Chapter 197 This Stepmother Is Unusual 6
Li Su hurriedly stopped him, leaned towards the little boy tenderly, and frowned slightly, "Chen Bao, those are unhealthy foods that are harmful to the body, what Chen Bao wants to eat, Auntie will cook for you."

Li Su's heart was sour, she asked herself that she had given her sincerity to Chen Chen, but Chen Chen refused to change his words no matter what.

Chenchen has a sullen little face, just like Shen Ling, with a very imposing manner at a young age.

He looked away, looked at Qi Yuan and An An who were discussing what to eat, looked at Shen Ling again, and repeated it clearly.

"Dad, I want to eat."

Shen Ling's eyebrows twitched, and he didn't know how to answer for a moment. He moved his eyes to Cheng Sui, wanting to see how Cheng Sui would solve it.

I saw that Cheng Sui had already shifted his position, sitting on Qi Yuan's side, holding An An on his lap, and the three of them got together to discuss buying takeaway.

Cheng Sui looked at the picture seriously, "The greens don't look fresh, go to another store."

Cheng Sui was picky again, "The sliced ​​meat is too thick and red, it looks like pigment has been added, so I'll change it to another."

"This one doesn't have a high rating, so I'll change to another one."

"This restaurant's cooking is too spicy, please change to another one."

Qi Yuan was silent, and impatiently handed the phone to Cheng Sui, "Come here."

An An jumped out of Cheng Sui's arms, and made a gesture to climb onto Qi Yuan's lap, but was blocked by Qi Yuan's raised arm.

An An obediently stood where she was, a small one, white and tender, with her arms outstretched, more lively, "Mom, hug."

Qi Yuan blocked An An from climbing up, "I'm too weak to hold you."

It's better for a creature like a child to belong to someone else's family.

An An pursed her lips and stared at Qi Yuan, "...I'm not heavy."

Cheng Sui subconsciously looked at Qi Yuan's hand with strange eyes. A few seconds later, Cheng Sui lowered his head and continued to choose a takeaway shop.

Qi Yuan and An An looked at each other without giving in.

Shen Ling looked at Chenchen with a rare softness, "Then eat it once."

Chenchen's eyes were black and bright, and the corners of his mouth rose uncontrollably.

Shen Ling frowned, feeling weird in his heart, Chenchen was only over three years old, and suppressed his emotions like a little adult, which was obviously not a good sign.

[Chen Chen has been spoiled, I really don't know what's so good about those junk foods! 】

[Li Su is much better than An'an's stepmother. 】

[That's right, Li Su is so competent, Chen Chen didn't change his words, An An actually called that incompetent woman's mother, it's so unfair. 】

[Please, the child is so precious that he can die after eating takeaway once?We are workers and eat takeaway every day! 】

[A group of poor people sympathize with the rich, is it unhealthy to eat takeaway?You are so ridiculous! 】

The barrage chattered hotly, criticizing Qi Yuan as useless, and Li Su's reputation as a hacker on the Internet was reversed.

Finally, Cheng Sui handed the phone to Qi Yuan, "Eat these for lunch."

Qi Yuan took the phone, glanced at Cheng Sui suspiciously, and lowered his head to take a good look at what Cheng Sui ordered. After all, with his temperament, he absolutely resists takeaways.

An An lay on Qi Yuan's lap, grabbed Qi Yuan's arm, and leaned forward to watch together.

"Three bowls of Yangchun noodles?"

An An raised her head in disappointment, imitating Qi Yuan's stubbornness: "Dad, I want to eat Mala Tang."

He has only seen Malatang on TV, they taste so happy and delicious.

Qi Yuan decisively changed the page, ordered two bowls of Mala Tang, and ordered dozens of skewers of barbecue. When he was about to continue to order fried chicken and coke, Cheng Sui grabbed the phone, his handsome face was full of disapproval.

"No more orders."

Qi Yuan: "I spend my own money."

An An agreed and nodded: "Mom is rich."

Cheng Sui turned his gaze to An An, his eyes turned cold looking at An An, and his phoenix eyes were a little stressed, "I didn't do my homework today, and I didn't memorize the ancient Chinese, did I?"

