Chapter 285 The Beginning and the End Part 12
Qi Yuan stared carefully at the mother god in front of him, the woman rolled her eyes fiercely, Qi Yuan's doubts became heavier, and a cloud was cast over her heart.

Flipping his wrist, he punched the woman in front of him hard.


A burst of white light suddenly appeared.

A vast expanse of white.

White enough to make people panic.

Qi Yuan opened his eyes again, and the layout of the dormitory in front of him was a little familiar, decorated with red silk, and there was a faint smile in his ears.

Qi Yuan calmed down and looked towards the softly ringing bedroom door.

Yu Sui was wearing a red wedding dress, with a handful of blood roses on his chest, a pretty face, and red boots on his feet with boundless joy.

"I would like to, the deity come to marry—"

Qi Yuan hurriedly rushed towards Yusui.


With a cold face, Qi Yuan shook his right hand, the red in front of his eyes disappeared, and turned into a vast expanse of white again.

Qi Yuan endured the boundless white rampant anger and kneaded his wrist.

The eyebrows and eyes are cold, and the corners of the lips are straight.

Gradually, the vast expanse of whiteness in front of her eyes turned into an illusion again, Qi Yuan raised her head calmly, she wanted to see how much this illusion had changed.

A burst of dizziness hit, Qi Yuan had to forcefully close his eyes and carefully feel everything around him.

"elder sister!"

Qi Yuan opened his eyes, looked around at Jin Xin's beautiful face, and looked around.

The scene in front of me is the scene on the second day after Jin Xin took over the Qi family company.

Jin Xin walked over to Qi Yuan with a smile on her high heels.

With a sullen face, Qi Yuan swung his fist again.

the other side.

"What kind of strange woman is this horse riding?! The illusion is so real! Does she show mercy at all?!"

"There are already ten illusion scenes on this horse! She still has no illusion that she wants to leave behind?!"

A mass of black mist with no substance roared furiously, and in the air in front of him was the brutal scene of Qi Yuan punching a phantom mirror.

Yu Sui pursed his lips and stared at Qi Yuan, "Forget it, the things she cares about in her mind are extremely useless, so let her out."

The black mist circled around Yu Sui, laughing wildly, "Just now I was reluctant to throw people down, labor and capital did it for you, now seeing that the girl has you in her heart, do you feel sorry for her?"

"Demon Lord!"

"Don't forget your promise to me!"

"What is more deceptive than eternal life?"

"Just a woman—"

Yu Sui raised his hand and imprisoned the black mist in the light circle, his phoenix eyes were like sharp swords, "I want you to send the little fox out."

The stern voice was slightly crazy, and the scarlet blood in his eyes was hard to suppress.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Hei Wu's laughter became more and more rampant, "You let it go when you say it? Are you playing a house when you don't return to Yuan as an employee?"

"It's not easy to get in, but it's hard to get out!"

Yu Sui pinched the black mist fiercely, his fingertips were white, and his face was as calm as water, "The deity said, bring her out."

The voice is slow and powerful.

"Hahahaha... Lord Mozun, you are innocent sometimes!" Hei Wu laughed wantonly, "Demon Venerable, Mozun, do you think the illusion is so easy to crack?"

"If this little fox never stays in one of the illusions, then she must go through countless illusions without stopping."

Yu Sui tightened his grip, he stared at Qi Yuan in mid-air, his palm tightened suddenly, as if the black mist was about to be cut off, he groaned in pain.

Yu Sui stared at Qi Yuan's every move, not daring to cause any disturbance.

The God Realm is also not optimistic.

"Don't return to the Yuan?!" The god emperor Feng Yi lost his former dignity and indifference, with a disturbing glint in his eyes, he rushed to Jiuchu who had just entered the palace to ask.

(End of this chapter)

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