Chapter 48 Tyrant, Take a Bite of Meat Bun 19
Qiu Rongyin couldn't wait, and hoped to plant it quickly, plant it sooner, and reap it sooner. In history, that catastrophe will never come!

Qiu Rongyin's face turned red, and she held the potato seeds like a treasure!
"Don't worry, since the hailstorm will be next month, in the rest of the time, you can choose a few household ministers to discuss the promotion of planting, and make sure that more than 70% of the people are willing to accept it."

Qi Yuan looked at the heroine, his fingers moved slightly, and there was no expression on his face. He just glanced at the heroine with a little sympathy. The growth path of the heroine is hard.

Qiu Rongyin held the potato seeds and left in thought.

Along the way, Qiu Rongyin was thinking about what method to use to encourage the people to trust them. This is a big problem. After all, no people are willing to use their own land, the land on which they live, to plant things that they have never seen before, and they have no idea. bottom crops.


Two days later, Qi Yuan was bored, his body was almost full, and after finding a time, he ran to the barren mountains and wild mountains, dragged Xiao Tiandao, and beat him hard.

Xiao Tiandao wailed everywhere.


"I want to sue your mother god!"

"Hey, I was wrong!!!"

"Stop hitting—"

After beating Xiao Tiandao, Qi Yuan was in a much better mood, turned around and swaggered back to the palace as if nothing had happened.

Qi Yuan looked in the mirror, touched the scar on his right eyebrow, looked at the white hair, and rolled his eyes fiercely. Fortunately, she is beautiful.

God damn it.

[Host, 30 points for a scar removal elixir, it’s a cheap sale~ A bottle of hair dye is 10 points, and the price of cabbage is a big giveaway~]

This time, Qi Yuan was very straightforward and directly kicked the system away.

How difficult it is to get points, can you just squander them casually?

Qi Yuan thought for a while and went straight to Tai Hospital.

After a whole day of tinkering, a pot of small black balls was made, which smelled light and sweet of herbs.

At that time, the scar between her eyebrows had disappeared.

In the imperial hospital, a group of elderly imperial physicians gathered together, with Qi Yuan sitting in the middle, the imperial physicians chattered and squeezed in hard.

"Your Majesty, how did you sterilize those two poisonous herbs? Just show mercy and tell me!"

When Qi Yuan first heard the word 'Niangniang', she got goosebumps, she was not used to this title.

However, under Xiao Sui's imperial decree, the post-sealing ceremony was suspended, but the status was not ambiguous at all. Naturally, this group of people did not dare to neglect.

Qi Yuan clenched her fingers. Although she didn't like the name, she couldn't refute it.

She refuted once in the morning, and Xiao Sui's darkening value rose to 130!

If Xiao Sui's darkening value goes up again, her blood pressure will probably go up as well.

When the time comes, either she will have a cerebral hemorrhage first, or the small world will explode first.

"Your Majesty, I am different from Imperial Physician Lin. I don't want your prescription. I have an apprentice who is intelligent. I will give it to you as a helper!"

"Hey, Imperial Physician Liu is really treacherous, ma'am, the minister and apprentice are very strong! Choose a minister and apprentice!"

"Your Majesty, my apprentice is good-looking!"

"My apprentice has a good temper and looks good!"

"My apprentice can sing!"

"My apprentice..."

Qi Yuan raised his hand, impatiently pressing his brows, "Okay, Fang Zi, I will stay for a while, as for the disciples, do you want to live or die?"

All the imperial physicians immediately fell silent.

Half a lifetime of hard work taught an apprentice, how could he die!
Coming out of the imperial hospital, Qi Yuan held an umbrella and went back to Chaolong Palace. On the majestic and prosperous palace road, there were only a few guards hiding under the eaves, performing their duties.

In the wide palace road, the red walls and green tiles have been smashed and mottled, and some of the broken tiles have not been cleaned.

On the cold road, Qi Yuan was dressed in a red palace attire, her white hair was tied in a bun behind her head, her porcelain white face was exquisite and flawless, and she was walking leisurely alone with an ink and oil paper umbrella.

As soon as he stepped into Chaolong Hall, he heard a small voice.

