Chapter 55 Tyrant, Take a Bite of Meat Bun 26
Dye your hair.

Qi Yuan looked up at Qiu Rongyin, put down the bronze mirror in his hand, "You really like purple?"

Qiu Rongyin nodded decisively with a bright smile.

When she came to this dynasty, she rarely had a happy time. She knew that she was full of shortcomings, arrogant and inferior.

She vainly tried to change this dynasty, but she had no choice but to let it go, and endured the pain in a contradictory and sober manner.

Now that she can make decisions for herself once, she is very satisfied.

Qi Yuan nodded slightly and said nothing.

[Host, have you figured out something? 】

The system was disturbed, the resignation letter it sent just now was called back, and the Lord God even sent it a word.

"May I be young and have a stubborn temper, as long as her life is not endangered, there is no need to interfere."

The system can only sigh, the Young Master God really has a good mother, his has no mother!


Qi Yuan twirled his fingers, and his eyes seemed to glance at Qiu Rongyin, "The fate between the hero and heroine has not been completely broken. Gou Tiandao wants to make trouble, but unfortunately, his lack of heart is inexplicably funny."

[Host, be careful of lightning strikes. 】

Qi Yuan was silent, forgetting that Gou Tiandao mastered the punishment of heaven and could also strike thunder.

The days pass by in peace.

The behavior repeated every day is like the calm before the storm.The days are peaceful and scary.


"Harvest! Really harvested!"

"Long live Your Majesty!"

"God bless!"

"Long live!"

A loud cry from the field broke the calm, like a straight line trembled suddenly, outlining a peak.

One after another, the common people knelt down in the field, facing the direction of the palace, long live the protection.

What followed was the cheers of countless people, the fields were enthusiastic, and the streets were running.

The heat of summer has been provoked, and summer finally has some appearance.

Different from the joy of the people, Huangfuzheng can be described as clouded.

He smashed all the porcelain in the room, kicked down the tables and chairs, and yelled like crazy, "Why?! Why?! God should take care of me! He should take care of me! Those crops can't grow! No!"

The Nanman King stood outside the door, staring at the closed door, listening to the constant sound of smashing things, and sneered.

It wasn't until there was no movement in Huangfu Zheng's room that the Nanman King sneered and left.

On the Golden Palace.

"Your Majesty, 280 million farmers have had a bumper harvest this month, with an average yield of 170 shi per mu. What a miracle!"

"That's right." Xiao Sui did not forget to add, "It's all thanks to the Queen."

The ministers responded one after another, saying that the empress cared about the people, she had the demeanor of a mother of a country, praised the empress' love, said what Xiao Sui loved to hear, and flattered her from the bottom of her heart.

Some time ago, they forced His Majesty to deal with the Queen. If the Queen's heart was chilled, they would be sinners!

Thanks to the queen's kindness, she doesn't care about them.

Little did they know, one more trouble, and Qi Yuan would be able to bloodbath the entire court.

"Your Majesty, 60 troops have been dispatched from Northern Xinjiang, and they have already arrived in the suburbs of Beijing."

Xiao Sui nodded, "Temporarily stationed in the suburbs of Beijing."

"Your Majesty, I found out that the Southern barbarians have sneaked into the capital, I'm afraid it's uneasy and well-intentioned!"

Xiao Sui twirled his fingers boredly, "Send someone to watch and report back if there is any situation."

"Your Majesty, the minister's wife is pregnant!"

Xiao Sui: "???"

"Your Majesty, my wife is pregnant!" The minister repeated with excitement, staring at Xiao Sui expectantly, "I'm really pregnant!"

Xiao Sui paused, then slowly said, "Shen Aiqing, congratulations."

She wasn't pregnant with him, so what should I report to him?
What should I do if people misunderstand?
Mr. Shen clasped his fists excitedly, his face was full of joy, and his teeth were grinning, "We are happy together."

Xiao Sui: "..."

Should he give Shen Cheng a vacation?
This brain is not normal.

After the court, Xiao Fei gave Xiao Sui a booklet and sneaked around, making Xiao Sui frown.

"Xiao Fei, what nonsense!"

Xiao Fei blushed, eyes dodged, "Your Majesty, Master Shen gave you the secret book, which is for giving birth to a baby."

Xiao Sui held the booklet, his palms were hot, "Send someone to inform Shen Cheng that for the next month, think behind closed doors! Reflect on yourself!"

Before Xiao Fei could answer, Xiao Sui took a big stride and left holding the booklet.

Xiao Fei scratched his head in doubt, is His Majesty angry or not?

Should Mr. Shen contemplate his mistakes behind closed doors, or take a month off?
Xiao Sui returned to Chaolong Hall, waved away the crowd, threw the bag on the table, and poured himself a cup of tea.

