Chapter 49 Tyrant, Take a Bite of Meat Bun 20
"Later, when you traveled back and forth, I realized that you are the heroine and I am a cannon fodder."

Qi Yuan paused, the fact is that she is the cannon fodder, but she has the ability to reverse the situation, the so-called heroine is just the focus of a story.

Moreover, this heroine has a strong brain power.

[Host, you are so serious all of a sudden, you haven't been taken away, have you? 】

With a sullen face, Qi Yuan kicked the system away again.

How many times has the dog system not learned a lesson.

"But it's fine now, I'm the number one female officer in history! Hmph!"

Qiu Rongyin raised her head proudly, her smile became brighter and brighter under the golden sunlight.

"You will be the hostess."

Qi Yuan said in a low voice, his tone uncompromising, feeling melancholy in his heart, wishing he could beat Xiao Tiandao again.

Qiu Rongyin, the heroine, has the privilege of making mistakes and growing up slowly.

As a cannon fodder, she was struck by lightning with a seed, and she had to coax the villain's blackening value not to rise.


[Host... Well, take a deep breath, take a deep breath, and keep a calm mind. After all, the hostess is the daughter of Tiandao, so you can't accept Tiandao as your father, right? 】

Qi Yuan'He Shan' looked at the system and kicked the system away, "You say you, why don't you learn a lesson."


Qiu Rongyin smiled and shook her head, "I hope so."

Qi Yuan changed the subject, "I will start the promotion tomorrow, I still have something to do, so keep busy."

Thinking of Xiao Sui, the progress of her mission has not moved for a long time, and Xiao Sui's blackening value has been rising, and the bull stock has not risen as much as him.

Qi Yuan didn't go back to the palace, but strolled around the street.

Entering early summer, the wind is still a bit cool, the greenery is clear and shallow, and there is an inextricable coolness.

The streets are not as bustling as in the past, the crowds are noisy, and the common people are carrying big bags and small bags, scrambling for food, wishing to stock up more.

"Boss, thirty catties! I want thirty catties of rice!"

"I want fifty pounds!"

"Get out of the way, I want two hundred catties! I'll buy it first!"

Although the hail disaster was serious, the granaries were open, and the price of grain in the hands of merchants did not rise too much. The people felt insecure and just wanted to stock up on more grain.

Qi Yuan walked a few steps, frowning and dodging, a stone fell to where she was standing just now.

"Fight monsters! Fight monsters!"

Qi Yuan turned his head, met the vicious gaze of the little boy, narrowed his eyes slightly, "Get out of the way."

Children's things are the most annoying!
The little boy moved his mouth, spit at Qi Yuan violently, pointed at Qi Yuan and yelled loudly, "Monster, monster!"

Qi Yuan frowned, raised his foot and kicked a stone, the stone rushed through the air with unstoppable momentum, hitting the little boy's mouth.


Qi Yuan curled his lips, children are really noisy.

Hearing the cry of the child, the woman who was watching the fun jumped out quickly, protected the little boy, and quickly coaxed the little boy, "Be good, Dabao, mother is here, mother will help you fight monsters, let's stop crying. Do not cry……"

Qi Yuan blinked, feeling absurd and inexplicable. Walking on the street, he met a bear child and a bear parent.

"Hit her!" The little boy choked with snot and tears, pointing at Qi Yuan, "Mother said that all good-looking people are monsters! Mother, beat her to death, kill her quickly!"

The woman looked embarrassed, and patted the little boy lightly, "Da Bao is good, mother will kill her right now, don't cry, don't cry..."

Qi Yuan twirled his fingers, too lazy to entangle with the bear child, just turned around and wanted to leave, the woman yelled loudly at Qi Yuan.

"Why are you running! You beat my child and you still haven't lost money!"

"I think you are a monster! This natural disaster must be God's punishment for you!"

The woman incited the onlookers, "Look everyone, she caused the natural disaster! She is a monster!"

"Come and see—"

Qi Yuan turned around, with more and more impatience between his brows, "Take care if you are sick, don't bite people casually on the street."

