Chapter 16 Sir, Madam Reported You Again 16
"Ms. Qi Yuan, please come back with us and make a record..."

Qi Yuan: "..."

Three times in and three out of the police station, the magnetic field of justice in her it so serious?

An old professor was about to raise his hand to stop Qi Yuan from being taken away, but he was grabbed by the old man beside him and persuaded in a low voice: "This little girl is different, don't use our methods to deal with her."

The old professor glanced at Qi Yuan, nodded secretly, and praised: "That's right, this little girl is upright, I'm afraid she doesn't like those privileges."

The old professor smiled and waved at Qi Yuan, "Ms. Qi Yuan, we will consider the matter of cooperation. We still have jobs, so we will leave first."

Qi Yuan watched the black motorcade leave and gradually disappear before his eyes.

Qi Yuan put on a sullen face: "Are these people making trouble?"

Aren't they great?

Why let her into the game?
Don't you want to please her? !
"Ms. Qi, please come with us." The police officer opened the car door and greeted Qi Yuan politely.

With a sullen face, Qi Yuan got into the police car and looked out the window. The scenery was receding. Qi Yuan rested for a while when his cell phone rang.

The phone screen showed that it was Huaren's call.

"Wish, I see that your live broadcast room is not open, what happened? It was thundering and raining again on your side yesterday. Could it be a landslide? Are you okay? Are you safe? Are you injured? How are you? Talk to me!"

A string of words, like a cannonball, did not give Qi Yuan the slightest chance to speak.

Qi Yuan took the phone away a little bit, rubbed his ears, and took it easy, then stared at the scenery outside the window, opened his lips and said, "It's okay, I can go back to Beicheng at night."

On the other side of the phone, Huaren breathed a sigh of relief, "It's fine as long as it's okay, Panpan's condition is good, and the operation was very successful. I have to say, the international medical experts are amazing!"

Qi Yuan: ""

Isn't Huaren too talkative?
Hua Ren was in high spirits, "I hope you and Mr. Jiang don't be under too much pressure. Although we are poor, we have ambition! Don't worry, if you work hard, you will definitely be able to repay the 320 five that Mr. Jiang lent us." Wan! Come on!"

Qi Yuan pursed his lips: "...Oh."

What is he saying?What together?
However, she gave Jiang Sui the original owner's card, which only had more than 3 yuan, and the [-] yuan was earned by her in the past two days.

Huyou... Bah, the enlightenment saved two people.

More than 300 million...

I can't afford it.

Qi Yuan hung up the phone, lowered his eyes, and twisted his fingers. His white and slender nails were round and beautiful.

Can't kill Jiang Sui, then...

"System, if Jiang Sui is sent to the bureau, can the task be completed?"

【Host, do you want to send the creditor away?It's not impossible, according to Jiang Sui's identity, he should be sent to an international prison, and then his organization fell apart, followed by power struggles, the world was in chaos, and the beautiful prosperity was gone forever!But~ You don’t need to pay back the money, that’s great~]

The system keeps working hard, and the yin and yang are strange.

【Host, you are really smart~】

Qi Yuan clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, "Oh."

The dog system is very courageous.

【Host, when do you plan to implement it~】


The co-pilot policeman muttered softly, "This terrible weather has never been seen in 80 or [-] years, especially in these two days, really..."

Qi Yuan looked out of the car window, with a wooden face, slowly let go of his fist, and said to the system: "No."

She has great love in her heart, she must take responsibility, she must have a mission, and she must... obediently pay back the money.

Suddenly I don't want to be responsible...

When he arrived at the police station in Luzhen, Qi Yuan finished his notes and was sent out of the police station with his suitcase.

Seven black Maybachs all parked not far from the police station. A dozen black-clothed men stood upright, with black communicators on their ears. The leading black-clothed man was tall and tough, with a serious face, and walked towards Qi Yuan.

