
An An's face was sullen, her black eyes were full of accusations, and she eagerly refuted.

"I'm not lying to you." Qi Yuan popped out a few book titles, "The cute baby in the CEO's story is fine. Your father is better than the president, and you should be better than Meng Bao."

Small World never lacks talents.

Everyone has black lines all over their heads: "..."

Madam Cheng can read novels?Or Ba Zongwen?

Why... so outrageous?
An An was so anxious that she wanted to jump out of Cheng Sui's arms, "Then mom should be very good too!"

Cheng Sui put his arms around An An, his forehead jumped, and he felt a little tired with the two babies.

Qi Yuan said sincerely, "I'm really good."

The best in the world.

Everyone looked at Qi Yuan, isn't she a stepmother?Why are you so close to your child?What is so great about her?
Not only the guests from other families were puzzled, but the barrage was even more confusing.

[She is quite self-aware! 】

Qi Yuan became interested, "Do you want to eat and die?"

The atmosphere in the living room suddenly dropped, and the other families quickly changed the subject.

Bai Ying smiled provocatively, looked at Qi Yuan, "Does Mrs. Cheng want to grow vegetables or flowers?"

Cheng Sui hurriedly interrupted An An and Qi Yuan, and the conversation between the two became more and more dangerous.

"Mrs. Cheng doesn't want to cultivate An An's aesthetic ability?"

Cheng Sui's head swelled, An An was only three years old, and now thinking about majors really backfired, after all, not everyone is like her.

[It must be noisy!Does Mr. Cheng seem to have aesthetic problems?He is well dressed and attractive!She is good-looking, is this woman trying to attract his attention? 】

[An'an, think smarter!Obviously when the show started, he had a room full of trophies!Mathematical Olympiad Award, Piano Award, Rubik's Cube Competition, so amazing! 】

Qi Yuan responded coldly, turned his head to look at An An, his hand was grabbed by An An, the little guy looked like a little fool, very bored.

The one who spoke was the popular singer Lin Yang, a talented singer who reached the top of the music scene at the age of 25. In the same year, he announced his marriage to the president of a game company. The two gave birth to a daughter the following year.


[This stepmother is so clever!She was able to coax An An to like her so much, and after having her own son, An An must be coaxed by her to give everything to her younger brother. 】

Two eyes fell on Cheng Sui in an instant, one with resentment and one with astonishment.

Qi Yuan raised his hand and touched An An's head, "His father has no aesthetics, so he still lives at such an old age."

Lin Yang is only 30 years old, usually both husband and wife are busy, and the children lack companionship, so they simply participated in this show.

Cheng Sui, who was affected for no reason: "..."

"I just saw that there is an open space in the back garden. How about we find time to grow some vegetables? The vegetables we grow ourselves are healthy, so you can rest assured!"

Li Su's pretty face was full of curiosity, and her beautiful eyes were like springs in summer, clear and black.

Views are great!
Very big!
"Miss Qi can talk about it."

An An whimpered and turned around, not looking at Qi Yuan, and said in a childish voice, "I don't believe it!"

Cheng Sui tried to struggle in vain. To outsiders, his face was flat, and his tone was even displeased. "Miss Qi, do you have a problem with my aesthetics?"

It's not bad to take over her class, she won't be the one who is kidnapped to the laboratory in the future, then she--eating and waiting to die!
Everyone: "..."

Bai Ying also made a sound at this time, she has always regarded herself as a queen, and she can't understand that Li Su is an eighteenth-tier artist, "Xiao Su will definitely be able to eat the freshest and cleanest vegetables at Shen's house, and the idea of ​​planting flowers is really cool." It fits Xiao Su, sure enough, young people are smart!"

This time the heroine has what she hates the most, there is nothing wrong with scrambling and plundering, and there is nothing wrong with seeking profit for herself; but she really can't feel any favor for the heroine who steals other people's achievements.

Getting something for nothing is not good.

Cheng Sui picked up the water glass on the table, put it to An An's mouth, raised his arm slightly, looked at Qi Yuan with flat eyes, narrowed his slender phoenix eyes, and spoke calmly.

【Waiting for the first day of Mr. Cheng's divorce~】

"I want to be like my mother!"

"Yes, children's aesthetics should indeed be cultivated from an early age. Mrs. Shen has a vision."

[Is this the prelude to a fight? 】

Fortunately, the original owner is a wealthy wife. Although the original owner's family is in decline, she still has a prominent husband's family.

Li Su's face was embarrassed, his eyelashes half drooped, and his voice was low, like a frightened little white rabbit, "Sorry, Mrs. Cheng, I shouldn't have asked about your privacy."

"It's pretty good. I don't worry about the vegetables I grow myself. I haven't grown vegetables by myself for a long time." Lin Yang's wife is Jian Jian, a tall, thick-faced beauty with a smile on her eyes and an elegant voice like the wind. Lin Yang is a perfect match.

Li Su has been paying attention to Shen Ling, and seeing an emotion flash in his eyes, which quickly disappeared, she glanced at the camera from the corner of her eye, and her heart suddenly shivered, she was a movie queen in her previous life, but in this life she has become a black star on the [-]th line of the whole network .

[An'an won't be raised by her, right?No!Husband divorced her immediately! ! ! 】

Relying on his understanding of Qi Yuan, Cheng Sui had some words in his mind, and just as he was about to speak, An An waved his small arms and grabbed Qi Yuan's clothes.

[The one surnamed Cheng has a problem! 】

Everyone didn't dare to talk, for fear that they would be mixed in and delay their own future.

An An had a flash of inspiration, and she could ask for a year off!Great!Don't be a dad, don't work every day!

"I think planting flowers is also good." Li Su smiled, with a gentle tone, "Growing flowers with children can also cultivate children's aesthetic ability and let them discover the beauty of nature."


【Ugliness brings trouble! 】

Qi Yuan looked at the couple with nice voices, the surprise in his eyes turned and disappeared.

Qi wished that oil and salt would not enter, and choked Bai Ying for a while.

[An'an was taken to pieces. 】

Cheng Sui lowered his eyelids, and his eyes flicked over the top of An An's head. His black hair was soft and his round head was cute and cute, far more vivid than the usual little adults.

It's annoying for children to be idle.

Qi Yuan turned his gaze to Li Su, his skin was cold and fair, and a light smile fell on his face, without any pretense of kindness, "It's not convenient to say."

"Is it possible?" An An tugged at the corner of La Qiyuan's clothes expectantly, "Can mom make a lot of money if she doesn't work?"

[There must be a problem with the surname Cheng! 】

"An'an, mom works very hard. Have you forgotten that mom hasn't been home for three years?"

"What does Mrs. Cheng do? Is it true that she hasn't been home for three years?"


After a perfunctory speech, Qi Yuan changed the subject, "Have you thought about what major you want to study in the future?"

Li Su turned her gaze to Qi Yuan. She thought that they would be in the same situation as stepmothers. She was begging for perfection, but this Mrs. Cheng was like a fish in water.

[The one surnamed Cheng has a problem! 】

[The one surnamed Cheng has a problem! 】

[...Brothers, whose navy are you?How much is one piece? 】

[Heizi get out, take my husband away! 】

The barrage scolded fiercely, and Qi Yuan began to detail Cheng Sui's deeds.

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