Chapter 196 This Stepmother Is Unusual 5
Near noon, the car stopped in front of a villa.

Qi Yuan and the others got out of the car, and the program crew explained the program rules before retreating behind the scenes.

Entering the villa, a handsome man came out, wearing a strict black suit, with an expressionless face, but when he saw Qi Yuan, his eyes paused for a while, and he walked towards Cheng Sui.

"Cheng Dong, hello."

Cheng Sui shook hands with the man, wearing the same black suit with a classic style, the two sides were restrained, but there was a sense of confrontation between kings.

"President Shen, long time no see."

Shen Ling nodded slightly, and looked at Qi Yuan and An An. He was surprised when he knew that Cheng Sui would also participate in the show.

"Cheng Dong is very lucky."

Cheng Sui bent his lips, his indifferent tone was somewhat satisfied, and a gleam of light flashed in his deep phoenix eyes.

"Boss Shen too."

Qi Yuan took a look at Shen Ling and recognized him as the hero of the world. Then, the heroine must be there too. According to the plot, the reborn heroine has already married the hero.

It's just that I don't know if my uncle stopped the reborn heroine from ruining his luck.

She forgot to ask my uncle, it's all because of his indecency!

In the plot, the heroine is reborn, the first to release the hit song, the first to release the hit script, causing many innocent supporting characters to bury their lives, resulting in chaotic luck, and the small world is overwhelmed and declining.

Entering the living room, a group of people were sitting on the sofa laughing and chatting, and the children were playing around on the carpet on one side.

When everyone saw Qi Yuan and others coming in, the air was quiet for a moment.

A beautiful-looking woman stood up, walked towards Qi Yuan with a smile, "My sister is so beautiful, I don't think she has ever given birth to a child."

Qi Yuan bluntly resisted, "I have never been born."

After returning to the God Realm, she still needs to study further, and she cannot have children.

The gorgeous woman's eyes were astonished, a flash of pride flashed across her eyes, she looked down at An An, smiled and waved her hands, "It's great to be a painless mother! If I can't accept that my family is with other people, I also want to do it like my sister." Stepmother, I'm envious."

Qi Yuan: "..."

So obvious yin and yang.

Cheng Sui was silent, and looked down at An An by his legs. This child is still young, and it is not a good thing to know his life experience too early.But he also didn't want to wrong her.

"Auntie, the perfume on your body is so pungent." An An covered her mouth, her eyes were full of disgust, she frowned, and her tone was innocent, "Auntie, can't you afford a good-smelling perfume? My mother has a lot, so you can Give you one bottle, two bottles!"

Qi Yuan laughed, raised his hand and touched An An's little head, "The nose is very good."

Everyone: "..."

At this time, shouldn't you put on a show and say that your child is impolite?
Is this stepmother killing the child?

Sure enough, stepmothers are scary.

An An was praised by Qi Yuan, her eyes were bright, her face was serious and taut, and she had the same expression as Cheng Sui, trying to hide the joy on her face.

"Sister Baiying, I just cut some fruit, do you want to eat some together?" A pretty and gentle woman stood beside the children and called out to the beautiful woman to help her out.

Bai Ying smiled at the woman, cast a glance at An An from the corner of her eye, and walked towards the woman gracefully.

Qi Yuan's eyes turned to the woman who spoke, she was gentle and pretty, like a breeze, Li Su, the heroine of this world.

Li Su noticed Qi Yuan's gaze, and smiled at Qi Yuan, "Do you want some fruit?"

Li Su glanced at An An from the corner of his eye, and was surprised that the child actually called his stepmother his mother. It seems that this Mrs. Cheng is not simple.

Qi Yuan shook his head, looked around, "Is the room on the second floor?"

Li Su nodded, and whispered softly, "Yes, because you are the latest, so there is only the last room left."

Li Su glanced at Cheng Sui without leaving a trace. The last room on the second floor is the best configuration, and it must be related to this Mr. Cheng.

The barrage once again set off a wave of madness.