Qi Yuan glanced at the police station out of the corner of his eye, and the police officers stared at her and these dozen men, as if they were second-class meritorious service.

Qi Yuan pursed his lips, looked up at the dozen or so men, and did not speak.

She doesn't know them, she's a good boy!

The man in black walked up to Qi Yuan, about two meters away, nodded slightly, and said in a respectful tone, "Miss Qi, Mr. Hua Ren entrusted us to take you back to Beicheng."

Qi Yuan frowned, "Jiang Sui?"

The man in black's eyes lit up, suppressing the curiosity of gossip, "Yes, don't worry Miss Qi, we are all good people."

"Yes! Ms. Qi, don't worry, our husband is very worried about you...cough cough..." Not far away, a bodyguard in black grinned at Qi Yuan and shouted at Qi Yuan. Stop talking.

Hearing this, Qi Yuan followed the man in black into the car, put on his seat belt, and asked, "Do you have Jiang Sui's cell phone number?"

The man in black froze for a moment, "Don't you know how to count?"

Qi Yuan's face was stiff. Tang Jingchen seemed to have said this to her. How did Jiang Sui's subordinates know?

Qi Yuan took out his phone and called out the system, "Check Jiang Sui's phone number."

[Host, do you really not know how to count? 】

Qi Yuan gritted his teeth: "Check!"

The system quickly provided the mobile phone number, and escaped again.

The man in black seemed to feel Qi Yuan's embarrassment. When he was about to speak, Qi Yuan tapped his fingers on the phone. He took a closer look and found that it was indeed his husband's phone number, and it was a private phone number.

The man in black looked at Qi Yuan secretly, is he really so amazing?Should he find Miss Qi as a marriage?His mother has urged him for two years.

"Mr. Jiang, thank you for Qi Pan's matter. I will get together the 320 million surgery fee as soon as possible."

Qi Yuan played with his fingers, looked out of the car window, and thanked him calmly and unkindly.

Huanyu Group, conference room.

Jiang Sui walked out of the meeting room with his mobile phone in his hands, his lips curled up. His phoenix eyes showed a light that no one had seen before.

As soon as Jiang Sui went out, the conference room became noisy instantly, and everyone speculated whether they Jiang always fell in love?

After leaving the conference room, Jiang Sui faced the wall, his lips curled up, and his fingers pressed against the wall restlessly.

"It's all about taking what you need. Miss Qi also has what I want, Miss Qi..."

Before he finished speaking, the phone was hung up.

Jiang Sui lowered his eyes and looked at the call records on the phone: "..."

Did he say the wrong thing?
The arc of Jiang Sui's lips fell slowly, with a cold face, like a mobile air conditioner, releasing air-conditioning all over his body, so cold that everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and dared not breathe.

Jiang Sui took his long legs, took a seat at the main seat, and smashed the documents on the table.

"Give you a week to make this kind of plan? Who is in charge of this case?"

Needles could be heard in the meeting room, and everyone's chins poked their chests, wishing they could bury themselves.

Everyone complained in their hearts, Mr. Jiang was still smiling when he answered the phone, and he just shook his face after answering the phone. Could it be that he was dumped?
In a blink of an eye, it's night in Beicheng, neon lights are on, and the gorgeous lights are dotted with the night. Beicheng is worthy of its name.

Qi Yuan rushed to Sheng'an Hospital in a hurry.

Qi Yuan found a pair of sunglasses from nowhere, and wore them on the bridge of his nose, covering most of his face, looking menacing.

Behind Qi Yuan, the bodyguards followed closely, and a group of people went out, which was extremely eye-catching.

Others looked sideways, made way for them, and looked at them like they were looking at gangsters.

In front of the ward, Qi Yuan took a deep breath, took out his phone again, and adjusted his expression towards the camera until he was easy-going and kind, then Qi Yuan put away his phone and knocked on the door of the ward.

(End of this chapter)

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