Chapter 29 Sir, Madam Reported You Again (End)
"How long can I lie on the hospital bed?"

[At least 50 years. 】

"Fast through!"


without hesitation.

Lying in a vegetable state for 50 years, bouncing and jumping for five years as a human being, of course she chooses to be a human being!
The overdraft of energy soon took effect.

Qi Yuan's fingers trembled slightly. Jiang Sui thought it was an illusion, but after staring carefully for two seconds, his slender fingers really trembled!

Jiang Sui hurriedly rang the bell, staring nervously at Qi Yuan's hand.

When Qi Pan heard the movement, he quickly dropped his chopsticks, "What's wrong with my sister?"

"The finger moved."


The hoarse voice broke the tense atmosphere in the ward.

Jiang Sui and Qi Pan turned their eyes from their hands to their faces, meeting Qi Yuan's dark eyes and slightly parted lips.


[Host, you should call for water! 】

"I want candy!"

Qi wished to kick down the system to wake her up, but he kept procrastinating, hum!

Jiang Sui frantically touched his pockets, and finally, under Qi Yuan's expectant gaze, his eyes were flushed, "I'll go buy it right away, okay?"

Qi Yuan: "..."

She is the one who can't eat sugar!
Why is Jiang Sui crying?
Qi Yuan nodded in confusion.

The doctors rushed to the ward and gave Qi Yuan a detailed examination.At the same time, the news of Qi Yuan's awakening quickly spread to the ears of the leaders of various research institutes.

The North City reappeared last year's grand occasion. Vehicles were strictly controlled, and the city's public security was once again strictly checked. Personnel entering and leaving the North City were inevitably checked. The most serious thing was the Sheng'an Hospital, which had completely sealed off the tenth floor, and ordinary doctors and nurses could not enter.

Qi Yuan accepted a series of physical examinations with a candy in his mouth.

The old expert looked at the report card, "Mr. Jiang, please come out with me."

Qi Yuan shouted to the two of them, "I have the right to know my physical condition."

She just wanted to know if medicine could detect it in the five years the system said.

The old expert looked at Jiang Sui, unable to make a decision for a moment, he knew Qi Yuan's deeds, and he knew she would accept it.

Jiang Sui's phoenix eyes drooped, and he clenched his fists, "Let's talk about it here."

The old expert looked in pain, "Ms. Qi's organs have fallen into failure, and her body functions are deteriorating. There are still five years at most."

Qi Yuan: "... quite accurate."

But organ failure is a system's trick, she can jump and jump, and she can still drink a thousand cups!
A day later, Qi Yuan was finally discharged from the hospital. As soon as he left, he was chased home by a group of big bosses.

In the villa, a group of bigwigs sat in a circle, booing and asking Qi Yuan.

Qi Yuan couldn't take it anymore, "If you have nothing to do, come back next time."

Sending away a group of big shots, Qi Pan took the medicine, but couldn't find Qi Yuan no matter what.

"Brother-in-law, my sister is gone!"

At this time, it was Qi Yuan who was sitting in the business class of the plane, wearing a blindfold and enjoying himself.

[Host, can you be an individual? 】

"I sent a WeChat message."

Those two housekeepers would never agree to her going on a trip!

I can only cut first and then play~
Qi Yuan happily roams the world, in a wonderful mood.Of course, if you ignore Jiang Sui and Qi Pan's daily video calls.

In a blink of an eye, five years have passed.

The news of Qi Yuan has never appeared in the public eye, and people have forgotten that there is such a person, but some Limin technology products come out from time to time, but there is never any news of the developer.

Jiang Sui's marriage proposal has never been uttered, and Qi Pan successfully graduated from abroad and continued his studies.

Qi Yuan's pretty face is the same as before, without any trace of age.

Qi Yuan lay on the hospital bed again, and told Jiang Sui dying, "You must remember to do charity."

She's only 1% off her mission!

Jiang Sui, give me some strength!
[Host, why don't you speak normally?It sounds awkward. 】

"What do you know, people who are about to die talk like this."

