Chapter 22 Sir, Madam Reported You Again 22
A month later.

North City, Dingxin Clubhouse.

"Bai Shao, this song is very good, it meets your standard, thank you."

The woman in the black short skirt holds the wine glass in her hand, smiles like a flower, and gracefully lifts up to the white sail, her eyes flicker, she looks enchanting.

Bai Fan looked at the woman with his eyes, and the corners of his lips curled up, "After Zhang Dage, he knows the current affairs."

Bai Fan looked at the enchanting woman in front of him, and for a song, he lowered his body and felt happy.

The woman brought the wine glass to her lips, raised her head and drank it, seeing Bai Fan's heart warming.

Bai Fan stared at the woman with fiery eyes, he quickly called out to the system, "How many points is this woman worth?"

[100 points. 】

The cold mechanical voice came out, still emotionless.

The smile on Baifan's lips deepened, "Sister Jing, I heard that the food at Beiyu Hotel is good. It just so happens that we have time, why don't we try it?"

The woman put down her wine glass, looked at Bai Fan, and couldn't help but chuckle, "Young Master Bai, how much do you think a mere song is worth from me?"

The woman stood up, her face turned cold instantly, picked up the bag on the sofa, and snorted coldly, "Bai Fan, there are works without character, and you will die sooner or later. You should find someone else to cooperate with this song, I still have something to do. Farewell."

Bai Fan's complexion changed suddenly, his eyes were dark, he stared at the woman's back, he clenched his fist and punched the sofa hard, "Damn it! Damn it!"

Bai Fan took out his mobile phone and made a call. His voice was soft and gentle, but his face was terrified, "Baby, I miss you. Let's meet at Beiyu Hotel, shall we? I remember that you like the red wine at Beiyu Hotel the most."

After receiving an affirmative answer, Bai Fan hung up the phone, poured himself a glass of wine, and drank it down.

Bai Fan gritted his teeth, "How many points is this woman worth?"

【30. 】

The system no longer wants to deal with Bai Fan, it looks down on Bai Fan from the bottom of its heart.

Countless resources can be exchanged for points, but Bai Fan only focuses on 'sexual' resources, stink!

Bai Fan took his coat, got out of the box, and drove to Beiyu Hotel.

Outside the Beiyu Hotel.

"Miss Qi, you have been waiting for half an hour, no...won't you go in?"

The bodyguard was a little nervous. He was worried that Qi Yuan would suddenly report Beiyu Hotel. This hotel belonged to Tang Jingchen to the outside world, but his husband became a shareholder and had the absolute say in the hotel.

Qi Yuan stared at the door, "No rush."

Letting Bai Fan go for so long, it's time for him to pay a price.

Unqualified children of luck should give way in time.


more worried.

The bodyguard struggled again and again, and finally took out the phone, tapped, edited a message, and sent it out.

"Sir!!! Ms. Qi is at the entrance of Beiyu Hotel! It is very likely that she will report it! Come here quickly!!!"

The bodyguard stared nervously at Qi Yuan, glancing at his phone from time to time, waiting for Jiang Sui's instructions.

"Ding ~"

The bodyguard quickly picked up the phone, his face contorted, and saw that the information on the phone was displayed.

"Follow her."

The bodyguard put away his mobile phone, wishing he could slap himself two big mouths.

What's the hurry!He is a young couple who loves each other and spends money to play. What is he, a single poor dog, worried about for others?
Finally, Bai Fan's car came, Bai Fan got out of the car gracefully, threw the car keys to the parking boy, stuffed a few tips, and walked into the hotel swaggeringly.

Qi Yuan's eyes lit up, he turned his head, "Go, go upstairs."

The bodyguard hurriedly got out of the car, and opened the car door for Qi Yuan before he got around the body, and Qi Yuan jumped down.


Feel like I'm about to lose my job.

Qi Yuan didn't notice the strangeness of the bodyguard, and stepped forward quickly, with his calves running fast, while the bodyguard trotted behind him, almost being thrown off.

Qi Yuan went straight to the elevator and pressed the button for the eighth floor.

Eighth floor.

A beautiful little girl, wearing light makeup and carrying a small white bag, looks young.

The two looked at each other, the pretty girl looked Qi Yuan up and down, rolled her eyes, snorted coldly, and entered room 8002 triumphantly.

Qi Yuan: "..."

Why are you still staring at people casually?

The bodyguard was also speechless. If the husband was here, the little girl would not be sent to reclamation?

Qi Yuan took out his mobile phone, "Hello, I want to report a well-known artist for inducing fans to have a relationship with him, the location is..."

【Host, can you stop meddling with the male lead? 】

The system is helpless, whose host is so nosy! ! !

The host's own task has not been completed yet! ! !

[Host, have you ever heard a sentence, everyone cleans the snow in front of the door, and don't care about others. 】

Qi Yuan sullenly said: "You don't understand, this young master is a great love!"

Is that her trying to meddle?!

Is it because she doesn't want salted fish?!

Gou Tiandao bribed her and asked her to help deal with the unqualified Luck Son, and it distributed part of its energy to her to help her nourish her soul.

After all, she is false!


The system huddled together and kicked itself away.

Not long after, the police arrived.

"Meet you again, Ms. Qi." The tall and thin policeman smiled helplessly.

The police station is going to become this man's private office!

But... this guy is really giving them results!
Qi Yuan nodded, put on his sunglasses, and waved his face, "8002, Bai Fan."

The thin and tall policeman greeted the people behind him and knocked on the door of 8002 together.

The door was opened, and Bai Fan was wrapped in a bathrobe. There were several red marks and red marks on his bare chest. When he saw the police, Bai Fan panicked and closed the door quickly.

It's a pity that the reaction speed of the police is much faster than that of Bai Fan. The police kicked the door open, "Catch him!"

Some movement caused the guests from other rooms to come out to watch the play. When they saw Bai Fan, they all held their mobile phones, snapping pictures and pointing at Bai Fan.

"I've heard that he is not a good person. I didn't expect to have such a good time. The day before yesterday was not this woman."

"Really? This is more fun than our Young Master Liu!"

Hearing the word Liu Shao, Qi Yuan followed the voice and looked over.

A handsome but visibly frail man, about 25 or [-] years old, with a beautiful woman in his arms.

"Is that Liu Xiang?"

【correct! 】

Qi Yuan held up his sunglasses and solved them one by one, not in a hurry.

Bai Fan was turned over to the police car, Qi Yuan entered the police station again with the mentality of watching the excitement.

Police reception room.

Qi Yuan: "Underage?"

The thin and tall policeman: "No. Fortunately, Bai Fan is still a public figure, so perverted!"

Qi Yuan echoed: "How many years can I be sentenced?"

The thin and tall policeman shook his head, "It's hard to say, it depends on the court's sentence. If it is normal, according to his crime, it will take more than ten years!"

The thin and tall policeman poured a glass of water, "We are old acquaintances too, next time you see this kind of person, you call me, I will take him there right away, we can't let our North City encourage unhealthy atmosphere!"

Qi Yuan asked silently: "Is there any reward?"

Last time she caught a human trafficker, she rewarded her with 250 yuan.

Although the numbers are unlucky, fly legs are also meat!

She decisively transferred the two hundred and five to Jiang Sui.

Hearing the reward, the thin and tall policeman pointed to the pennant, "How about I ask the director to customize a few pieces for you?"

Qi Yuan: "... Forget it."

This thing was placed in Jiang Sui's villa, so he couldn't be mad at it?

Qi Yuan chatted with the thin and tall policeman for a while, and finally prepared to go back under the eager eyes of the bodyguards.

(End of this chapter)

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