It was already a month later that Qi Yuan became sober again.

At that time, the Wei country was in war, the old emperor was critically ill, five princes seized power, and no one cared about the old emperor's life.

The capital of the country is in chaos, and the people stay behind closed doors.

Zhuangzi on the outskirts of the capital was dead silent.

Qi Yuan slowly opened her eyes, the bitter herbal smell filled her nose, and the warm touch instantly brought her back to her senses, pulling her chaotic thoughts back to the present.

The blue eyes were bright, and a faint light flashed in the bottom of the eyes.

Qi Yuan raised his hand, his palm was slightly cool, the back of his hand was flushed like a slight indentation, and the palm of his hand was covering the man beside the bed. During the slight movements, the man made some movements.

Situ Sui slowly raised his body, propped his arms on the bed, and met Qi Yuan's blue eyes.

The surprise burst out in an instant.


Situ Sui's voice was stuck, he didn't know what to say, his anticipation and hope failed countless times, and suddenly he had it, it was inevitable that he would lose his voice.

Qi Yuan stared at Situ Sui, seeing him speechless, "How long has it been since you slept well?"

Thick dark circles can be a national treasure.

Situ Sui didn't react for a while, his eyes flickered, "What?"

With slightly cold fingers, Qi Yuan raised his hand to cover Situ Sui's eye sockets, reminding him softly, "Dark circles."

Situ reacted quickly, raised his hand to grab Qi Yuan's, and said hoarsely, "I'm fine, how is your health?"

The worry in the phoenix's eyes was dense in an instant, sweeping Qi Yuan's sight.

Qi Yuan blinked his eyes slightly, subconsciously avoiding Situ Sui's gaze, and put his hands on his lower abdomen, feeling the slight current in his dantian.

It seems that without the original owner's spirit beads, the body can no longer bear it.

Up to one month, and one more month.

Qi Yuan lowered his eyes, his hand was still held warmly by Situ Sui.

"What do you think a person should look like? How can one be a person?"

I want to see my uncle.

Want points.

To fulfill the long-cherished wish of the original owner.

Situ then narrowed his eyebrows, raised his eyes to give Qi Yuan his gaze, and said softly, "Why do you want to be a human?"

Qi Yuan frowned, his eyes were confused, and he looked at his boss Situ Sui's cold and disapproving phoenix eyes, "I don't know."

I don't know why the original owner insists on being a human being, and I don't know why she lingers in the small world.

Situ took advantage of the situation and sat down on the couch, holding Qi Yuan in his arms.

"How about we go find the Lingzhu and return to Buwang City after finding the Lingzhu?"

The tone of the inquiry was soft, so gentle that it was impossible to refute it, perhaps, being extremely gentle was the most powerful force.

Qi Yuan didn't speak, she... didn't feel the existence of the Lingzhu.

Perhaps, the Lingzhu no longer exists.

Qi Yuan twisted his fingers subconsciously and nodded slightly. Situ Sui wanted to find not only the spirit beads, but also peace of mind.

Qi Yuan rested for a few days, and at the urging of Situ Sui, Qi Yuan finally left Zhuangzi.

Qi Yuan and Situ Sui walked in the capital of Weiguo. The capital, which had always been prosperous, was silent now.

The vendors did not leave their stalls, and the common people stayed behind closed doors. The chirping of birds and the chirping of cicadas could be heard everywhere.

The dead silence of the capital was mixed with blood, and wet blood was splashed on the wall.

Everything is silent, as if no one exists, falling like an abyss.

Situ then took Qi Yuan into his arms, and said in a calm voice, "Wan Yuan, are you afraid?"

Qi Yuan raised his arm slightly to push Situ Sui away, the dislike of the blue color was obvious.

"Hot, stay away from me."

Situ Sui lowered his eyes, was pushed away by Qi Yuan, and followed Qi Yuan's intention, "Okay."

Qi Yuan pursed his lips slightly, can he continue to make the big tonic that can't speak?She would rather beat him than feel bad for him.

She... hates feeling soft-hearted.

It's like being led by the nose.

But he is a great tonic, she unconsciously softens her heart, and likewise, she hates this unconsciousness.

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