Such entrustment has a sense of ceremony!

Look at her, she never forgets to do tasks even when she is dying!

[However, host, you just die tonight, and there are still ten hours. 】

"Ignore these details."

Jiang Sui held Qi Yuan's hand, and the calmness in her phoenix eyes was replaced by waves, bursting out with stubbornness, "Then you promise me one thing."

Qi Yuan: "..."

She is the one who will die!
Wasn't she the one who made the condition? !
Qi Yuan said weakly, "Say it."

"marry me."

Qi Yuan's eyes widened suddenly, and he stopped pretending to be weak, "You want to marry a dead man?"

Jiang Sui looked suspicious, "Are you okay?"

Qi Yuan rolled his eyes, "Don't you know, what do you think?"

Jiang Sui didn't explain, "I just ask you to marry me."

Even if I have you one day.

Qi Yuan pondered for three seconds, then nodded decisively, "Then remember to be a good person."

The 962 organization must have returned to him, and a new male protagonist of the world will be born. If Jiang Sui doesn't be a good person, her mission will fail.

[Host, are you a human being? Jiang Sui loves you so much, chuff~ woo~ so touching~]

Qi Yuan: "...I'm not human in the first place."

[...Wow, wow——]

The system howled ghostly and was kicked away by Qi Yuan again.

In the ward, the staff tried their best to smile and wish the couple well.

Soon, the staff handed the marriage certificate to Qi Yuan and Jiang Sui, and sincerely wished: "Happy newlyweds, Ms. Qi, Mr. Jiang."

But I couldn't help but sigh in my heart, feeling the injustice of the world.

Qi Yuan leaned in Jiang Sui's arms, looked at the marriage certificate, a little disappointed, "So it looks like this."

Jiang Sui bowed his head, and his warm lips touched Qi Yuan's forehead, which was slightly cool, a kiss full of love and hope without desire, expressing his heartache.

That night, the person in Jiang Sui's arms was not breathing, and his sitting posture did not change at all.

Outside the ward, Qi Pan was standing in the corridor with her head down, her eyes filled with tears, she covered her mouth, raised her head slowly, tears flowed down her fingers, "Thank you, thank you for taking care of me for so long for my sister... Sister, let's go..."

When we met for the first time, my sister stopped saying the familiar mantra, and her little habits changed accordingly, so she knew that it was not her sister.

system space.

Qi Yuan jumped up and down happily, "Finally back! Have you brought back the bloody dramas from my collection?"

【Host, aren't you curious about the future of this world? 】

"What are you curious about?" Qi Yuan fell into the soft sofa and sighed, "Each small world operates independently, and it operates just as well without me. It's not a small thing without me."

【...You are quite open-minded. 】

Is this the host of the depressive system?
It really is not human!

The system looks at the ending of the small world, Jiang Sui has been doing good deeds all his life, and is alone all his life; Qi Pan studied medicine, became an internationally renowned expert, and never married.

The system looks at its host again, it is eating well...

"Of course, that's right, don't tell the mother god about my young master's puppy love, or I will kill you to death!"

【do not worry!ensure! 】

Puppy love just kissed and didn't do anything, what's there to gossip about?
[By the way, 200 points will be rewarded for successfully completing your task; an additional 50 points will be rewarded for promoting the progress of the small world, a total of 250 points. 】


Qi Yuan thought of that human trafficker and the 250 yuan bounty.

"Forget it, let's introduce the next world first."

[Ok, host. 】

In the ancient world, a girl named Qiu Rongyin who studied history got a chance and accidentally fell into an ancient tomb. She traveled to the Dalong Dynasty and became the concubine of the emperor Huangfuzheng. Accelerated the demise of the Dalong Dynasty.

Qi Yuan froze as he gnawed on the pastry, "Study the heroine of history, the trajectory of later generations, and then accelerate the dynasty's demise? Is it funny?"

I have never heard of it. After knowing the winning numbers first, you can still miss the big prize.

(End of this chapter)

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