Chapter 50 Tyrant, Take a Bite of Meat Bun 21
Xiao Fei was choked, with a baby face, "Don't talk nonsense."

The man still wanted to say something, tried to resist, opened his mouth and did not speak, Xiao Fei's fist fell down, and the man's painful wailing could only be heard on the side of the street.

The onlookers shook their heads one after another, pointing at the man, "Oh, this is a terrible beating..."

After Xiao Fei beat up the man, he rummaged through his body for a long time, finally found a piece of broken silver, and threw it to the man in pain, "Medical expenses."

Xiao Fei jumped up to the eaves with a bitter face, he had to bring some copper coins with him next time he went out, it was too wasteful to give broken silver, and his heart ached.

A young man was surprised, "You can still get money after being beaten? If I knew it, I would have shouted it too. I can buy several catties of rice!"

The onlookers expressed their agreement one after another. Some people have a crooked idea. If they get paid for beating up by rich people, then...

A gust of wind blew up in the capital, and from time to time, some common people scolded him in front of the high officials, rushing up in a swarm, and surrounded him with nothing to get through.

The officials' initial anger turned to numbness.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

Inside the Chaolong Hall, the fragrance of tea is lingering.

With two dark circles under her eyes, Qiu Rongyin cried to Qi Yuan, "It's so difficult to promote. They obviously missed the sowing period. They would rather plant crops that won't grow than these potatoes. Why?"

"Okay, why cry." Qi Yuan rubbed his aching head, "Prepare a manuscript, let Xiao Sui go out, give both kindness and strength, they will plant it."

The heroine or something, next time she has to stay away.

Qiu Rongyin sniffed and rubbed the paper of the letter in her hand, "Okay, I'll think about how to write it."

"By the way, I arranged for some officials to visit and try it out. If some people are mobilized to plant, they will be able to chain up the vacillating part, and slowly gnaw at the remaining hard bones."

"Yes." Qi Yuan nodded, affirming Qiu Rongyin, "Go back and rest for a day, and continue tomorrow."

Looking at Qiu Rongyin's dark circles, Qi Yuan took out a small porcelain bottle, white, delicate and small, "This is a pill for calming the nerves, pure green, non-toxic and harmless."

Qiu Rongyin took the small porcelain bottle and fiddled with it in surprise, "Is it made by the imperial hospital? I read in the history books that the imperial doctors are all very powerful."

Qi Yuan nodded, but did not point out that she did it.

On the other side of the Imperial Study Room, the atmosphere is obviously different from the warmth of the Chaolong Palace.

The imperial study room was full of swords and swords, the ministers knelt on the ground, the memorials were scattered at their feet, and the air was filled with tension.

Xiao Sui sat at the main seat, and tapped the teacup rhythmically with his fingers. The slight sound was like a terrible reminder, and the officials were silent.

Finally, Xiao Sui spoke out.

"If Prime Minister Liu doesn't want to be an official anymore, hand me a begging letter tomorrow, and I will allow you."

Prime Minister Liu hurriedly kowtowed, "I dare not!"

"Don't you dare?" Xiao Sui said lightly, his phoenix eyes glanced at Prime Minister Liu, and he opened his lips in a cold voice, "I see that you have nothing to dare!"

Prime Minister Liu closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and sighed: "Your Majesty, there have been rumors in the capital that you have raised a banshee in the palace, with red clothes and white hair, and a beautiful appearance. The demon caused it, and I want Your Majesty to deal with the banshee. Your Majesty, as a king, you should put the world first, but you are just a woman. If you can calm the anger of the people and stabilize the country, why not?"

Xiao Sui laughed angrily, his eyes turned cold, "Do you know who brought that seed back to Dayuan?"

"Your Majesty!" Prime Minister Liu knelt straight on the ground with firm eyes, "Your Majesty, you disregarded the rules of etiquette and appointed a queen, and even allowed the former court's favorite concubine to interfere in politics. What you did was really detrimental to the emperor's principles!"

"Your Majesty, there are so many women in the world, why not do it if you hand her over to stabilize the world?"

Prime Minister Liu continued, "If you like it, it's not a bad idea to choose a few gentle and pleasant ones according to her appearance in the future."

"Your Majesty, you are the emperor! The emperor!"

Xiao Sui picked up the inkstone on the table and threw it at Prime Minister Liu's forehead.

