Chapter 47 Tyrant, Take a Bite of Meat Bun 18
Xiao Tiandao struggled hard, and the little milk voice was loud and clear, "Let go of me! You just lost your hair, what's the matter! Your head is so bright!"

Qi Yuan's head was on fire, "Dog, are you sick?!"

"You are sick!" Xiao Tiandao twisted his body and struggled hard, "Let me go! Let go!"

"Then give me back my hair!"

【……childish. 】

Qi Yuan ravaged Xiao Tiandao's cloud form hard, and finally, Xiao Tiandao grabbed a cloud and threw it on Qi Yuan's head. After blowing a few breaths, hair grew on Qi Yuan's head at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Qi Yuan raised her hand to touch it, and it was soft and smooth. When she was about to nod with satisfaction, she found that her hair was white.


Qi Yuan grabbed Xiao Tiandao who was about to run away, gritted his teeth, "You lied to me."

"No!" Xiao Tiandao felt aggrieved, "That's because my clouds are white."

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Tiandao slipped out while Qi Yuan was not paying attention, and left a sentence, "Hmph, I won't play with you next time!"

Qi Yuan: "..."

Is there a kindergarten for this degree?

Go repeat!

Qi Yuan spent one point, changed his clothes, tidied his hair, held an umbrella, and set off towards the palace. Just two steps away, Qi Yuan suddenly coughed and his face turned pale.

"System, what's going on? My body?"

[Host, it may be that the soul is weak, and the system background cannot find the reason. 】

Qi Yuan coughed hard, as if he was about to cough up his lungs, his face was frighteningly pale.

"God's way!"

"This young master has made such a big sacrifice for the sake of the small world, yet it actually kills this young master. Next time you catch it, don't think about it!"

[Host, don't talk big, the most urgent thing is to go back and hold the villain and take a few breaths. If you don't go back, you will faint here, and the impact will be bad. 】

Qi Yuan gritted his teeth, because he was weak and couldn't use his kung fu, so he could only walk out of the mountains on two legs, into the capital city, and into the palace.

Stop and go, that is the whole day.

In the evening, the night was dark, foggy, mixed with hail, which made people feel uncomfortable.

In the Dragon Palace.

The lights are bright, steam is rising, and a hazy sense of warmth blows over us.

Xiao Sui's clear voice, tinged with anger, came from the hall, "Waste! A bunch of waste! Let you and everyone be thrown away! Did I raise you for nothing? Go and receive punishment!"

"Get out of here all!"

"Okay." Qi Yuan interrupted Xiao Sui, who was losing his temper, and walked slowly into the inner hall, "I'm good at kung fu, don't you know? Let them go out."

Xiao Sui didn't care about it, and waved his hands around the crowd, in an instant, there were only two people left in the inner hall.

Xiao Sui noticed that Qi Yuan's face was pale, and his hair turned pale and thick all night. His eyes were worried, and when he was about to ask, he was hugged by Qi Yuan.

The girl in her arms has a delicate body and a soft body, which is extremely inconsistent with her blunt temperament. The cool sandalwood fragrance is entangled in the nose, attracting nonsense.

Qi Yuan hugged Xiao Sui tightly, took two deep breaths, "I found something."

"Looking for it with your life?" Xiao Sui's voice was slightly cold, "Wait, I'll send someone to call the imperial physician."

"I'm fine, just hug me." Qi Yuan hugged him another two inches, and the temperature of Xiao Sui's body made her rub her head unconsciously.

Xiao Sui is so well-behaved that he can't get used to it.

Xiao Sui's white and slender hands touched Qi Yuan's head, so white that it hurt his eyes, "What's the matter with your hair?"

Qi Yuan thought for a while, then sighed, "Oh, worrying about the country and the people, I turned my head gray all day long."

I miscalculated, I should exchange seeds at night, so that I can say that my hair turned white overnight, how credible!


Ha ha.

Xiao Sui noticed keenly, "Is it related to the things you brought back?"

"Yeah." Qi Yuan let go of Xiao Sui, took out a small package, and poured out the seeds inside. The seeds rolled into the palm of his hand, round and full of vitality, "This kind of crop can save the urgent need."

"What's so magical about this seed?"