Holding the teacup, Xiao Sui walked to Qi Yuan's side and watched Qi Yuan carve a piece of jadeite with three colors of blessing, wealth and longevity.

The carving technique is superb, and the carved monkeys are vivid and lifelike.



Qi Yuan distractedly replied, it was very perfunctory.

It is impossible for her to study for hundreds of years in vain, although her mother Goddess asked her to continue her studies.

Alas, too curly.

"In the hall today, Shen Cheng said that his wife is pregnant."

"Oh...huh?" Qi Yuan put down the jadeite and tools in his hand, "What do you mean?"

"I want to pick an intelligent child from Shen's family, a distant relative, to raise him and succeed him in the future." Xiao Sui knelt on one knee in front of Qi Yuan's.

He raised his eyes, his eyelashes were long and trembling, and his eyes were uncomfortable.

Xiao Sui pursed his lips, "You know, my body is poisonous, so it's hard to have children."

Qi Yuan: "So?"

Very normal.

She is fragile, but his soul is incomplete, even if he has children, he will not be healthy.

Furthermore, if a child is really created, her mother god will have to beat her to death.

After pondering for a while, Xiao Sui finally spoke.

"Would you mind not having kids of your own?"

Qi Yuan caught a glimpse of Xiao Sui clenching his fists with his veins bulging, and raised his eyes again, seeing Xiao Sui blamed himself for being anxious.

Qi Yuan stretched out his hand, clean and slender, and pinched Xiao Sui's chin, with a little force, forcing Xiao Sui to raise his head, showing his arrogance.

Qi Yuan leaned forward, the tip of his nose lightly touched his, his breath was entangled, intimate and ambiguous.

"do not mind."

Exhale Helan.

Cool as a fairy.

Xiao Sui's crow-feather eyelashes fluttered, and seeing that Qi Yuan didn't seem to be lying, his phoenix eyes sparkled and he gave out a warm smile.

[Scum girl! 】


The system was kicked away again.

The rainy season is coming.

Huangfu was in a hurry, so he went to war directly.

It was raining continuously, but it did not affect the vicious battles.

The atmosphere in the hall was solemn.

"A bunch of trash!"

"Fight and fail again and again!"


Xiao Sui was angry, and he hit the minister with the booklet, one hit at a time, and the ground was black and knelt down.

"My Royal Conqueror!"

The ministers did not dare to refute. The royal conquest is a time of crisis. Showing the emperor's responsibility can restrain the hearts of the people.

Although His Majesty has a brutal temper, he guards the world with all his heart.They used to think that His Majesty was indulging in the love of his children, but now it seems that they are too superficial.

Times are tense and the palace is more closely guarded than usual.

"You stay in the palace and wait for my return safely."

Wearing a battle robe, Xiao Sui raised his hand to caress Qi Yuan's black hair, and spoke softly, without compromising the majesty of the emperor, full of reluctant nostalgia.

Qi Yuan put aside Xiao Sui's hand and stroked his hair, "I'll accompany you."

Xiao Sui was full of words, stuck in his throat, he tossed and turned all night, did not sleep, repeatedly faked the moment of parting, looking forward to her tenderness.

Unexpectedly, a miscalculation.

Seeing that he remained silent, Qi Yuan added, "Don't worry, I'm very good."

She wanted to see if it was Gou Tiandao's aura of the leading man, or her invincible force.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, I want to go too!"

Qiu Rongyin jumped out of nowhere, raised her hands excitedly, her eyes were full of excitement.

She knows that war is cruel, but she wants to participate in this era, to witness and feel this era.

Qi Yuan complied, and for some unknown reason, he nodded to Qiu Rongyin, "Are you going to dye your hair back?"

Qiu Rongyin shook her head, she thought purple was pretty.

The imperial conquest team set off.

From then on, a two-year battle began.

Nanban is blessed with the halo of Huangfuzheng's male protagonist, good luck everywhere, and advantages in weather and terrain everywhere.

On Xiao Sui's side, there was obviously resistance and restrictions everywhere, but the existence of Qi Yuan added a bit of advantage.

The two sides were evenly matched, and the war situation was difficult to break through for a long time, and the people complained a lot.

In a blink of an eye, it entered the cold winter, and the sky was white.

In the barracks, the soldiers wrapped themselves up thickly, but their faces were still purple from the cold.

In the tent, Xiao Sui stood in front of the sand table, deduced repeatedly, frowning from time to time, his indifferent eyebrows twisted a little bit.

"Your Majesty, the Nanman King has kidnapped Master Qiurong Yinqiu!"

(End of this chapter)

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