Chapter 21 Sir, Madam Reported You Again 21
Qi Yuan: "Do you need to pay the rent?"

Jiang Sui's eyes twitched. What kind of rent do they pay for their relationship?
Could it be that in her heart, he is so greedy for money?


Qi Yuan nodded decisively, "Thank you."

The big villain still has a conscience.

It was not in vain that she wasted her lunch break reporting him.

[Host, you can do it!Report other people's property, but also want people to be grateful to you?Beautiful you! 】

"To shut up!"

Qi Yuan kicked down the system, but she couldn't hear the truth.

Walking through the corridor, Qi Yuan entered Qi Pan's ward. After a month of recuperation, Qi Pan finally grew some flesh, but compared with little girls of the same age, he was much thinner.

When Qi Pan saw Qi Yuan, his nimble black eyes were full of surprise.

"Sister, uncle bought me a beautiful little skirt today, I will wear it for my sister, okay?"

Qi Yuan stopped Qi Pan, the illness is just recovering, the body is so weak, it's better not to toss about.

"Pack up tonight, see what you have to bring, and leave the hospital tomorrow."

Qi Pan danced with excitement, "Sister, can I finally leave the hospital?"

Qi Yuan nodded.

Qi Pan didn't have many things to bring, some daily necessities and clothes, a twenty-inch suitcase was enough to hold them.

Early the next morning, when Qi Yuan woke up, he found that Qi Pan had dressed himself up beautifully, combing his hair beautifully in the mirror.

Qi Yuan turned to look at the clock, 06:30, she woke up early, how about going back to sleep?
Thinking of going to sleep, Qi Yuan yawned, her soul needs nourishment, sleep is undoubtedly a good way.

It's just that Qi Yuan wants to sleep, but Qi Pan doesn't want to!
Seeing that Qi Yuan woke up, Qi Pan ran over, "Sister, get up quickly, we are going home!"

Qi Yuan's sleepy eyes were hazy, "Yes."

Pack up the things first, and send Qi Pan to Jiang Sui's house. She will save some rent, and the task targets are all together, which is convenient for management.


This is the first time I saw someone doing this task, the young master deserves to be the young master.

Qi Yuan carried the suitcase and pulled Qi Pan out of the hospital. He thought it was a familiar black motorcade, but he didn't expect it to be replaced by a... Sao Baofan motorcade.

Passers-by all looked sideways, pointing at the convoy, curious and mocking at the same time.

"Which dandy rich second generation picks up his girlfriend, right? This pink color must be liked by his girlfriend."

"To tell you the truth, I've lived for 30 years, but I've never seen anything like this. This pink car... Is the prodigal son a love brain?"

"I guess so, that woman should be pretty, right? Blessed!"

Qi Yuan looked at Qi Pan with strange eyes, Jiang Sui wouldn't like Qi Pan, would he?
But Qi Pan is only 12 years old!
Jiang Sui wants to be ashamed?!

[Host, do you still remember what I said, use love to influence the villain? 】

Qi Yuan: "Then stepping on a horse can't make Qi Pan fall into the fire pit?!"


This is a lack of brain, right?

It sure is.

Shouldn't normal people think of themselves first?

The system doesn't bother to pay attention to Qi Yuan anymore, it's just waiting for a good show!
The evil system escaped.

Jiang Sui got out of the car, followed by two bodyguards wearing sunglasses. Usually, in a normal area, they don't wear sunglasses.

Qi Pan saw Jiang Sui and waved to him kindly, "Uncle! Your car is so beautiful!"

Jiang Sui smiled and thought, the car was changed correctly.

Seeing Jiang Sui's expression, Qi Yuan hardened his fist.

Jiang Sui ordered the bodyguards to put the luggage on the car, brought Qi Pan to the car, and looked at Qi Yuan.

Qi Yuan is wearing white long sleeves and jeans today, very simple and youthful.

"I haven't eaten breakfast yet. I arranged for someone to prepare breakfast and put it in the car."

Jiang Sui's tone was very gentle, Qi Yuan stared at him twice, then nodded coldly, making Jiang Sui confused.

Qi Yuan followed Jiang Sui into the car, intending to eat enough to gather some strength before teaching Jiang Sui who coveted Qi Pan a lesson.

Qi Yuan was biting the crab roe steamed bun, his peach blossom eyes were full of joy and satisfaction.

Jiang Sui noticed Qi Yuan's unconscious expression, and his heart softened a little. In the past, his life was only indifference, but now, his life has warmth.

Qi Yuan picked up another steamed bun and bit into it, the juice flowed down her wrist and soaked her sleeves.

Jiang Sui quickly took out the tissue, grabbed Qi Yuan's hand, and cleaned the grease off her wrist.

"Did you get burned?"

Qi Yuan pursed his lips, and stared down at Jiang Sui's hand, which was well-defined, slender and fair, with a warm current.

This was not the first time she touched Jiang Sui's hand, but this time, she could feel a kind of power, which was light but could nourish her soul.

Qi Yuan broke away from Jiang Sui's hand and looked directly at him, "You are too nervous."

Jiang Sui was very surprised. His awakening of power might have something to do with this stuff in him.

Jiang Sui's ears were slightly red, but his complexion remained the same, "You are my girlfriend, of course I am nervous."

Qi Yuan: "...what?"

What is Jiang Sui talking about?!

Since when is she his girlfriend?!

Seeing Qi Yuan's questioning, Jiang Sui couldn't help frowning, "You promised me yesterday, do you want to renege on your debt?"

He has lived for 27 years and is in love for the first time, so he can't die without a problem in such an unclear way.

Qi Yuan: "I promised you yesterday?"

She lost her memory?

Why can't she remember?
"Naturally." Jiang Sui added again, "You saved me last night and confessed your love to me. I promise you."

Qi Yuan: ???
"You said I confessed to you?"

Qi Yuan squeezed her wrist, she confessed to the villain only when she was sick!
She lay well in the temple, but the villain's power awakened, and she was thrown into the small world by her mother!
She could have been salted forever!
It's all the villain's fault!
Jiang Sui's eyes dodged, she said yesterday that he was important, wasn't she just confessing to him?

Jiang Sui plucked up his courage and pulled Qi Yuan into his arms, "I like you too."

He likes her very much.

She threw a boulder at his dead sea-like heart lake, how could he escape gracefully?
He wants to keep her.

Qi Yuan wanted to do it directly and beat Jiang Sui to death, but the breath on Jiang Sui made her dazed, the nourishing breath was stronger, more effective than sleep nourishment.

Qi Yuan's voice, muffled, overflowed from Jiang Sui's arms: "Okay."

【Host! ! !Sober up! ! !Your mother god won't let you fall in love ah ah ah ah——]

Although at the beginning, it teased the host and made the host influence with love, but that is the active atmosphere!

[Host, you are awake——]


The system was kicked away.

Qi Yuan put his arms around Jiang Sui's waist, took a deep breath, and rubbed against his arms, it was a great tonic!

According to scientific research, the shelf life of human love is six months to four years.

She nourishes and nourishes first, and when the time comes, she can take a healthy body and go wandering around the world!
Qi Yuan's little abacus was crackling in his heart, and his whole body was filled with joy.

Jiang Sui noticed Qi Yuan's movements, and couldn't help grinning, his arms clasped Qi Yuan, and slowly tightened.

The driver and bodyguard in the front row looked up at the rearview mirror from time to time.

The bodyguard whispered: "When will sir remember that there is still a partition in the car?"

They want to watch gossip, but they don't want to watch dog abuse!
Qi Pan, who was put in a car alone, had already forgotten about Qi Yuan, and was happily eating with cheese in his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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