"The growth cycle only takes 40 days, and the yield per mu can reach up to [-] stones. It can be steamed as a staple food or fried as a vegetable."

Xiao Sui stopped for a moment, with a yield of 40 stones per mu, and a growth cycle of [-] days, which can be used as staple food. One condition is already rare, and it is even more difficult to find it in the world.

Xiao Sui grabbed Qi Yuan's wrist and stared nervously at Qi Yuan, "What's the price?"

There is never a free lunch in the world.

Xiao Sui stared at Qi Yuan's white hair, his eyes hurt.

He didn't understand how important the world outside was that she was willing to save it at his own expense.

Qi Yuan stuffed the seeds to Xiao Sui, "The price is, I want you to listen to me for the rest of your life, otherwise, you are doomed."

Xiao Sui's hands felt cold, obviously he didn't believe Qi Yuan's words.He had never heard of this kind of miraculous seed, and it was conceivable that the price was not simple. Xiao Sui's eyes turned to Qi Yuan's hair, and his eyes sank a little.

That night.

Xiao Sui half-closed his eyes, letting the little girl above do whatever he wanted.

The slender and smooth white hair fluttered with her movements. The white hair reached her waist and was loose. When it hit him, coupled with the warm collision, he thought, even if he couldn't understand her, he could have one day. It was not in vain.

So, Xiao Sui put his hand on Qi Yuan's waist, caressing the delicateness that belonged to her alone, before he could move, he was slapped.

"Don't move."

Xiao Sui pursed his lips, turned his head and stared at the pillow beside him in a daze, this was different from the 'fire avoidance map' given to him by the imperial physician!
It was near midnight, when Xiao Sui washed the little girl in his arms, he felt like a man.


At first, it was his little girl who wanted to hug him out of bed...

[Host, how is your body?Do supplements work? 】


Qi Yuan responded with satisfaction, and the human-shaped tonic really lived up to its reputation.

【Host, you are like a scumbag who puts on her skirt and refuses to recognize anyone. 】

"Don't talk nonsense, my young master is dedicated and affectionate."

However, if there are other humanoid tonics that look good too, ahem...

【Host! ! !After a red card warning, the points will be deducted immediately, and the remaining 195 points will be rounded up to 190 points, and the host will continue to work hard. 】

Qi Yuan gritted his teeth and watched 195 points turn into 190 points.

After a fat beating, the system changed it to 200 points in tears.

The next day, Qiu Rongyin was brought to Chaolong Hall, and she was shocked when she saw Qi Yuan who lived in Chaolong Hall.

When there were only two people left in the inner hall, Qiu Rongyin relaxed from the tension. She noticed Qi Yuan's white hair and asked cautiously, "Did you dye your hair?"

Qi Yuan was silent, and slowly said: "Yes, is it good-looking?"

"It's not bad. I didn't expect that there were hair dyes in ancient times. I'll dye it purple for fun."


"By the way, are you making progress so fast?" Qiu Rongyin's face was a little tangled, "Did His Majesty give you a title?"

Qiu Rongyin was worried that this was ancient times, where status was the most important, and the shackles on women were extremely heavy.Moreover, the emperor destined three thousand beauties in the harem.

Also from the future, she worried that Qi Yuan would not pay attention to these things and devote himself to love, but in the end, the bamboo basket would be nothing.

Just like her back then, Huangfuzheng was a wise king in history, so she fell into it.

Unfortunately, she forgot that Huangfuzheng was an ancient emperor, separated from her thoughts by thousands of mountains, and he only regarded her as a tool.

"He wants to hold the Empress Dowager Ceremony, but he can't do it for the time being." Qi Yuan's words reassured Qiu Rongyin a little.

Qi wished to skip this topic and take out the potato seeds.

"I originally wanted to find more varieties, but it was a bit difficult. However, the growth cycle of this kind of potato seeds is only 40 days, and it can grow faster than early-maturing varieties. The yield per mu is guaranteed. If you use it for promotion, the number of seeds is sufficient. "

Qiu Rongyin took the seeds and was so excited that she couldn't speak. She had never heard of this kind of potato seeds!Even in modern times, the 60-day growth cycle is already very powerful!Not to mention, it's 40 days!
 happy New Year!
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