Chapter 37 Tyrant, Take a Bite of Meat Bun 8
Baozi shop.

Qi Yuan was still sitting in front of the steamed stuffed bun shop, staring at the big steamer and worrying. Her steamed stuffed stuffed bun was obviously good, so why was the business so bleak?

Qiu Rongyin was holding a plate, biting a bun and sitting beside Qi Yuan, "Miss Qi, do we want to improve this bun shop? For example, have a tasting? Or buy one and get one free?"

Qi Yuan shook his head, picked up a bun, took a bite, "I'm too lazy to do it."

What if the business gets better and she works so hard every day?
[? ? ?Host, what are you talking about? 】

This month's loss-making business was all done by the host? !

Simply, Qi Yuan sat beside Qiu Rongyin, and the two ate buns together.

"Miss Qi, I heard that there is another group of refugees in the outskirts of the city. After a long time, it will cause local uprisings. Alas... so difficult!"

Qi Yuan nodded, it was indeed a problem.

"System, check the task progress."

[Good host, weaken the villain's power: 1%.Please the host make persistent efforts. 】

Qi Yuan followed Qiu Rongyin's words and cheered her up, "It's up to you."

Qiu Rongyin: "..."

If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't reveal my identity.

She just studied history, didn't she study politics!

Qiu Rongyin gnawed on the steamed stuffed bun distraughtly, this man-eating dynasty!
Qi Yuan thought about it, hoping that Qiu Rongyin would be unreliable. After all, she is a woman who can subvert the dynasty by herself. She should figure out a way by herself.

"It's here, come here quickly."

The familiar voice successfully made Qi Yuan and Qiu Rongyin raise their heads and look in the direction of the voice.

It was Qi Sheng whom I met yesterday. He was carrying a package, and beside him was a woman who was holding a child.

Qi Sheng pulled Li Wenxiang and sat directly at the table, picked up the bun and stuffed it into her hand, "Hurry up and eat."

Li Wenxiang didn't shy away from it, and began to eat in big mouthfuls. He also enthusiastically greeted Qi Yuan and looked at Qi Yuan.

"You're a big girl, right? You're so good-looking, just the eyebrows... It's okay, if you ruin it, you can ruin it, and you can marry!"

"It's a good thing to get married and give birth to a fat boy in the future!"

Qi Yuan's scalp was numb: "..."

What kind of devil stepmother is this?
Qiu Rongyin's face was indescribable, "Miss Qi, Xiao Yu is very tired in the back kitchen, let's let him come out to eat something."

At any rate, he was an Ouchi bodyguard, so Xiao Yu's martial arts must not be bad.

It's not convenient for Miss Qi to make a move, so leave it to Xiao Yu!
Li Wenxiang turned her head to look at Qiu Rongyin, and nodded in admiration, "The little girl is so pretty, haven't you married yet? Let me introduce one to you? Guaranteed to be a capable one. What kind of work will the family have in the future? At least there is a man Give me a hand."

Qi Sheng agreed, looking at Qi Yuan, "No, I will hand over this steamed stuffed bun shop to your mother and me in the future, so we can marry with peace of mind, and you will have a bite to eat."

Qi Yuan was not used to them, "Five buns and ten cents, which one of you will pay?"

Qi Sheng felt ashamed and was angry for a while, he was her own father!

Qi Sheng threw the bun on the ground, pointed at Qi Yuan and yelled loudly.

"Lao-capital is your own father. You ask Lao-capital for money? Lao-capital has raised you for nothing, right?"

Seeing this, Li Wenxiang's eyes widened, she sang a bad face, and pretended to pull Qi Sheng to persuade her.

"Don't be angry, the child is still young, just kidding, the big girl is so obedient and capable, she will definitely be filial to us in the future."

Qi Yuan rolled his eyes, "No, which one of you will pay the ten cents? Otherwise, don't force me to do it."

As he spoke, Qi Yuan broke off a corner of the table, and with a little force, sawdust fluttered from his hands.

