The crescent moon hangs on the high branches, and clouds gather on the forest tops, covering it from time to time, perhaps to cover up the shame of the moon.

In the room, at the table.

"Why did you save that black thing?"

Situ Sui lightly pinched the teacup with his fingers, and the blue and white porcelain teacup set him off elegantly, without staining a single speck of mortal dust.

There were a few folds in the slim black robe, but its owner ignored it, and the exquisite and complicated embroidery added an indescribable mystery and tenderness to it.

Just like its owner, the gloomy dark color is suppressed, leaving only a white body, the disguised pure white, always revealing weirdness and discomfort.

Qi Yuan's light blue dress was disturbed by the wind blowing into the window, like the surface of the sea being hit by raindrops, and rain flowers were splashed and fell again, the stunning blue was as inclusive as ever.

"She has value."

The porcelain-white little face is a matter of course, and the value of one sentence is worth a thousand words of explanation.

"Do you know her identity?" Situ Sui's hunter nature is dormant, subtly influencing his prey, "Do you know how much trouble she will bring?"

"It can be solved." Qi Yuan explained again, "She is the fifth princess of Liang Kingdom, and she is also a woman who can create miracles. This era needs her."

History books need more.

The thick history of mankind is full of all kinds of men, perhaps loyal and loyal, perhaps kingly and hegemonic, perhaps hypocritical and insidious, perhaps cowardly, perhaps brilliant, perhaps exhausted; but the thick history does not allow a variety of women to exist, and it is clear that they also have their own strengths. Demeanor, they have family and country feelings, they go to battle to kill the enemy, they are scheming, they are gentle and tough, they are lustful and money-loving, they are amazing and talented, they are ordinary.

History books only wish to bestow more complex qualities on men.

Human beings are pathetic and pitiful, and in the final analysis it is nothing more than the word 'benefit'.

Qi Yuan picked up the teacup and held it with both hands. She has traveled through so many worlds, and it is easy to promote the progress of the small world, but she can't change the mainstream thinking of the general trend.

This world needs women, women who are described in detail in history books, women who are magnificent but trivial and complicated.

Situ then sneered, "Her ability is not enough to shake the outside world."

"But I can."

Qi Yuan raised his eyes, his blue to pure eyes looked over, his tone was flat and convincing.

Situ Sui's heart skipped a beat, "You don't look like a monster."

Qi Yuan opened his mouth subconsciously, "Do I look like a human?"

"It's not like." Situ Sui's tone was affirmative, the phoenix eyes couldn't melt a dark color, how could human beings be as transparent as her.

The word "human" was the greatest insult to her.

Perhaps, she should be the cleanest fairy, goddess.

Qi Yuan rolled his eyes and took small sips of the teacup.

What annoyance, if the original owner is not a good mermaid, what kind of person is he?
There was a knock on the door, followed by Fengyan's voice.

"Master, Miss Xintao has finished washing, do I need to bring it in for you?"

Situ Sui became more and more awkward as he listened, and frowned, "Please go to the study."

Situ then looked at Qi Yuan, "Since Miss Qi saved her, why not go there together."

"Give her to me."

Qi Yuan confidently put forward his request.

Situ pursed his lips silently, "What price should Miss Qi pay?"

Qi Yuan blinked his watery blue eyes, subconsciously thought of Xin Tao's 'price', and joked, "My beauty?"


Qi Yuan: "..."

Don't you want to refute it?Didn't you just say that beauty is useless?

Besides, it can be destroyed with a knife.

Situ then approached Qi Yuan, bullying him, the aura on his body enveloped Qi Yuan, his phoenix eyes sank, his eyes lingered down from Qi Yuan's fair neck, his Adam's apple slipped, his heart thumped, he seemed to understand that he Want to get something.

she was.

He wants her.

Her body, her heart, all her dependence.

Situ then thought, a qualified hunter should swallow the prey without spitting out a bone.