"I went to the inner hall to be on duty today, and I saw that demon girl. Let me tell you, that hair is frighteningly white! She looks like a demon! She has a scar on her right eyebrow. Usually, you don't notice it? I only looked up when I looked up. arrive."

"You said, she is so scary, what does His Majesty like about her?"

"My mother said that men like good-looking ones. Your Majesty is so young. I heard that he didn't even have a concubine before. Why did he just fall in love with that witch?"

Qi Yuan raised his eyebrows, raised his hand to touch his right eyebrow, it was exquisite and flawless, why didn't she know that a small scar could scare people?

When the original owner went to the battlefield, he didn't scare the enemy soldiers back.

witch?Qi Yuan raised her hand and pulled a strand of white hair, which she crushed with a sullen face.

Dog system!
The seeds she created not only cost points to buy, but also had to be struck by lightning when they were taken out.

"In my opinion, that demon girl must have confused His Majesty! She must be able to demonize!"

"Have you ever seen a woman with white hair? It's scary!"

Qi Yuan paused for a while, feeling bored, holding an umbrella, walked into the hall, just as he entered, Xiao Yu came out to greet him.

Xiao Yu took the umbrella and asked in a low voice, "Your Majesty, do you need Xiao Yu to deal with those two people who have broken mouths?"

Qi Yuan went straight to the inner hall, "Beat me up, don't kill me."

[Host, is this appropriate? 】


The mother god taught that girls should bravely reach out and beat bad guys with one punch.

Since he dared to scold her, he should be taught a lesson.

Besides, if you heard it, why pretend you didn't hear it?

Of course you have to listen to your mother's teachings.

Xiao Yu quickly left the hall, and after that, Qi Yuan never heard those two voices again in Chaolong Hall.

In a blink of an eye, a month passed, the weather cleared up, and the sky was as blue as washing.

The lifeless capital finally gained some popularity.

Qi Yuan had breakfast and went to the household department, she needed to know Qiu Rongyin's progress.

After entering the household department, the atmosphere was in full swing. The officials held papers in their hands and discussed methods fiercely.

"Let's encourage it with bonuses! It will definitely work! Give me money for farming!"

"I think taxation is fine too. Taxes can be reduced or exempted for growing potatoes."

"I think it's still possible..."

Qiu Rongyin nodded in agreement from time to time, until she accidentally caught a glimpse of Qi Yuan, she raised her hand, put down the paper in her hand, walked towards Qi Yuan, and led Qi Yuan out.

"How are things going?"

Qiu Rongyin pointed to a large shed with a sincere smile, "Thanks to the reminder of the empress, we have rushed to make a batch of greenhouses, and have carried out the first batch of potato seedling experiments, which are very successful. In about [-] days, we can harvest. , has now grown half a leg high."

Qiu Rongyin turned around, curled her lips, her black eyes admired, and she became calmer, "There are three plans for promotion, there is no problem, just rest assured for you and Your Majesty!"

Qi Ruan asked inexplicably, "Do you have any plans for the future?"

"Your Majesty promised me an official position and allowed me to participate in government affairs." Qiu Rongyin excitedly took Qi Yuan's hand, "I never thought that I would be able to make such a big change for this era when I came to this era!"

"I always thought that I was the most ordinary and mediocre person."

"In the past, it was the heroine who had the opportunity to time travel. However, in the novel, there are people who are reborn, who wear books, who wear a system, and who travel quickly. Anyone can be the heroine."

Qi Yuan pursed his lips and did not reply.

Qiu Rongyin sniffed, "Come back to this dynasty, I thought I had historical knowledge, I could turn the tables and counterattack, I thought I got the script of Beloved Concubine, but Xiao Sui rebelled, and I was thrown into prison. "

Qi Yuan looked at Qiu Rongyin sympathetically, it was indeed a bit miserable, but it was also because his brain was not fully developed.

[Host, please save some morals, be careful to be struck by lightning again~]

Qi Yuan kicks the flying system, the majestic young master god, afraid of being struck by lightning?
Isn't it just a head of hair?
The young master is fearless!


Dead ducks are not as stubborn as their hosts.

Qiu Rongyin felt aggrieved, "God is messing with me, this bastard!"

(End of this chapter)

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