Xia Ban'er looked at Situ Sui, blinked her big eyes, and reacted instantly, holding a baked potato with yin and yang, "Hey, isn't this Mr. Situ, the idler?! May sister follow you like a flower stuck in cow dung superior!"

Situ Sui's eyes moved slightly, "Miss Xia, do you think there is something wrong with my wife's vision?"

Xia Ban'er: "...that... that's all you tricked Sister Yuanyuan! You don't have any fame, no self-motivation, and you still don't go out to work! In case you finish eating up your family money, do you want Sister Yuan to accompany you? Are you living on the street?!"

Xia Ban'er said everything like a cannonball, and she breathed a sigh of relief, ignoring Situ Sui's strange eyes, she quickly looked at Qi Yuan, her black grape-like eyes were full of smiles.

"Sister Yuanyuan, my eldest brother is only a young man, and he still has military achievements. He will definitely be a great general with an unlimited future. You should think about it!"

"Although my elder brother is not as good-looking as Young Master Situ, he is physically stronger than him!"

Qi Yuan glanced at Situ Sui from the corner of his eye, and his eyes collided with Situ Sui's. Seeing that he wanted to throw Xia Ban'er out, Qi Yuan pursed his lips silently.

Qi Yuan bent his lips to Shang Xia Ban'er's expectant eyes, "Your elder brother will have his own marriage, and he is not the second generation ancestor. If you count it, one-third of the wealth of Weiguo belongs to him."

Xia Ban'er's eyes widened: "!!!"

Sister Yuan must be lying to her, right? !
How can someone be rich without handling a job? !

Xia Ban'er stared at Situ Sui curiously, and did not forget to nibble on the potatoes in his hands, "Mr. Situ, is what sister Mayan said is true?"

Situ Sui didn't bother to argue with Xia Ban'er, a 14-year-old girl who had been pampered all the time, so it was inevitable that she didn't have a brain.


Xia Ban'er continued to nibble on the baked potato in her hand, frowned, and stared at Situ Sui fiercely. After a long time, she asked, "Mr. Situ, are you a relative of the emperor?"

Being so rich has not been suppressed by the emperor, there must be a big background!

May sister will never be wronged!

that's nice!

Disdain poured out of Situ Sui's eyes, he walked towards Qi Yuan, cleaned up the baked potato skins next to Qi Yuan's hand, and answered Xia Ban'er's question by the way, "No."

What are royal relatives and relatives? There is genetic filth in their bones!
When Xia Ban'er wanted to ask something, Situ slightly raised his hand, "Fengyan, send Miss Xia back to General Weiyuan's residence."

Xia Ban'er pouted, and Feng Yan, dressed in black, suddenly appeared beside her. She didn't make a fuss, but quickly put a few baked potatoes on the table into her arms with both hands.

After being caught by Feng Yan, Xia Ban'er shouted goodbye to Qi Yuan, "Sister Yuan Yuan! See you some other day!"

After the commotion, there was a silence.

Situ Sui took advantage of the situation and sat beside Qi Yuan, holding the only baked potato left on the table in his hand, "You demons can conjure food out of thin air?"

This stinky thing smells good, as for the taste, he saw that Xia Ban'er tasted delicious, and the young lady of the General's Mansion is like this, it seems that the taste of this thing is really good.

Qi Yuan took the baked potatoes from Situ Sui, and peeled them off for him, delicately and patiently, "It's not considered conjured out of thin air, it's just something I saved before."

"You have a mustard world on your body?"

Qi Yuan raised his eyes subconsciously, "You know?"

Every god has his own mustard world, which can be regarded as a storage space. The tiny world contains an infinite world. This is the meaning of the mustard world.

great tonic...

Are some memories recovering?
Or did he not completely obliterate the original memory?

Situ then shook his head, his eyes were dim, he blurted out subconsciously, but he didn't have any memory about the mustard world.

It's like—this is something he should have known, and even if he dies, he will never forget it.

Qi Yuan lowered her eyes and her eyelashes trembled to cover up her uneasiness.

"System, arrange for my next meeting with my uncle."

[Host, Lord Jiuyin is still in the previous plane...to tease my sister, why don't you go back to the previous plane for a look? 】

"Can I go back?"

Qi Yuan was stunned. She didn't even know why she was sent out to the previous world. She only remembered that when she met Qin Xiangsong, she saw a pair of blood-colored eyes. Afterwards, her soul was torn apart. In the end, she was forcibly sent out to the previous world.

[Of course I can go back!But it takes 500 points!The current points of the host are not enough~]

The system's flat tone successfully won Qi Yuan's punch.

Qi Yuan peeled the potatoes in his hands clean, and after handing the potatoes to Situ Sui, she fixed her eyes on him and looked him up and down.

Great tonic... what else can be exchanged for points?
She had to go back to see her uncle, she had a lot of questions to ask, and she had to linger in the small world unclearly.

She has a right to know why!
Qi Yuan frowned suddenly, the bitter taste in his heart was so strange...

Unknown emotions were like an abyss, pulling Qi Yuan continuously until her eyes went dark and she lost consciousness.

【! ! ! 】

Why is the host getting weaker and weaker?

Why is the host of the system next door getting more and more popular? !

The system looked at Qi Yuan's remaining more than 100 points, and hesitated whether to buy her some medicine to strengthen her body. After all, the prerequisite for completing the task is to have a good body!

While the system hesitated, it was suddenly locked in a small black room.

【? ? ? 】

Did the host and the tonic do something indescribable?

In the room, Situ frowned and wiped Qi Yuan's body. The silk handkerchief was damp, and he wiped his body gently, as if treating a peerless treasure. There was no trace on his white and tender skin.

Situ Sui put his hand on Qi Yuan's wrist, and said in a low voice, his sincere tone was like an unstoppable oath, "We must find the Lingzhu as soon as possible."

She has to live.

If possible, it would be great if he could exchange his life for her, but unfortunately, he is a cursed person, and the elixir of life is a curse of a gift.

At that time, he was the son of subjugated country that was asserted by the national teacher. He was abandoned within a month after he was born, traveled to many countries, suffered from hunger and cold countless times, he will always remember the cold winter nights, and the embarrassment of having only one rag.

Later, when he was 14 years old, he accidentally learned the source of his suffering, and accidentally got a bottle of longevity pill.

He swore that the country will be destroyed by him.

Sure enough, he endured the layout for many years and personally ruined a country, his mother country.

Later, he seemed to fall in love with Zhan Luan, the world is chess, he played against the sky, disrupted the chess game countless times, and spread suffering to all parts of the world.

He has the longevity that humans want; he has the rights that humans want; he also has the wealth that humans want.

He thought that he would be the only exception in the world, playing the world in his hands.

But, she became his variable.

He has lived for more than 700 years, how could he not know that life is more important than love?How can you not understand that love in the world is short and treacherous?

But, how ridiculous, the most sober person is the most depraved.

Falling in love at first sight is the choice of the soul; falling in love for a long time is the fall of reason.

In the end, it's just because it's her.

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