group of people at the top of the pyramid!

Director Tang gave a thumbs up, admiring Qi Yuan, and boasted, "Amazing."

Even if you give him ten guts, he won't dare!
The sun became brighter and brighter, and the black dragon stopped in the small courtyard.

The door opened, and everyone got out of the car extremely quickly, and could hear whispered curses from time to time.

"Old Liu, you bastard! Don't push me!"

"No one wants to steal our people!"

"She's perfect for us!"


Qi Yuan and Director Tang looked at each other with surprise in their eyes. The old men in front of them, well-dressed and imposing, actually pushed and shoved each other, just to get to the small courtyard first... and twisted into a ball.

After some pushing and shoving, several big brothers finally ran in front of Qi Yuan, and they were arranging their clothes with pleasant smiles.

"Ms. Qi Yuan, hello, I am Zhang Zhenxing, the courtyard of the Agricultural Research Institute, our research institute..."

Qi Yuan was in a fog when he heard it, his lips were pursed, his peach blossom eyes were confused, Agricultural Research Institute?What do you want her for?She is here to save the world, not to farm!

"Dean Zhang, don't talk about it, let me introduce our institute, our Institute of Chemistry..."

Qi Yuan's eyes were still confused, and he yawned involuntarily.

The passionate words stopped, and everyone looked slightly embarrassed.

What happened to Qi Yuan?When the leader spoke, she felt sleepy, wasn't she afraid of being put on shoes?She is indeed young!
Qi Yuan has no patience. After the live broadcast is over, she has to go back to Beicheng. Qi Pan is in the hospital. Jiang Sui's property has not been reported yet, and Liu Xiang has not yet dealt with it. She is very busy.

"What can you tell me directly." Qi Yuan turned his head and glanced back at the small courtyard. Her suitcase had already been packed and placed under the eaves, as if waving to her urgently, "I've been busy recently."

Everyone: "..."

Does this little girl have an EQ?
These bigwigs can only be seen on the news, does she know what this means?

This means a bright future, a splash of wealth!
"Ahem, Ms. Qi Yuan has relatively strong mechanical operation ability. Our hospital intends to recruit Ms. Qi Yuan."

A bald old man jumped out quickly and pulled the person in front of him away. He was smiling and wrinkled on his serious and rigid face.

Seeing that Qi Yuan had no expression, he quickly added, "Don't worry Miss Qi Yuan, the treatment will definitely satisfy you!"

Qi Yuan resisted the thought of rolling his eyes, "No, if you all have this purpose, you can go back, I still have things to do."

She came to the small world to do tasks, not to advance the progress of the world.That is the duty of God.


In the clear blue sky, thunder suddenly roared, without any warning.

Qi Yuan gritted his teeth, secretly cursing the dog.

Qi Yuancibai's small face was dull, "I don't accept the job, if it's cooperation, I can consider it. In addition, you must have investigated my information, and contact me after you think about it."

It is impossible to work part-time.

However, she is the patron saint of the small world and should take responsibility.

Alas, her overwhelming sense of responsibility, her mission with nowhere to go!

How did the host cultivate this self-confidence?

Qi Yuan glanced at everyone, turned around, and went to pull the suitcase. Under the eyes of everyone, Qi Yuan pulled the suitcase and walked down the mountain.

In the yard, the atmosphere was so embarrassing that a castle could be carved out.

Director Tang's heart was pounding in his throat, and he was about to invite the bosses to come in and sit down, when he saw the bosses nodding to Qi Yuan's back, praising him non-stop.

"As expected of the flowers of the motherland, smart."

"We really don't understand the world of geniuses."

"This temper, okay..."

Director Tang: "..."

In my lifetime, I can see the bosses who appear on the news, and I can also see them flattering, so I can die without regret!
Qi Yuan, who was praised by everyone, was carrying a suitcase, stepping on the mountain road, looking at the endless wilderness, grinding his teeth.

Qi Yuan walked for 10 minutes, and the motorcade of the bosses stopped beside her, "Miss Qi Yuan, let us give you a ride!"

Qi Yuan nodded without hesitation, the suitcase was put in the trunk, she stepped into the car with one leg, her movements stopped suddenly, she withdrew her leg, picked up the tree branch by the side of the road, and flew towards the man on the path He ran over and waved the branch vigorously.

Seeing Qi Yuan's movements, the bodyguards quickly subdued the man and pinned him to the ground, unable to move.

The man was trembling with fear from the black-clothed bodyguards, stared at Qi Yuan, and shouted loudly: "You must be sick!"

Qi Yuan took out his phone, and his voice was freezing, "110? I'll report the traffickers."

The man panicked for a moment, "You must be sick from riding a horse! Who is the human trafficker! Let go of labor and capital, or labor and capital will beat you to death!"

Qi Yuan raised his hand and slapped the man's mouth with a twig, his face was cold, and the words that came out were like hailstones: "Shut up."

Dean Zhang walked over slowly, looked at the man up and down, his shrewd eyes streamed, "Ms. Qi Yuan is courageous and resourceful, she is worthy of being the pillar of the country, the hope of the motherland, Ms. Qi Yuan's intelligence, she is very suitable to come to our hospital... "

Qi Yuan said silently: "..."

[Host, this is the perseverance of the old professor. With them, the world will be a better place...]

Qi Yuan: "This is called stalking."


Knowing more than two idioms is different, it's really annoying.

The system checked the CPU, and it was okay, but it was a little hot, and it hadn't exploded yet.

Finally, the police car roared and came to the front of the convoy.

After the tall police officer learned about the situation, he explained to Qi Yuan: "Ms. Qi Yuan, this trafficker is A-level on the reward list, thank you for your report."

Qi Yuan's eyes lit up, "How much is he worth?"

The policeman seemed to have something to hide. Under the entanglement, a handsome and slender policeman took out a reward poster.

"Ms. Qi Yuan, this Class A fugitive is worth 250 yuan."

The human trafficker was subdued, and when he heard this, his face flushed, "You horse riders must be sick! Who set the labor price at [-] for riding a horse? You are only [-] for riding a horse!"

The traffickers complained, and it was a big joke.

Qi Yuan thought he was noisy, so he stuffed the wooden stick into his mouth, and interrupted forcefully: "Shut up."

The policeman was stunned. Why did this lady... commit murder in front of the policeman? !
"Ma'am, we don't advocate using hands on criminals. Let everything be left to the law."

Qi Yuan withdrew his hand, patted the dust on the branches, and nodded obediently: "Okay."

She is a good and law-abiding child.

【…】 that so?
(End of this chapter)

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