An An angrily turned her back, folded her arms around her chest, and refused to talk to Cheng Sui.

Qi wished to watch the play happily. It was the first time she saw Da Tonic taking a child. It was very interesting.

If it was her, she would beat her up directly, the big tonic has a really nice temper.

Li Su was only half a meter away from Qi Yuan. She looked at Qi Yuan and suggested in a warm voice, "Mrs. Cheng, don't you comfort An An? The relationship between father and son tends to become tense, and mother's persuasion is very much needed at this time."

The barrage turned back again.

[Li Su is so patient, she must know a lot about parenting! 】

[Chenchen has not changed his words, I am really disappointed, how can Susu be inferior to that useless woman? 】

[It's so funny, she actually said that she spent her own money, wouldn't she think that the money Mr. Cheng sent her was her own? 】

[I hope An An can see his stepmother's face clearly as soon as possible! 】

Qi Yuan knew that Li Su was creating a character, and tried to use her to contrast and highlight Li Su's kindness, but what Li Su said seemed to be okay, so Qi Yuan simply followed suit.

Qi Yuan picked up An An with one hand, put him in Cheng Sui's arms, and said to the bewildered two, "Reconciliation."

This is very convenient. The relationship between father and son really cannot be rigid, and it will cast a shadow on the child's childhood. If he turns black into a villain, isn't that harmful to society?

Cheng Sui: "..."

As always it's her style.For many years, she has never changed.

An An: "..."

Qi Yuan stared at the two with dark eyes, waiting for the two to show their father-son love.

The people in the living room tried their best to ignore it and dragged the people around them to talk. They didn't dare to watch Cheng Dong's excitement.

In desperation, Cheng Sui raised his hand and patted An An's little butt, "An An, it's my father's fault, I'm sorry."

The corners of An An's mouth turned up, so is there no homework today?Is there no need to memorize ancient Chinese?
It's so easy to lose your temper!

Cheng Sui's tone was gentle, and he touched An An's little head, "Dad has already apologized, and I will remember to finish my homework later, and I have to recite ancient Chinese for my mother."

An An's eyes widened, and she looked at Cheng Sui in disbelief. Seeing that Cheng Sui's phoenix eyes were deep and beyond doubt, An An nodded unhappy.

The bottom of Qi Yuan's eyes lighted up slightly, and the conflict should be resolved only by talking it out, so as not to affect the relationship.

How competent she is as a stepmother.

Chenchen on the other side didn't blink, watching An An sitting in Cheng Sui's arms with a stern face, playing with Cheng Sui's tie, his eyes were full of envy.

Li Su didn't know what it was like in his heart, and subconsciously searched for Chen Chen's figure, still tolerant and gentle, "What takeaway would Chen Bao want at noon? Auntie can give you some references. In the past, Auntie was busy with work and often needed to order takeout. "

Chenchen glanced at An An's direction again, nodded at Li Su, and walked towards Li Su with a serious face, "Thank you, auntie."

An An tugged at Qi Yuan, full of curiosity, "Did Mom eat a lot of takeaways before?"

Qi Yuan played the game and replied subconsciously, "That's not true, I can only order it secretly, so as not to be nagged by someone."

At this point, the big tonic is really nagging.

An An was disappointed, "It turns out that mom is also afraid of her parents."

Qi Yuan sighed, thinking of her mother god, with a melancholy tone, "Oh, I'm used to being beaten."

Ann: "!!!"

Mom is so poor!
He has never been beaten by his father!
Cheng Sui's eyes paused, and he subconsciously tapped his fingers. His fingers were long and fair, and they unconsciously released a sense of oppression.

Get beaten?

When An An wanted to ask something, Qi Yuan just finished playing a game, raised his head, and pinched An An's face.

"Have you thought about what major to study in the future?"

This child talks too much, and he looks like a villain. He knows everything, and it would be a waste not to study.

"...Mom! I'm only three years old."

Qi Yuan earnestly popularized science, "Three-year-olds from other people's families already know how to hack security systems, and even build missiles."

(End of this chapter)

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