Chapter 284 The Beginning and the End Part 11
The conversation between Jiuchu and Feng Yi ended hastily, and Yu Sui who was talked about by them knew nothing about it, with a strong smile in his eyes and focused eyes, only the shadow of Qi Yuan in his eyes.

There was nothing special about the process of the banquet. The only thing worth mentioning was the combination of the 33 heavenly gods and the god emperor's nephew, who were independent of the God Realm.

As for the others, the gods are curious about the relationship between the Demon Lord and the woman beside him; curious about the relationship between the God Emperor and the female official of the underworld; curious about the relationship between the Demon Lord and his adoptive sister...

It seems that this big banquet is more like a symposium on gossip from the Six Realms.

At the end of the banquet, the voices of all kinds of guessing and guessing gradually become smaller, and occasionally there will be one or two, and fresher gossip will come out on top.

The sound of the wind rustled, like a madman practicing dancing, breaking off the canopy of the surrounding trees, blowing it into the air, and drifting with the wind. If you were not careful, you would be hit by the broken branches, and the pain was unspeakable.

Qi Yuan was protected in Yu Sui's arms. Against the backdrop of Yu Sui's tall figure, she was extremely petite and well-behaved.

Yu Sui stared at the gust of wind in front of him, the corners of his lips curved freely, and his eyes were so complicated that he couldn't tell the current situation clearly.

"Little fox, tell me, what color, what flavor, and what is my favorite?" Yu Sui's deep voice was full of magnetism, and after a while, he added, "That's right, I allow you a condition."

For a long time, Yu Sui couldn't wait for Qi Yuan's voice. When his heart gradually cooled down, a muffled voice sounded from his arms.

"You like blood color the most, sweet and sour flavors the most, and what you like the to control everything."

Qi Yuan tightly grasped the skirt of Yu Sui's chest, the evil wind was raging, it made her back ache, and the pain of being torn apart from her spirit became more and more intense, she didn't dare stick her head out, she was afraid.

So scared.

The chest trembled slightly, Yu Sui noticed it, his eyelids drooped, looking at the little girl in white clothes in his arms, his heart was touched.

Yu Sui's eyes trembled slightly, and suddenly became cold and hard.

Qi Yuan was pulled out in an instant, and the evil wind blew across her face, blowing her hair into a mess like a broom, she squinted her eyes hard, overcame the violent wind, looked at Yu Sui, and was speechless for a moment.

He used his strength to maintain the shape, so couldn't he also maintain her shape?

Qi Yuan sullenly roared in his heart, after a while, Qi Yuan was bounced away by a burst of force and completely lost consciousness.

Waking up again, it was in the main temple.

The main temple? !

Qi Yuan raised his arms awkwardly, raised his hand to pinch a floating cloud, and his golden merit was slightly weaker.

The floating clouds are soft to the touch and really cute.

"You child, you are still so frizzy when you grow up!"

The seductive woman smiled like a flower, as bright as a midsummer, she put her slender hand on Qi Yuan's forehead, and cursed with a smile.

Qi Yuan looked confused: "Mother God? Why am I here?"

Wasn't she thrown by the Demon Lord into the Abyss of No Return at the junction of Demon and Demon?
Is she not dead?
"You child!" The woman rolled her eyes, "Going to practice in the small world, you actually got together with the ancestor of the demon king! You are so courageous!"

Qi Yuan: "..."

Why can't you understand?

Why is the mother god here?
Also, did she not fall into the abyss of no return?

"Mother God, the Nine Rivers of Sorrows—"

Before Qi Yuan finished speaking, he was interrupted.

"You know that the Nine Sorrows River is a forbidden area, but you still dare to trespass, you are quite courageous!"

"It's Jiuyu..."

"Yu'er hasn't woken up yet and is still cultivating in Qingqiu Mountain. How can you blame your sister?"

The woman raised her hand and tapped Qi Yuan's forehead lightly, and rolled her eyes hard.

Qi Yuan's pupils shrank suddenly, how could it be possible? !
(End of this chapter)

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