Chapter 30 Tyrant, Take a Bite of Meat Bun 1
"Where's the villain?"

【Please wait. 】

The villain's name is Xiao Sui, and he is the youngest son of the general Xiao's family in the Dalong Dynasty.

Because of the Xiao family's attempted rebellion, the male protagonist Huangfu conquered all the Xiao family. Xiao Sui, who was far away in the frontier, rushed back and directly led his troops into the imperial city, seized the throne, and became emperor.

"The Xiao family was wronged?"

[That's not true. 】

Qi Yuan was choked up immediately, he deserves to be a villain, as for... his name is Xiao Sui, does he have something to do with Jiang Sui?
"Okay, get ready..."

Before Qi Yuan finished speaking, the system took the first step and sent her to the small world.


Just as Qi Yuan opened his eyes, his back was hot and sour, hitting his soul directly.

"Nest grass~~~"


[Host, please receive the memory of the original owner, as well as the world quest. 】

The original owner's name was Qi Yuan, who was originally a small village girl in Qijia Village. Three years ago, the emperor conscripted the army. The original owner's father was afraid of losing his life, so he directly reported the original owner as a man.

The original owner fought hard, relying on his unafraid of death, he suddenly became a general who was not too big or too small.

However, her daughter's body was found out by the heroine Qiu Rongyin, and the emperor directly threw the original owner into the dungeon, intending to execute her.

[World task [-]: Fulfill the original owner's long-cherished wish: sell buns; World task [-]: Weaken the power of the villain Xiao Sui. 】

Qi Yuan stretched out her wrist and used her skill to sit up. Pulling the wound on her body, she cursed again.

Qi Yuan rubbed her calf muscles, looked around, and met the two people in the opposite cell, she immediately rolled her eyes.

The dog emperor deserves to be robbed of the throne by Xiao Sui!

Such a small belly can't accommodate a female general, bah!

Qiu Rongyin carefully stared at Qi Yuan for a while, then grabbed the iron gate of the dungeon, "Odd and even not?"

Qi Yuan's black and white eyes were full of disgust, "Don't do this, I don't know you."

Indirectly killing the original owner, they are now opposing parties!
Qiu Rongyin was more sure of her guess, so she looked even more anxious, "Gongting Yuye wine?"

Qi Yuan: "..."

This heroine has a lot of perseverance.

Qi Yuan kneaded his numb calf, stood up slowly, and said compassionately to Qiu Rong, "You are very annoying."

Qiu Rongyin: "How are you?"

Qi Yuan gave Qiu Rongyin another look, and silently observed the details of the dungeon. She still had to sell buns, so she had to get out early.

Moreover, she had to prove one thing.

"By the way, why did the original owner want to sell buns?"

[When I was marching and fighting, I almost starved to death once. It was an old lady who saved a bun and gave it to the original owner, saving her life. 】

"I see."

Seeing that Qi Yuan refused to talk to her, Qiu Rongyin was finally discouraged, but she was unwilling to look at Qi Yuan again, she firmly believed that Qi Yuan could understand.

"Rong'er, what did you mean by what you said just now?"

The man leaning on the side was covered in dirt, but he couldn't hide his arrogance. Even though the dust was low, he could still see that he was unyielding.

"Your Majesty, it's nothing, maybe Rong'er was thinking about it." Qiu Rongyin smiled, but did not tell Huangfu Zheng the truth.

Huangfuzheng concealed the suspicion in his eyes, and comforted him, "Don't worry, Rong'er, when I get out, Xiao Sui, that bastard, will be cut to pieces!"

Qi Yuan moved his foot, and a stone hit Huangfu Zheng's mouth directly, "Dalong is gone, what kind of emperor are you still? Are you afraid that Xiao Sui will kill you first?"

[Host, the villain is here! ! ! 】

The system sounds excited.

Qi Yuan blinked, it seems that there is something wrong with Xiao Sui's identity~
The young man in a black robe, tall and tall, with black boots on his feet, cold and gorgeous eyes, a pair of long and narrow phoenix eyes, full of wanton wildness.

Qi Yuan: "..."

It's really not right.

Her mother catches a villain to pluck the wool, can he not resist?
Xiao Sui noticed Qi Yuan's expression, saw her dull face, helplessness and sympathy in her eyes, and was curious, so she walked towards Qi Yuan.

"Qi Dazhuang?"

Qi Yuan's eyes widened suddenly, "What did you say?"

What is the dog man barking at? !

She is a beautiful little goddess, he called her Qi Dazhuang? !

Qi Yuan hardened his fist, gritted his teeth, and slammed his fist on the iron gate. Without accident, the iron gate flew away...

【Host!low profile!This is a tyrant! 】

Xiao Sui escaped in time, but his clothes were cut a lot.

Everyone was shocked by this change, shouted in panic, and the scene was in chaos.

"Escort! Escort!"

Qi Yuan pointed at Xiao Sui with a cold face, "His martial arts are better than all of you, what are you doing!"

"Bold!" The guard beside Xiao Sui pulled out his knife, his baby face was full of anger, "The criminal Qi Dazhuang, what is your Majesty... Then what, how can you contradict him!"

Xiao Sui kicked the guard, and with a pretty face, he snorted coldly, "Xiao Fei, if you forget your words next time, I will eunuch you as an eunuch."

Xiao Fei looked aggrieved, he just had a bad memory, "Your Majesty, can you be the chief executive?"

Xiao Suifeng raised her eyes slightly, and gave Xiao Fei a hard look, the young man spoke freely.

Afterwards, Xiao Sui looked Qi Yuan up and down, with a hint of disgust in his eyes, but his tone could not refuse, "Qi... Girl, how about going out for a walk with me?"

Qi Yuan nodded, took the lead, glanced at Xiao Fei, strode towards the outside of the dungeon.

After leaving the dungeon, Qi Yuan saw the long-lost sunshine, and just as he raised his hand to cover his eyes, he saw that his arm was not slippery. It must have been a long time since he took a bath, and she seemed to have a smell...

"Ahem, a little choking..."

Qi Yuan put down his arms in disgust and muttered softly.

The crowd following closely behind: "..."

Xiao Sui laughed out of his throat, and stretched his brows, "Miss Qi, why don't you follow the palace servants to wash it first?"

If it is wrong, apart from concealing her gender, this former female general has no other mistakes.

However, in his view, this is not a mistake.

On the contrary, a girl can kill the blood and become a general, which shows her courage and intelligence.

Qi Yuan nodded decisively, with a tense face, and left with a palace servant.

However, before he walked a few steps, he heard violent shouting out of thin air.

"Dog thief! Take your life!"

"Damn the tyrant!"

There was a rush of shouts, mixed with the sound of knives and sticks.

The sudden change forced Qi Yuan to turn his head quickly, and the two sides entangled each other like a raging fire.

"System, look, Xiao Sui's skill is really good."

"But compared to this young master, it's far behind."

"You said, I don't want to save my boyfriend from the previous life?"

"Wouldn't it be good to save him? After all, we must distinguish between public and private."

"This young master is not a god who is addicted to the past and cannot get out."

Qi Yuan stood where he was, persuading himself solemnly.

【...Save, the host is kind. 】

Host, you have already pulled out your knife, and asked if this system is fun?
Qi Yuan nodded to himself, "I'm very persuasive, so I'm going to help."

【Ha ha. 】

Qi Yuan was holding a big knife, and the back of the knife knocked one unconscious. That posture quickly attracted the firepower, and seven or eight assassins rushed forward.

(End of this chapter)

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