I don't know what button was touched, the crowd became noisy, muttering in low voices, and Chong Qiyuan pointed.

"Could it really be a monster? I have lived for more than 50 years, and I have never seen anyone's daughter with white hair who looks like a painting."

"There are no monsters. I said you just haven't seen the world. I delivered food to the prime minister's house last year. I met a concubine of the prime minister who looked like a painting. We just had no money. Married no!"

"Then her hair... and the hail this month! There was no such strange thing before!"

[Host, you are a bit of bad luck. 】

The host is also unlucky enough, you have to spend points to buy the seeds you research, you have to be struck by lightning when you take them out, and you become bald after being struck by lightning; you finally have hair, but it is still white; you can even be called a monster if you walk casually on the street!
At this moment, the system seemed to have a conscience, and it even felt a little sympathetic to the host!

The system hastened to get rid of this idea, it is cruel to the system to sympathize with the host!

The host kicked it eight hundred times a day!
Not worthy of sympathy!

Qi Yuan folded his arms around his chest, stood there expressionless, his breath was cold and hard, as if he was dormant with ice blades, dangerous and people dare not look directly at him.

"You monster, don't think I'm afraid of you, you just can't bully our big treasure!" The woman put her hips on her hips and shouted forcefully, "If I don't have five taels of silver today, I'll go to the government to sue you!"

"Do you think monsters are afraid of the government?"

The corners of Qi Yuan's mouth were sarcasm, her eyes turned cold, and her little patience disappeared.

"I don't care what kind of monster you are!" The woman felt guilty for a few breaths, and then became confident again, "This is the capital city! At the feet of the emperor!"

"Oh." Qi Yuan responded indifferently, and continued, "Xiao Fei, after watching the excitement for a long time, why don't you come out?"

The woman took a step back in fear, looked around and saw no one in particular, she breathed a sigh of relief and shouted at Qi Yuan, "You bloody monster! Pretending to be..."

Before he finished speaking, Xiao Fei flew down from a roof, and stood behind Qi Yuan, with his long sword out of its sheath, glowing coldly, with an absolute protective posture, his baby face was tense, and his eyes were fixed on the bear's mother.

"You..." The woman stared at Xiao Fei's long sword, trembled, and pushed the child back, "You two—"

"Mother, Dabao also wants a long sword!"

The little boy tugged at the woman's clothes, his black eyes glowed, and he pointed at Xiao Fei's sword, "Mom! I want a big long sword! I want a big long sword!"

The woman's face was ugly, she turned around and slapped the little boy, "What are you yelling! Don't make trouble for my old lady!"

Qi Yuan was too lazy to bother, "Xiao Fei, go back to the palace."

In a little while, it's time for lunch.

As the saying goes, people are iron and rice is steel. Pretending to be a human is the first step, and the soul of dry rice is awakened!
As soon as she turned around, someone yelled, "She's a monster! You can't just let her go!"

Qi Yuan: "..."

Xiao Fei: "..."

Watching the fun is not too big a deal!
The two looked at each other, Qi Yuan bent an arc, without any emotion, "Xiao Fei, beat him up before going back, I'm leaving first."

As soon as the words fell, Qi Yuan jumped up, stepped on the eaves and treetops, and disappeared into the crowd.

"Mom! She can fly! She's such a monster!"

Xiao Fei has a serious baby face, staring at the unshakable treetops, his eyes are fiery, this martial arts is so powerful!

He remembered!
The last time I threw something at Chaolong Palace, no wonder His Majesty's voice was wrong!
Don't let him in!

He must have been beaten badly!

Xiao Fei shook his head unconsciously, fortunately he has no wife!
Xiao Fei looked at the person who spoke rudely just now, and saw him stooping and walking out quietly, Xiao Fei grabbed him, "Madam has an order to beat you up. Excuse me."

The man begged for mercy with a shy face: "Hey, brother, since you're bothering me, don't do it, lest your hands hurt."

(End of this chapter)

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