Qi Yuan was stared at by Situ Sui until her scalp became numb. She was very sure that the big tonic was ill again. However, in the last world, her soul was pulled and she was already very weak. The big tonic rushed to nourish her soul. How could she refuse? ~
"it is good."

As soon as Qi Yuan's words fell, Situ Sui's momentary astonishment reappeared in his eyes, and Qi Yuan tsk-tsk in his heart, what are you afraid of with the big tonic, he won't suffer.


It's really hard to say whether the big tonic will suffer or not.

Qi Yuan and Situ went into the study. In the solemn study, Xin Tao sat in the guest seat, her back straight, and her back was slim and graceful due to the light green dress.

Hearing the movement, Xin Tao looked back and got up.

Xin Tao is worthy of being a beauty, with a plump peach face, curved willow-leaf eyebrows, and a pair of peach blossom eyes shining like spring water, pure black like lacquer, a small Qiong nose, and bright red lips.

The figure is slim and graceful, with good bumps.

Qi Yuan lingered again, lamenting that Xin Tao's beauty was not compromised by hunger. Sure enough, some beauties are born with preferential treatment.

When Qi Yuan admired Xin Tao's beauty, Xin Tao was also amazed by Qi Yuan. She was too hungry during the day, and only remembered Qi Yuan's blue eyes were clear and pure. Now, she can see Qi Yuan's whole picture clearly. It's exaggerated, and what's even more amazing is that Qi Yuan has a detached temperament, not like a woman in the world.

Situ then stood aside, completely ignored.

"Ahem, Miss Xin, let's talk about our cooperation next."

Xin Tao's eyes were lingering, she still met Qi Yuan, she bent her lips and chuckled, her voice was still hoarse, but she subconsciously slowed down, "Okay."

Situ was so jealous: "...Miss Xin, it's the proper courtesy to watch people answer."

The little shemale is his!


Xin Tao came back to her senses, and couldn't help feeling embarrassed when she saw Situ Sui's eyes that wanted to cut her into pieces, "Sorry, I just hit it off with the girl just now, and I thought of a friend of mine, but it's a pity that I haven't seen her for many years. I don't know What's the girl's name?"

Situ Sui: "..."

This woman wants to steal his little shemale?It doesn't look straight.

Qi Yuan's eyes twitched lightly: "Qi Yuan."

The plasticity is good, and the temper is also interesting.

Xin Tao bent her lips, "Xin Tao."

Situ Sui finally couldn't bear it anymore, he stepped on his patience, abandoned the patience that the hunter was most proud of, and put his long and slender hands on Qi Yuan's waist.

Qi Yuan raised his eyes, clear and puzzled, puzzled by the behavior of the tonic.

Situ then interpreted Qi Yuan's gaze as unwillingness and resistance, but how could a hunter allow his prey to resist?
As a result, the hands became tighter.

Qi Yuan tugged, but didn't break free, and simply let Situ Sui move. Anyway, with Xin Tao around, he couldn't go out of line.

The candle flickered and blew out, leaving only the micron light of the moon, and the study was silent.

"There are not many rooms in the mansion, so I invite Miss Xin to temporarily live in the side house of the main courtyard."

Xin Tao frowned, it was rare to invite guests to live in the main courtyard, she became very wary, worried that Situ Sui had some conspiracy, but she had no ability to resist, so she could only agree.

Back in the room, Xin Tao was lying on the couch, the warm moonlight shone on the window, and shone into the room through the window, bright and flawless, Xin Tao's lips felt warm.

After being reborn, she went back and forth for several months, and this was the night she slept most peacefully.

Suddenly, a slight sound disturbed her, like the creaking of a wooden bed, she held her breath, followed by a fiery shallow moan, ambiguous and seductive.

Xintao: "..."

No wonder letting her live in the side room, it turned out that the city lord was jealous...

But she only likes men, and Miss Qi is beautiful as long as she is beautiful, she will never have any blasphemous thoughts.

However, Xin Tao despises and feels distressed, such a beautiful little girl, how could she be eaten by an unpredictable dog man?

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