The young man's indifferent brows and eyes were filled with anger, and his magnificent lips were tightly pursed, "Prime Minister Liu, I don't need you to write a begging letter. Come here! Drag it out and behead it!"

As soon as Xiao Fei picked up Prime Minister Liu, Prime Minister Liu burst out laughing, "Heaven is going to kill me in the Central Plains—"

"Okay, Xiao Fei, shut his mouth." A clear and beautiful voice sounded from outside the imperial study room, from far to near, "This imperial study room is very lively."

Qi Yuan stepped into the imperial study room and attracted everyone's attention.

Qi Yuan walked towards Xiao Sui, "Did the prime minister offend you?"

"He said he was going to drag you out and burn you to death." Xiao Sui raised his eyebrows lightly, and hooked his lips at Qi Yuan, with a suave and free and easy look on the surface, not as brisk as he was angry just now.

Qi Yuan found a chair, sat down and looked at Prime Minister Liu.

At this time, Prime Minister Liu was covered by Xiao Fei, his eyes widened angrily, staring at her fiercely, Qi Yuan had no doubt that if Xiao Fei let go, Prime Minister Liu would come over and bite her to death.

"Xiao Fei, let go." Qi Yuan sat lazily on the chair, "Prime Minister Liu, tell me the reason."

Qi Yuan had no expression on his face, but actually grabbed the system and gritted his teeth fiercely, "Why is it always me who is unlucky?"

"Dog system, tell me, did this young master suffer some kind of curse when he came to this world?"

【Host, no~】

Qi Yuan kicked the system and looked at Prime Minister Liu, who flushed with anger and pointed at her and trembled.

"You——you are a witch! Disastrous to the country and the people!"

Qi Yuan sullenly said lightly, "Oh."

Unlucky is unlucky, but it's not bad for someone to see her beauty.

After all, only a beautiful woman can bring disaster to the country and the people.

Although, that is an incompetent man shirking responsibility.

Qi Yuan's attitude didn't matter, but Xiao Sui couldn't bear it, so he picked up another inkstone and threw it at Prime Minister Liu.

"To shut up!"

It can be said that Xiao Sui is not angry, he protects and pampers someone who dare not lose his temper or say a harsh word, how can outsiders bully her?

Xiao Sui has always been domineering, especially when Xiao's family is gone, he doesn't care; now, he only pretends to be Qi Yuan in his heart, what's wrong with him in this world, what's going on in the world?
Xiao Sui never claimed to be a saint, nor did he think he could become one.

Prime Minister Liu's head was hit and bleeding flowed down the corners of his eyebrows, and he trembled even more. He couldn't accept that an emperor wanted to follow a woman. This is clearly a foolish act!
"The witch is bewitching the country! Disturb the king's heart and the country's destiny!"

With a sullen face, Qi Yuan glanced at Xiao Sui, then at Prime Minister Liu: "Is there evidence?"

She can't transform, so where is she a witch?
Just empty talk, how did he become prime minister?
"You witch! Your Majesty was bewitched by you! Isn't this evidence!" Prime Minister Liu tremblingly took two steps forward, "Women are involved in politics, Your Majesty, are you worthy of your ancestors?!"

"Prime Minister Liu, you seem to have forgotten that you were the one who personally supervised the killing of the entire family of the Xiao family. What face do you have to mention the ancestors of the Xiao family?"

Xiao Sui pursed his lips, and made a statement in a calm manner, while the faces of the ministers below were pale.

How could they have forgotten that the Xiao family rebelled, and the current emperor is the descendant of the Xiao family back then!
Prime Minister Liu had no choice but to know that he had offended Xiao Sui thoroughly, and his heart ached, but he didn't want to see the people suffer and the Central Plains fell, so Prime Minister Liu looked firmly at Xiao Sui.

"I know that the crime is serious, and I am willing to die to apologize! I just ask Your Majesty to see the true face of the demon girl!"

After finishing speaking, Prime Minister Liu bumped towards the corner of the table in the imperial study.



Qi Yuan clicked his tongue, kicked Prime Minister Liu who had bumped into him to the ground, and fell two meters.

Xiao Sui looked at Qi Yuan resentfully, she kicked him so vigorously, it saves her effort to kick an old thing, heh, she should go to sleep tonight!
(End of this chapter)

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