Chapter 38 Tyrant, Take a Bite of Meat Bun 9
Qi Yuan took two plates and placed them in front of the siblings.

The steamed stuffed buns on the plate are white and tender, big and chubby, and the ingredients are abundant when you look at them. The light noodle fragrance and meaty fragrance are overflowing, making people salivate.

The two brothers and sisters clasped hands, looked at each other, and stared at the steamed buns on the plate, swallowed, neither of them took the steamed stuffed buns.

Qi Yuan took the opportunity to sit down, "Dislike?"

The thin young man clutched the copper coins in his hand, shook his head with red eyes, straightened his back, and said in a hoarse voice, "Boss, we only have one penny. There are... too many buns, we can't afford them."

Qi Yuan stretched out his palm, "It just so happens that buns here are cheap, ten for a penny, give me the money."

[Host, I didn't realize that, you are so kind! 】

"Heh, dogs look down on people."

After Qi Yuan finished the system, he looked at the young man, and saw that the young man's eyes were red, he stood up, bent over, and solemnly put the copper money into Qi Yuan's hand.

The boy's voice was hoarse and he struggled to speak, "Thank you boss."

Xu Shi was used to malice, and the boy's stooped appearance was inexplicably tinged with piety.

Qi Yuan cleared her throat and felt the warmth of her body. Her eyes lit up, nourishing the power of her soul!
It's weak, but it's better than nothing!
"Say it again."

With a sullen face, Qi Yuan spoke out in a serious manner, leaving the siblings a little confused.

The boy paused, a little confused, and tentatively asked, "Thank you boss?"

Qi Yuan blinked, a little disappointed, that power did not reappear, presumably it was a good deed, and it could only be nourished once.

Qi Yuan nodded calmly, and greeted Qiu Rongyin, "Rongyin, bring two bowls of rice porridge from the back kitchen!"

The boy hurriedly pulled his younger sister to stand up, his black eyes were full of gratitude, he choked with sobs, and bowed to Qi Yuan, "Thank you boss, thank you boss..."

Qi Yuan: "...You're welcome."

She just wants to nourish the soul, and now she is so kind...

cough cough...

【Host, don't you always boast about your kindness?How does it feel to be praised now? 】

"feels good."

Qi Yuan kicked down the system as usual, and then greeted the young brother and sister to eat steamed stuffed buns.

The roadside is not noisy, the sun is shining, adding a little warmth to the early spring.

Qi Yuan turned his head and looked at the little girl who was gobbling it up. The little girl was braided upside down and looked skinny, with little flesh on her face and body, but her eyes were black and bright, very beautiful.

Qiu Rongyin took the rice porridge and put it on the table. She felt distressed and reached out to the girl to comfort her, but the girl timidly dodged her, and Qiu Rongyin hung her hand in the air.

Realizing that she was too panicked, the girl quickly put down the bun and stood up quickly, but accidentally tripped over the chair and fell to the ground. The boy rushed to help him, but was accidentally tripped by the girl.

Seeing this, Qiu Rongyin sighed in her heart, bent down to help the two brothers and sisters, laughed and teased, "You are too irritable, don't allow it next time."

The two brothers and sisters grabbed each other's hands and kept thanking Qiu Rongyin, "Thank you girl, thank you, thank you..."

Qiu Rongyin quickly waved her hands, blushing, since she came to this world, she hasn't been thanked by anyone yet.

"You're welcome, let's have some porridge."

The brother and sister thanked each other, and started gobbling again.

Qiu Rongyin pulled Qi Yuan, stood in front of the steamer, and asked in a low voice, "Miss Qi, can you take those two children in? The world is too chaotic, and it's hard for the two children to survive. If we hadn't met us today, I guess... Ugh!"

Qi Yuan raised her eyes and glanced at the sun, which dazzled slightly. She stretched out her hand, glanced at the direction of the young siblings, pinched her fingers, and her fingertips moved extremely quickly.

Qiu Rongyin swallowed, and asked cautiously, "Miss Qi, do you really know how to count?"

Isn't this feudal superstition?

Qi Yuan stopped his fingers, "Maybe."


"It's nothing." Qi Yuan withdrew his hand, "Their identities are a bit special."

Qiu Rongyin hugged Qi Yuan's arm curiously, blinked happily, and pretended to be cute and coquettish, "Sister, master! Do the math for me! I will pay two months' salary!"

Anyway, food and shelter are included!

No loss!

"You?" Qi Yuan glanced at him, "For the luck of the otherworldly guest, good things take time, and you will become a phoenix in blood."

Heaven's Way pro-daughter, there will be tribulations, and the ending will be good.

Qiu Rongyin raised her eyebrows with joy, but after thinking about it, she felt something was wrong, "I won't be in bad luck, am I? Hey, we are both strangers, so we should be similar?"

Qi Yuan interrupted Qiu Rongyin and changed the subject, "Let Xiao Yu bring out two baskets of buns."

She can't be called a stranger, and the small world will be her inheritance in the future, which is no different from her back garden.

Qiu Rongyin is in hot pursuit, and human beings will always look forward to the unknown.Similarly, Qiu Rongyin was more curious about Qi Yuan's mystery.

"No hurry, sister, how is your luck? Is the future a big shot?"

"Is it possible to leave a name in the history books?"



"Boss Qi!"

Qi Yuan turned around, looked at Qiu Rongyin with a smile, and clenched his hands into fists, "What do you want to know?"

Qiu Rongyin took two steps back, swallowed her saliva, and peeked at the young siblings not far away, pointing at the two, "I'll ask them if they can eat enough!"

After the silence was restored, Qi Yuan fiddled with the steamer, staring at the intersection on the corner of the street boredly, "Ten, nine, eight..."


Qiu Rongyin looked curiously at the street corner, "Miss Qi, what are you counting?"

"Two, one." Qi Yuan snapped his fingers, "Here we come."

I saw more than a dozen strong men pouring out from the corner of the street, with sticks on their shoulders, one by one, vicious and menacing, and the surrounding people walked around these people.

The young brothers and sisters put down their food, took each other's hands, and ran out of the steamed stuffed bun shop in a panic. They didn't have time to take away the packages they put on the table.

Seeing this, more than a dozen strong men chased after him, "Don't run!"

Seeing this scene, Qiu Rongyin was a little dazed. She was used to solving problems peacefully, and she would get violent when she saw a disagreement, let alone two teenagers!

"Xiao Yu! Xiao Yu! Someone is looking for fault!"

Qiu Rongyin knew she couldn't beat him, so she shouted with all her might.

Qi Yuan rubbed his ears, picked up a steamer, threw it in the direction of the big man, stepped on his feet, and quickly blocked in front of the two brothers and sisters.

The leading strong man was hit by the steamer and was forced to stop, and the strong men behind him also stopped.

On the street, the two sides confronted each other, and the surrounding people retreated further away, unwilling to join in the fun.

The brawny man pointed at Qi Yuan, his face gleaming with oil, and he raised his voice fiercely, "I advise you not to meddle in your own business! Do you know who Laozi belongs to?"

The young brothers and sisters turned pale, their eyes panicked.

The young man gritted his teeth, stretched out his arms, and stood in front of Qi Yuan. The strong man stared at the strong man as if he was going to die.

"If you want to catch me, catch me! It has nothing to do with her!"

The strong man and the people around him laughed, and pointed at the young man mockingly, "What a boy! You have a sense of loyalty! You just have no skills! Hahaha..."

(End of this chapter)

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