Chapter 282 The Beginning and the End Part 9
Qi Yuan and Jiuyu were at the banquet, whispering and observing the ancient gods. At the same time, those ancient gods were also paying attention to their movements.

I don't know how long it has passed, the wine and fruit at the banquet have been changed several times, and there have been several singing and dancing, but Yu Sui and the others still don't come back.

Under the guesswork of the gods, Yu Sui finally appeared.

Under the staring eyes of the gods, Yu Sui went straight to Qi Yuan's direction, and sat down beside Qi Yuan. The hair, the unrestrained appearance chuckled, extremely charming.

"Little fox, how about the drinks at the banquet? Do you still like it? If you like it, how many jars will I bring you back to the palace?"

Qi Yuan's face was sullen, a numbness rose from the crevices of her bones, making her want to tremble, her black eyes were calm, she tried her best to ignore the pain and numbness of the unstable mind, her voice seemed to be squeezed out from between her teeth , "My lord, please respect yourself."

"The junior dare not insult His Majesty?"

The smile in Yu Sui's eyes was slightly cold, his knuckle fingers landed in the air, and he retracted gently, with a smile still on his face, "Little fox, I allow you to commit the following crimes."

How to carry out his great cause without falling into the trap?

Qi Yuan lowered her eyes and didn't notice Yu Sui's expression, but hearing Yu Sui's voice, she felt defensive in her heart. Now it's not her great tonic, but the supreme demon.

A bloodthirsty demon, even if he smiles, will not have good intentions.

Qi Yuan kneaded Jiuyu's little hands, still lowered his head, and answered Yu Sui's words, "Your Majesty is serious. The junior knows he is not worthy of His Majesty, so he dare not insult him."

There is nothing worth cherishing between them, and the dignified demon will not have feelings at will. As for his abnormality...

Qi Yuan didn't dare to think deeply, but she had to think deeply, she had to prepare for the worst.

Jiuyu picked up a piece of red heart fruit, handed it to Qi Yuan's mouth, raised a smiling face, "Sister, sweet! Smile!"

They made my sister unhappy, so annoying!

You have to practice hard and beat them up!

Jiuyu glanced at Yu Sui from the corner of her eyes, blinked, and gave Yu Sui a cute smile. From now on, she will beat this Demon Lord to death, and then tie him to the main shrine to be her sister's male favorite!

Jiuyu stared at Yu Sui's face carefully, and couldn't help nodding.

She wants her sister to raise as many beautiful beauties as her uncle!

Yu Sui was ashamed and annoyed at Qi Yuan's clear rejection. He is a Demon Lord, almost no opponent in the Six Realms, his appearance is even better, and his personality is surprisingly good. This little fox is blind!

He doesn't dislike her low cultivation level, but she is not satisfied?

Yu Sui was ashamed, staring at Qi Yuan's side face, trying to win back a city, but Jiuyu's gaze made him frown, he glanced over, and met Shang Jiuyu's scorching and gradually "perverted" gaze , Slightly narrowing his phoenix eyes, releasing his coercion without hesitation, staring at Jiuyu, but speaking to Qi Yuan, "Little fox, you dare not blaspheme this deity, but your incomplete sister dare .”

Sure enough, his charisma appeals to all ages.

Qi Yuan: "..."

When was this dog man sent to the small world?She prefers a big tonic in a small world.

Jiuyu frowned, "Uncle, are you shameless? I'm not even a hundred years old!"

There are still more than 900 years before she comes of age.

Yu Sui withdrew his gaze, seeing that Qi Yuan still refused to talk to him, but pulled Jiuyu into her arms, his heart was on fire for no reason, and he couldn't help but say, "Little fox, if you miss this deity, you will regret it for the rest of your life. "

Gotta like him!
He is not attractive?

You have to like him, otherwise... what will happen to his great cause?
(End of this chapter)

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