Qi Sheng and Li Wenxiang looked at each other, and they both saw the fear in each other's eyes.

Qi Sheng pointed to Qi Yuan's nose, and before he could curse out, Qi Yuan stopped him.

Qi Yuan looked indifferent, "As for me, I once concealed my identity and joined the army, and was almost executed. I don't know if the emperor will turn over the old account and kill everyone~"

[Host come on!They are so annoying!Like a bloodsucker! 】

Li Wenxiang turned pale, hugged the child tightly in his arms, and whispered to Qi Sheng, "Our little treasure is still young, if we get involved, we won't be able to be an official in the future! We'll just count on Xiaobao!"

Qi Sheng frowned, straightened his back, and opened his mouth to Qi Yuan like alms.

"You give labor and capital 50 taels of silver, and labor and capital will treat you as a daughter in the future!"

A daughter will not have great prospects!
He is a man with a son!

My son will be a high official in the future!
Qi Yuan ordered Qiu Rongyin to bring a pen and paper to write a severance letter, and called Xiao Yu over by the way.

After a while, Xiao Yu followed Qiu Rongyin, "Miss Qi, are you calling me?"

Qi Yuan nodded, "We want to sever the relationship, you will be a witness."

According to Xiao Yu's status, this witness has enough status, so he doesn't worry about Qi Sheng's repentance.

After all, there is no room for maneuver in repenting.

Qi Yuan took the pen and landed it on the paper. The handwriting seemed to be floating in the clouds, elegant and agile. Qi Yuan signed and handed the pen to Qi Sheng.


Seeing that Qi Yuan was happy to give 50 taels, Qi Sheng made up his mind and knew that it would be less.

Qi Sheng held a pen, looking like a rascal, "Give labor and capital 300 taels, otherwise I won't sign!"

Qi Yuan said with a cold face, "Then I will break into the palace today and kill the emperor. If we die together, no one will live."

Isn't that hard to say?

【...The host is really smart! 】

Qi Sheng was so bullied that he couldn't refute. Now that his wife and children are hot on the bed, he doesn't want to die!

50 taels is 50 taels, it can take several years!

You don't have to be implicated by this big girl, it's good!
Thinking about it, Qi Sheng gritted his teeth, signed, dropped his pen and reached out to Qi Yuan.

"50 taels! Not a penny less."

Xiao Yu threw a purse to Qi Sheng, and stood in front of Qi Yuan with a cold face, just like the king of Hades.

Qi Sheng quickly caught the purse, beamed with joy, and pulled Li Wenxiang away, "Wenxiang, let's buy two catties of meat to stew, and then buy new clothes for Xiaobao..."

Qiu Rongyin was indignant, "How can there be such parents in the world!"

"There are too many unqualified parents in the world."

Qi Yuan's indifferent words directly made Qiu Rongyin's eyes red, and she hugged Qi Yuan, "It's okay, it will feel better if you cry."

Qi Yuan: "..."

It's not her own parents, why is she crying?
How could the mighty and domineering Young Master God cry so easily?

Qi Yuan pulled Qiu Rongyin away, "Go to work quickly, don't try to be lazy, and, remember to write the notebook that Xiao Sui wants as soon as possible."

After Qi Yuan finished speaking, he turned around and walked to the steamer, fiddling with the steamer, "System, the original owner's wish is easy, next time follow this standard."

【Ha ha. 】

can not happen next time! ! !
"Girl, how did you sell this bun?"

The voice was weak, trembling, as if he had been hungry for a long time.

Qi Yuan raised his head to see a skinny boy who was starving, leading a half-grown girl, staring at the steamed buns in her steamer.

Qi Yuan frowned, "Are you rich?"

The young man's face was burning hot, his palms that had not been washed for a long time spread out, and the pitiful penny, "Only..."

Qi Yuan pointed to the table beside him, "Sit there and wait."

The day of a beautiful little goddess starts with good deeds~
[The day of the owner of the disfigured steamed stuffed bun shop starts with severing the relationship~]

(End of this chapter)

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