Xin Tao made up her mind to build a good relationship with Qi Yuan, but she suffers from not being able to see Qi Yuan often.

At this time, Xin Tao refused to let go of the chance to get it, and stepped forward.

"It's not that I don't want to accept your script, it's just that your writing is too bloody and violent!"

The boss with a kind face and shrewd eyes was full of helplessness, rejecting Qi Yuan every word like crying blood.

Qi Yuan put on a wooden face, "Oh."

In the age of science and technology, the Internet is strictly censored, and it was also like this in ancient times?

So what else is there to write about?

full of pathos?

But what she wrote was about fighting for world supremacy.

[Host, in your book, it is a woman who is fighting for world supremacy, and the male lead is simply a beautiful trash who only knows how to eat!If it does not conform to the mainstream thinking, it is destined that no one will take a fancy to it. 】

Besides, the host's writing...

Seriously, not so good.

What a shame.

Qi Yuan: "..."

Her forte probably has nothing to do with literature.

[Host, you are suitable for fighting, farming and fortune-telling, practicing small pills, you are so good! 】

As for the script of the host, it might only be acceptable to put it in the world of female venerables.

Then it... arrange a test to see if it is the host's writing problem!

Qi is willing to ignore the system. Humans have a saying that hexagonal warriors are so-called all-around talents, and she must be!

Qi Yuan turned around and took a step, but was overtaken by Xin Tao who rushed over and blocked his way.

After the beauty ran, her cheeks were flushed, like a soft peach in summer, and the fragrance of flowers flowed all over her body.

Qi Yuan took a step back and took a look at Xin Tao, her lips were slightly white, and the rouge couldn't stop her sickly white: "What's the matter, Miss Xin?"

She has been busy arguing with Situ Sui recently, and has never thought of Xin Tao.

"Miss Qi, the orchid that the city lord told me has turned crimson, but I haven't seen the city lord, so I can't tell you." Xin Tao smiled and said softly, "It is fate to see the girl today, please tell the girl."

Xin Tao's emotions towards Qi Yuan became more and more complicated. She grew up in the palace, and her heart was sinister. She knew it since she was a child, but she couldn't see Qi Yuan.

In Qi Yuan's eyes, there is no desire for power, high position, fame, or money that should be in the world.


Qi Yuan agreed, seeing that Xin Tao was still standing in front of her, "Is there anything else?"

"Can I invite the girl to sit in the teahouse?"

Qi Yuan was bored and didn't want to go back to see Situ Sui. Recently, Situ Sui's bad nature was stimulated, and he always wanted her to become a mermaid and do something with her.

Dead pervert!
I don't want to see him anymore.

One dog thing!
In the private room on the second floor of the teahouse, Miss Gingko is guarding the door, and there are only Qi Yuan and Xintao in the teahouse.

Two cups of tea and two beauties, one is cold and untouched by the mortal world, and the other is graceful and agile with pride.

"Why did Miss Qi agree to help me?" Xin Tao's beautiful eyes were puzzled, "I have nothing to give back to Miss."


Qing Ling's voice was full of charm, Qi Yuan was restless and lowered his voice.

Every time she opened her mouth, she felt that she was going to seduce someone and was irritated.

The tone of the single character is engraved with infinite style. When the coldness and style collide, it is unmatched by all the charms in the world.

Xin Tao was stunned for a moment, and after realizing it, blood dripped from the tips of her ears, "Miss Qi said that I was the price?"

Xin Tao couldn't figure it out, she was just a woman with no power or influence, how could Qi Yuan like her.

"I want you to return to the Kingdom of Liang—to seize the throne."

There was a crisp sound of Lingling.

The teacup pours.

Xin Tao's sleeves were wet, and she didn't have time to tidy up. At this moment, she was so shocked by Qi Yuan's words that she couldn't speak, her heart was beating wildly, as if it was going to break through her chest, blood and flesh.

Qi Yuan looked at Xin Tao, suppressed the irritability in his heart, and patiently explained, "Your value is to be the first empress, the first empress to be written in the history books."

Qi Yuan's desolate eyes are serious, and there is no trace of joking or ridicule, let alone the jokes of the Arabian Nights.

Xin Tao touched her wet cuff to her chest, trying to suppress her beating heart with brute force.

"Miss Qi, I'm just an ordinary woman, I don't have the ability to open up the world."

"The five princesses of the Liang Kingdom, the twins of heaven and earth, why belittle yourself."

Xin Tao's eyes widened for a moment, she...

Coming out of the tea room, Qi Yuan yawned, the unglamorous dusk made her sleepy, but she didn't want to go back to the city lord's mansion to see Situ Sui at all.

She really doesn't know how this big tonic is so perverted?He is interested in fish? ? ?

After Qi Yuan and Xin Tao separated, Qi Yuan picked a direction and walked straight. Unexpectedly, he reached the main road outside the city lord's mansion.

Qi Yuan looked at the sunset covered by the horizon, "..."

Can't escape the perverted big tonic?

Tonight is the day for her transformation to return to her original form!
The big tonic has been waiting for three days...

Qi Yuan really dislikes it. Looking into the distance, it really doesn't work. She will go to the sea to make do with it tonight?
"Girl, is the city ahead?"

Qi Yuan slipped out of the city gate. The refugees a few days ago had been resettled to nearby counties. At this time, the outside of Buwang City was clean and vast without any trace.

A long carriage drove slowly, and a dark man with tight cuffs came, with a knife pinned to his waist, with an ordinary appearance and deep kung fu hidden under his feet.

Qi Yuan nodded, but didn't speak. Facing strangers, she didn't want to make a charming voice.

Her mighty and domineering image cannot be shattered!

The man raised his eyes and glanced at the plaque on the tower of Buwang City, then turned his gaze back to Qi Yuan, "Thank you, girl."

The man stopped talking, turned around and ignored Qi Yuan, and hurried towards the leading carriage.

Qi Yuan raised his eyes and glanced away, his eyes paused slightly, the male lead?

She doesn't seem to have received any information from the hero and the world.

[...Well, host, I forgot to send it to you, so I will send it to you now! 】

The man of the world advocated Xuan Yong, the third prince of the Wei Kingdom, conquered the South and the North, merged the three kingdoms into one, ended the 300-year-long chaos of the Three Kingdoms, and became the emperor of the Eastern Wei Dynasty.

No mistress.

[As for the villain, the Lord of the Immortal City, I don’t have detailed information. You can find out by yourself. However, so far, the only good news is that the progress of defeating the villain is 99%, and your current points are 109.9. 】

Qi Yuan was silent for a moment, and beat the system to the ground. Other people's systems are assists, but her system is a venomous trash who slows down and steals points.

Just as Qi Yuan was about to raise his legs and walk towards the sea, the man in the lead carriage came towards her, calling Qi Yuan with a gentle voice.

"Miss Qi, long time no see, don't you remember this hall?"

Qi Yuan stopped in her tracks, with a tense face, and looked at the man—Zhang Xuanyong. She didn't find anything related to the male lead in the original owner's memory.

The system suddenly jumped out.

[Host, the original owner has a bad memory and a small brain capacity, so I don’t remember it. In fact, the original owner and the male host discussed it, and asked the original owner to go to Buwang City to seduce the villain. This is why the host woke up in Buwang City. The reason. 】

Qi Yuan is completely silent, why is this world getting harder and harder?Aren't other people's tasks getting easier?

Not only did the task become more difficult, but even mysteries emerged one after another.

Is it reasonable?

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