In the room filled with the strongest atmosphere, blue hair and black hair are intertwined, and on the brocade quilt, the fair skin is glowing with a pink color, ambiguous and mottled.

"Red suits you."

The hoarse voice is mixed with a strange and strong masculine breath, stained with a soft tone, as if it is wrapped in unsweet honey, it confuses others and at the same time sobers itself.

Qi Yuan raised his back slightly, his blue eyes were shining, his arms were limp on the couch, unable to lift up, because of his inability to exert strength, Qi Yuan's brows were full of helplessness and irritability.

The soul is fragile, and the original owner, as a special creature, has a susceptibility period. She can't use the slightest bit of strength now, so she can only frown and let it go.

The charm of the crooning voice suddenly increased, the coldness became colder, the innocence became purer, and there was a bit of charm that Situ Sui had never heard before, and even dared not imagine.

The sweat on the forehead silently tells the long night, and the satisfaction flowing from the corners of the eyes shows the carnival that belongs to the two worlds alone.

The humming sound circulated and reverberated in the room infinitely, blushing the moonlight that sneaked in, and the wax tears dripping from the body of the candle fell silently, quietly telling the prosperity of the flickering red candle.

The next morning.

The handsome man on the couch has trembling eyelashes, slender and thick, like a crow's feather, extremely mysterious, suddenly, the ink-colored cold light flashed, and then turned into warmth, half-stretched his arms, propped up his upper body, his flawless skin was exposed to the air, his fair skin Not a trace.

Situ then lowered his eyes, and the dark and warm eyes hit the 'little girl' beside him, with snow-like skin, dotted with red plums, aggrieved and delicate.

The slender neck, Adam's apple slides.

His eyes were hot.


Xiao Jiaojiao is his.

When Qi Yuan returned to the cage, the alarm bell rang in her mind, as if there was a pervert staring at her!
Qi Yuan suddenly opened his eyes, and stared at Situ Sui's 'fanatic' eyes, paused, curled his fingers twice, and found that he still couldn't use his strength, and was frustrated in his heart.

As a mermaid goblin, the original owner still has a susceptibility period, is this normal?
Qi Yuan just wanted to continue resting, intending to recover his strength, and then turn over the old score and teach this extremely abnormal tonic a lesson.

"Miss Qi won't get up?" Situ concealed the enthusiasm in his eyes, and returned to a gentle and fierce look, "Miss Xin is still waiting in the side hall."

Qi Yuan rolled his eyes, and taking advantage of Situ Sui's inattention, he took out a bottle of qi invigorating pill and swallowed it all.

The lower abdomen is dry and hot, flowing through the limbs.

Finally, Qi Yuan regained some strength.

After Qi Yuan regained some strength, the first thing he did was to kick Situ Sui out of bed.

Situ then noticed something, the defense in his eyes suddenly rose and then fell down in an instant, allowing himself to slip down on the couch, wearing only simple obscene clothes.

The two of them fussed about tidying themselves up, half an hour had passed.

In the side hall, the fragrance of tea is like smoke, and the rich fragrance makes the air in the room quiet.

Xin Tao caressed the blue teacup with cracked ice, and sat on the chair with a slim figure.

A slight voice came, and Xin Tao raised her eyes when she heard the sound, and there were two graceful figures coming against the light.

Xin Tao subconsciously put down her teacup and stood up.

"Lord City Lord."

Situ glanced at Xin Tao, took Qi Yuan to sit in the main seat, poured a cup of hot tea for Qi Yuan very naturally, touched the teacup with his finger, put the teacup lightly on Qi Yuan's hand, and said softly, "Hot, wait a while Drink again."

Situ then looked at Xin Tao, who was still standing there, with narrow phoenix eyes, "Miss Xin, please sit down."

Xin Tao tucked her hands into her cuffs, curled up slightly, her face was pretty and calm, she nodded slightly, "Thank you, Lord City Master."

Qi Yuan put his hands on the teacup, the temperature was slightly hot.

"Miss Xin, why don't you talk about our conditions."

"Your Highness, you must be more careful when you go to Buwang City this time. I heard that the city lord of Buwang City likes novelty. Recently, he got a new beauty with blue eyes. I don't know if the beauty brought by Your Highness will be favored by the city lord, alas."

The third prince looked at the counselor in white beside him, and silently pursed his lips, "It doesn't matter."

The counselor in white looked at the gorgeous carriage in the back. In the carriage, sat ten beauties of defending the country. Each of them was carefully cultivated, well-mannered, proficient in poetry and melody, and even more proficient in men's preferences, and could satisfy men's various requirements.

The carriage drove slowly and firmly, towards the dusk, towards the straight horizon, the combination of orange and light pink and dark blue, the sound of crisp bells swaggered, and the loneliness was filled with a touch of contradictory bustling bright colors.

The night was clear, without stars or moon.

"Miss Xin, this is a pot of white orchids."

Fengyan holds a pot of white orchids in both hands. Compared with ordinary orchids, the petals are more delicate and beautiful, more delicate and symmetrical, like handicrafts carefully carved by the world, fake, but with a contrasting aura.

Xin Tao held the exquisite dagger in her right hand, sniffed lightly with her nose, and pursed her peachy lips lightly. The beauty's eyes were hesitant, and her face was determined. It was the most stunning picture under the dim light.

It's a pity that Feng Yan's face remained unchanged, and he turned a blind eye to me who was still pity for the beauty, "Miss Xin, the child's time is about to pass, please make a decision in time."

Liu Ye's eyebrows frowned, lifted up mischievously like a spring breeze in February.

Xin Tao slowly raised her hand, put her left hand on the delicate orchid, turned her neck, her slender white neck moved slightly, looked towards the main courtyard bedroom, then retracted her gaze, and raised her right hand.

Blood flowers fell on the delicate pebbles of the pot.




Finally, Xue Se climbed up to the peach blossom surface.

Fengyan's voice seemed unbearable, and there was obvious admiration in his eyes, and his indifferent voice softened a little, "Miss hard work, today is enough."

Xin Tao raised the corners of her lips, her bloodless lips parted slightly, her voice was elegant and relaxed, "It's not hard work, my lord is joking."

It was just a deal, she wanted to save the Liang country, and the city lord only wanted her to raise a flower with her blood.

No matter what the city lord's purpose is, as far as she is concerned, what she got in this transaction is far more than what she paid.

A few days later, Xin Tao decided to go out for a walk, to visit the rumored City of Immortality.

She heard, 'It is better to have a grass in the city than a thousand treasures in the world'.

Xin Tao stepped out of the city lord's mansion, followed by the maidservants of the city lord's mansion, all of them were beautiful, enchanting, and powerful in martial arts.

"Miss Gingko, is there anything interesting in Buwangcheng?" Xin Tao was dressed in a light-colored pink dress with a pair of necklaces hanging around her waist.

Gingko was dressed in the maid's costume required by the City Lord's Mansion, a moon-white long skirt, embroidered with simple patterns, which belonged exclusively to the city of Buwang. Although it was a maid's costume, it was unconventional, simple but not shabby.

"Miss Xin, there are many places in Buwang City that are good, but the most famous one is Changping Street, where there are many entertainment shops in Buwang City, which are open day and night, and the prosperity is evident."

Xin Tao immediately made a decision and went to Changping Street.

The first time she stepped onto Changping Street, Xin Tao saw a familiar figure——Qi Yuan.

A charming, silent beauty who can control the mind of the castellan and change the castellan's thoughts at will.

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