Chapter 281 The Beginning and the End Part 8
Inside the Moon Palace.

The fragrance is lingering, and the light clouds are hovering outside the hall. The white color is pure and pure, as if pious.

"You want to subvert the Six Realms for a little girl who doesn't even exist?" The white porcelain face is like an angel, without a trace of pores, it is delicate and smooth. His eyes were sharp, "Yu Sui, are you crazy?"

Yu Sui glanced over lightly, the woman was leaning on the chair, her posture was unrestrained and unrestrained, he pulled out a touch of arc, slightly cool, "Won't it exist? You and that little boy have been messing around for 33 days, and that is only inherited by your blood." How could the little fox not exist?"

With their cultivation base, they could see the origins of the two little foxes clearly, but unfortunately, they couldn't get a glimpse of her spiritual memory.

As for madness?
No matter how crazy he is, he won't be as crazy as Jiu Chu, this woman!
At the beginning of Jiuchu, the apricot eyes were restrained, and the black eyes were shining brightly. The sharp color approached Yu Sui, "Our little phoenix is ​​not a badass, Yu Sui, if you talk nonsense again, I will destroy your demon world."

"Little Phoenix?" Divine Emperor Feng Yi interjected with a smile, "Aside from our God Realm, where else is there a little Phoenix in the six worlds? By the way, where did your little Bai...Little Phoenix come from?"

Jiu Chuding glanced at Feng Yi, looked away, looked in the direction of the palace gate, and said softly, "Your nephew."

Feng Yi: "???"

Did she just say something about her nephew?
Did she just talk about her nephew?
She just said it was his nephew?

Feng Yi reacted for a long time, and then he jumped up and down when he came back to his senses. When he didn't notice, his sleeve knocked over the wine glass on the table, and pointed at Jiu Chu with trembling fingers, with a heartbroken expression, "Jiu Chu! How old are you?" You don’t know the age? You harmed the emperor’s nephew?!”

"Feng Qi only transformed last year! How shameless are you?! He's still a child!"


Feng Yi patted his chest, his face was flushed with anger, his fingers were trembling, and his eyes were fixed on Jiu Chu.

Jiuchu glanced lightly, "This deity and Minghua are best friends."


Feng Yi got stuck, silently withdrew his fingers, and stammered, "Then...then treat Feng Qi well."

Minghua is his little Huahua, so she can't be fooled by this crazy woman in Jiuchu, if Xiaohuahua is fooled into not liking him, there will be no God Queen in God Realm, that's not okay!

Then work hard, little nephew!

You can have a daughter-in-law just out of shape, and your little nephew should be very happy!

that's nice!

Yu Sui glanced sideways, silently watching Feng Yi and Jiu Chu's farce, what he wanted to do, they would definitely jump in, they couldn't resist that temptation.

That little fox looks good to him, but unfortunately, it is uncertain whether the little fox will exist when the big business is completed.

Yu Sui stroked his chin lightly with his fingers, his eyes turned to the outside of the hall, the curve of his lips was faintly visible, and the bloodthirsty love was concealed under the softness of the disguise.

He is a demon.

How could he give up the avenue he pursued for the love of a strange woman?
Outside the Yueming Hall, at the Six Realms Banquet, there were singing and dancing, the fragrance of sake, and the ancient gods in elegant clothes coming and going, chatting with each other.

Qi Yuan and Jiuyu sat in the position of the demon world, gnawing on the fairy fruit with the most aura and the sweetest taste millions of years ago.

"Sister, some uncles and aunts look familiar." Jiuyu held a red fruit in his hand, and the red juice of the fruit was also stained on his cheeks, "Is that Uncle Fengqi? He's so young!"

Qi Yuan followed Jiuyu's line of sight, and happened to collide with the young boy's gaze. The boy bent his lips and smiled softly, but the smile didn't reach his eyes.

Qi Yuan had no expression on his face, but his tone was affirmative, "It's him."

Laughing is more embarrassing than crying, it is Fengqi God Venerable.

As for why the Fengqi God Venerable didn't change his name and surname, probably—the Six Realms believed that 'Fengqi God Venerable' was the title of the 33rd Heaven Venerable, and every god was called Fengqi God Venerable...

She probably figured out the strangeness of the Nine Sorrows River. Those ancient gods would "death escape" every once in a while, and continue to appear in different identities, for fear of covering up the secret of "eternal life".

With this secret in her mind, she still doesn't know if she can leave the river of nine sorrows.

After all, the current Nine Sorrows River is not only a retrospective of the history of the gods, but more like——

Misplaced time and space.

Pulled around and moved the whole body.

(End of this chapter)

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