[A room? !My husband cannot be defiled by this woman! 】

[Don't worry, there is An'an in the room, they can't do anything. 】

[It's so disgusting that this woman can share a room with my husband!Why!She deserves it too? 】

[An An must be too lacking in love to be confused by this woman and defend this vicious woman. Our An An is simply a little angel! 】

[So speechless, why did Mr. Shen marry Li Su?Don't these bigwigs choose women only for looks? ! 】

[Li Su is okay, she is very patient with Mr. Shen's child, and will correct the child's mistakes, she is simply a role model in the stepmother world. 】

The barrage was full of noise, and the five groups of families also ushered in their first cooperation.

Li Su suggested gently, "How about the mothers cook and the fathers clean the room?"

Bai Ying frowned, fiddling with the beautiful manicure, "But I don't know how to cook, my aunt at home used to do it."

"Xiao Su, women should treat themselves better," Bai Ying said disapprovingly, and then curved his lips to tease, "If you do too much rough work and your boss Shen empathizes with you, then you will be at a big loss."

Li Su smiled sarcastically, without speaking, turned his gaze to Qi Yuan, Qi Yuan was quiet enough, so quiet that Li Su thought she could handle it well, as long as he gave her some sweetness, he would stand by her side.

"Does Mrs. Cheng want to cook together?" Li Su said with a smile, "I don't think Mr. Cheng can cook, just like my Mr. Shen. However, there must be someone who can cook at home."

Cheng Sui looked at Qi Yuan as if he was facing a big enemy, and then moved away as if trying to cover up.

Qi Yuan was lazily leaning on the sofa, fiddling with his mobile phone. Hearing Li Su's voice, he raised his head, turned off his mobile phone, and said casually, "I don't want to do it."

Her cooking skills may have regressed, but there is definitely no problem with cooking.

It's just that after working for three full years, she needs to rest and lie down.

Li Su hit a hard nail, the smile on his face was a little stiff, and he bit his lip, "We adults can skip meals, but children can't be hungry."

Don't want to do it?That's what will do.

Li Su's heart ached, she was also a stepmother, why should she refuse with confidence?Aren't you worried that Mr. Cheng and the child are dissatisfied with her?
"Order takeaway." Qi Yuan opened the takeaway software, and An An grabbed the corner of his clothes.

An An looked at Qi Yuan with black grape-like eyes, "Dad said takeaway is unhealthy, so Mom shouldn't eat it."

Cheng Sui was satisfied.

An An's big eyes were full of longing, "An An is very healthy, An An wants to eat."

Qi Yuan clicked his tongue twice, looked at his phone, and said to An'an, "Mala Tang? Hot pot? Fried chicken? Barbecue?"

An An's eyes lit up, and she carefully put it on Qi Yuan's lap, "Mom, can I have both?"

Qi Yuan raised his black eyes, which were also shining brightly. The two looked at each other and hit it off immediately.

Cheng Sui helped his forehead helplessly, "No take-out is allowed."

Qi Yuan put the phone in front of An An, and suggested: "There are grilled fish and lamb chops, do you want a bottle of Coke?"

An An kept nodding, her soft face excited, "Okay."

Cheng Sui stared at the two who were chatting enthusiastically, and said again, "Takeaway is not healthy, I will make whatever you want."

Qi Yuan and An An moved their heads closer and closer, and the more they chatted, the more excited they became.

Cheng Sui: "..."

Is his voice low?

Everyone looked at each other, and the air was filled with embarrassment.

[How could a stepmother do this?Even taking a three-year-old to eat takeaway!An'an is so easy to deceive, right? 】

【Is this woman trying to use junk food to attack An An?An An grew up eating dishes made by chefs. She had never eaten junk food, so she must be curious. 】

[An An is still a child and is growing up. If I were An An's stepmother, I would definitely guide An An to be a child with correct three views. 】

[Our family Susu is so miserable, everyone is targeting her, it must be because she dislikes her for being a small girl, alas, Susu is engaged in a career!Stand up! 】

"Father, I want to eat too." Shen Ling was pulled by the hem of his clothes, he looked up, his little boy had a sullen face, his eyes burst out with probing desire, and he moved cautiously.

(End of this chapter)

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