Chapter 39 Tyrant, Take a Bite of Meat Bun 10
As he said that, the leading strong man raised his hand, smiled and ordered behind him, "Brothers, let labor and management overthrow that bun shop! Add to the fun!"

The big guys laughed together, "That's it!"

The boy couldn't help but clenched his fists, the veins on his forehead popped up, and he shouted, "You bunch of bullies!"

The strong men laughed even more heartily, "Bully? Your grandfather and I are officials! Officials with the emperor's salary!"

Qi Yuan lowered his eyes and glanced at the back of the boy's neck, where a red birthmark was half hidden in his clothes.

Qi Yuan looked up at the strong man, took the boy aside, rubbed his wrists, and walked slowly towards the strong man, "Officer?"

The strong men were all grinning, unaware of the approaching danger.

"Of course it's an official! Our master and the emperor are good brothers! Even if our master commits a capital crime, the emperor will not touch a hair of him! Follow the master, we are not officials!"

The leading strong man looked at Qi Yuan, and the two mung beans squinted their eyes and rubbed their hands together, "The little girl has a good figure, that's the face... Tsk tsk, don't worry, labor and capital don't care about face, from now on you will be the fourth concubine of labor and capital!"

"Little girl, don't thank our boss!"

"That's right, our boss is in the capital, so we're right! Follow the boss in the future, and we'll guarantee that you'll be well-fed and spicy!"

The brawny men chattered and laughed harshly, which made people feel uncomfortable.

Seeing Xiao Yu walking out with the steamer in his arms, Qiu Rongyin at the side immediately let go of his hanging heart.

"Xiao Yu, save Miss Qi!"

Xiao Yu's eyes froze, he quickly picked up the long sword placed in the corner, and rushed over, the person his Majesty wants to protect must not make any mistakes!
Xiao Yufei stood in front of Qi Yuan, pointing his long sword at the strong men on the opposite side, "Bold!"

The strong men looked at each other and stepped back tacitly.

The leading brawny man knew he was ashamed, blushed, and pointed at Xiao Yu, "You little boy! Do you know who grandpa's master is? How dare you provoke grandpa?! Our master will let the emperor kill you all over the house!"

Xiao Yu was puzzled, and asked with a cold face, "Who is your master?"

His Majesty, when did you meet a dubious person?

If Madam is still alive, you must not break His Majesty's leg?
The leading brawny man straightened his back in an instant, gaining confidence, "Tell you! Our master, that's the emperor's hair boy—Master Liang Zi Yuliang, the servant of the Ministry of Punishment! Be afraid!"

Xiao Yu frowned, "It's so audacious to ignore the law and allow the servants to do evil, just to be the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment!"

Liang Ziyu dared to use His Majesty's name to run amok.

Simply lawless!
Seeing that Xiao Yu couldn't be fooled, the leading brawny man was annoyed, "Brothers, come on! Killing one today counts as one! We have a master protecting us, what are we afraid of!"

In an instant, the air became hot.

The big guys like a mountain of meat rushed over and waved their sticks at Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu picked up the long sword and jumped into the fight. With his fierce skill and unfancy moves, he overturned a group of strong men to the ground.

In an instant, the strong men on the ground howled in pain.

The leading strong man was thrown more than ten meters away, got up tremblingly from the ground, limped back without thinking about harsh words, looked back from time to time, afraid that Xiao Yu would chase him.

A quarter of an hour later, Xiao Yu stood proudly on the street, slowly withdrew his long sword, turned around with a cold face, walked towards Qi Yuan, bowed his head in respect and concern.

"Has Miss Qi been frightened?"


Xiao Yu felt relieved, and walked towards the bun shop with a long sword in his hand, "Okay."

The young man pulled the girl, with red eyes, and bowed to Qi Yuan, "I'm sorry, boss, we have troubled you. The one who wants to arrest us is a high-ranking official, we have to leave quickly, otherwise he will definitely not let you go."

"Your package over there, don't forget to take it away."

Qi Yuan didn't ask to stay, but pointed to the steamed stuffed bun shop, the table where the siblings ate steamed stuffed buns just now, and on it were the parcels of the siblings.

"Boss, don't worry, we will leave as soon as possible, and we won't implicate you..."

"What's the trouble!" Qiu Rongyin rushed out, distressed to persuade her to stay, "Stay here, you are so young, and there are no adults around you, if something unexpected happens, it will not be worth the loss!"

Looking at Qi Yuan, Qiu Rongyin said softly, "Miss Qi, let's keep them, and it would be nice to have someone to help with the work in the future!"

"If you lose five taels a day, you don't need to hire someone."


It is indeed impossible to refute.

When Qiu Rongyin was about to break up with Qi Yuan, the sound of orderly footsteps sounded, and the ground seemed to tremble. With the sound of orderly footsteps, she instantly thought of the army...

She turned around and saw the officers and soldiers holding weapons, their calves trembling, their eyelashes trembling uncontrollably.

Qi Yuan walked over slowly, his eyes flashed, and beside Liang Ziyu, he saw the strong man who had just run away.

Seeing Qi Yuan approaching, the strong man pointed at her and yelled at Liang Ziyu, "Master, it's this damn bitch, he's delaying the younger ones in arresting her!"

"Damn girls! Our master is here, and he still doesn't kneel down!"

The strong man pointed at Qi Yuan, very domineering.

Liang Ziyu was a handsome young man, dressed in official uniform, suave and dignified, he couldn't help but feel ashamed when he met Qi Yuan's gaze.

"Master, it's her! By the way, there is another little boy who injured many of our brothers!"

The strong man was still yelling, lest Liang Ziyu could not hear him.

"Master Liang has great authority."

Qi Yuan stared at Liang Ziyu with black eyes, and sneered.

Liang Ziyu smiled coquettishly, and quickly waved his hands, "Don't dare, Qi... the girl has been wronged? My subordinate is ignorant and bothered the girl."

The strong man scratched his head, and asked puzzledly: "Master, why are you protecting her! She and that little boy injured many of our brothers! Could it be...Master, do you like this bun seller?"

Liang Ziyu turned around and raised his foot, kicked the strong man with a bang bang, kicked the strong man to the ground, "You know what!"

This was once a female general!
His Majesty has wished her to return to her post many times, and His Majesty appreciates it, how can he be disrespectful? !

The strong man felt aggrieved, "Master, aren't you a good brother of the emperor? A woman, you can grab it as soon as possible... Ah, master, don't kick me!"

Liang Ziyu was furious, is he a good brother of His Majesty? !That riding a horse is a big mountain!
Who doesn't like bullshit? !
Who doesn't like bragging about themselves? !
He just fought with His Majesty when he was a child!
Hmm... and won.

"Dog! Are you going to kill me?! I know this is..."

Qi Yuan pinched his wrist and interrupted Liang Ziyu, "Master Liang, you are interrupting my business."

Her bun shop was blocked, making it difficult to do business.

【Host, there is a reason why he blocked your steamed stuffed bun shop, and the business was deserted. 】

Qi Yuan: "..."

Liang Ziyu was slightly surprised, "The bun shop is still in business?"

How many buns did he have when he was passing by the upper court, and how many buns were there when he passed by the next court!
Qi Yuan hardened his fist and stared at Liang Ziyu with a sullen face.

Liang Ziyu didn't dare to say any more, but he looked behind Qi Yuan and cautiously asked, "Miss Qi, those two children are the orphans of General Nanman... His Majesty ordered them to be arrested..."

Qiu Rongyin blocked the siblings, "They are just children!"

Qi Yuan glanced at Qiu Rongyin strangely, with a different standpoint, how could she still have the heart of the Virgin?The heroine still has a long way to go.

Liang Ziyu frowned, "If that's the case, then don't blame me for being ruthless! Come here! Let's arrest him together!"

Qiu Rongyin was still stubborn, "Do you think we are afraid! Your Majesty won't blame us when he finds out!"

Anyway, the tyrant likes Qi Yuan, so don't be afraid!
Qi Yuan:? ? ?
Isn't Xiao Sui a fool?

(End of this chapter)

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