Chapter 56 Tyrant, Take a Bite of Meat Bun 27
"What are you arresting her for?" Xiao Sui was puzzled, "Have you heard anything from the Nanman King?"

What's the use of catching Qiu Rongyin?

Threatening who?
"The King of the Nanman mistakenly thought that Master Qiu was the empress, and wanted you to withdraw your troops in exchange for seven cities in exchange for Master Qiu."

Xiao Sui waved his hand, "Back off."

No wonder the person from his family repeatedly reminded Qiu Rongyin to dye her hair back, presumably because she had purple hair and was mistaken for his queen.

After all, his queen was rumored to be a witch because of her different-colored hair.

It is impossible for Huangfu Zheng not to know about the alliance between Huangfu Zheng and the Nanman, Qiu Rongyin was taken away.

Either Huangfuzheng left Qiu Rongyin behind because of his old love, or Huangfuzheng killed Qiu Rongyin.

Qiu Rongyin's life and death depended entirely on Huangfu Zheng's thoughts.

Qi Yuan entered the tent with a long sword in his hand, and threw the long sword on the table beside him, "Have Qiu Rongyin been arrested?"

At the beginning, she was persuaded to dye her hair back to black, but she refused to listen, and this catastrophe was inevitable.

Xiao Sui helped Qi Yuan remove his heavy battle armor, revealing the crimson shirt underneath.

"Do you need to save her?"

Qi Yuan stretched out his arms, allowing Xiao Sui to remove her battle armor and straighten her clothes, and took the time to reply, "No need."

Gou Tiandao wanted to take the opportunity to unite the luck of the male and female protagonists, and he was simply lacking in brainstem against Xiao Sui.

[Host, you and Tiandao... broke up? 】

If it's really a mess, how can this task be done?
The letter of resignation was not approved, so difficult——

"A guy with no brainstem, my young master and it are not friends, why are we breaking up?"


The host died for three days, and the mouth is probably hard.

Tiandao also said that it used to cheat with the host in the exam!


"In this world, this young master will definitely win." Qi Yuan glanced at Xiao Sui, and said to the system, "Go and tell Gou Tiandao, the villain, this young master has protected you."

【okay! 】

Go to the play!

A qualified part-time job system must be willing to watch the excitement of the boss.

In the prison of the Nanman barracks.

Qiu Rongyin was tied to a torture instrument, her body was clean, her purple hair was disheveled, her face was pale, her lips were chapped, she looked like she hadn't eaten for a few days, her eyes were half closed, and she was dejected and weak.

"See Emperor Ming."

The thick voices of all the jailers caused Qiu Rongyin to open his eyes.

Looking up, there was light from the open door, which was a bit dazzling. Against the light, there stood a tall man, dressed in black robes and a cloak, very dignified.

"Why does Rong'er have a different hair?" Huangfu Zheng said softly, he stretched out his hand to pinch Qiu Rongyin's chin, forcing her to raise her head, "Rong'er, these days, I really miss you."

Qiu Rongyin shook her head awkwardly, Huangfuzheng's eyes were cold and his tone was gentle, she was a little scared.

"Huangfu Zheng, kill me if you have the ability!"

"Rong'er, how kind I was to you, how can you betray me when you say you?" Huangfu Zheng grabbed Qiu Rongyin's chin fiercely and murmured coldly.

Qiu Rongyin closed her eyes suddenly, it was too scary, did the emperor criticize it like crazy?
"Open your eyes!"

"Don't force me to use punishment."

Qiu Rongyin was forced to open her eyes, and said hoarsely, "Huangfu Zheng, kill me if you dare!"

It would be better to execute her if she was hungry!

Qiu Rongyin's right cheek hurt, she lowered her head and closed her eyes again.

"Rong'er, as long as you are obedient, you will still be my noble concubine when I regain the Central Plains."

As he spoke, Huangfu Zheng took out a black pill, squeezed Qiu Rongyin's chin, and stuffed it forcefully into her mouth.

Huangfu Zheng watched Qiu Rongyin struggle desperately, but had no choice but to swallow.

He bent his lips and smiled softly, with a slow and gentle tone, "Rong'er, I promise, as long as you are obedient and obedient, and help me solve Xiao Sui, you will be glorious in the future."

Qiu Rongyin stared at Huangfuzheng, but did not speak.

"Honey, this medicine is called ten-day drunkenness, you need to take the antidote once within ten days, otherwise, ten thousand arrows will pierce the heart and the liver and intestines will be broken."

"Rong'er doesn't want to die, does she?"

"As long as you return to Dayuan and obey my orders, not only will you not have to die, but you will even live a lifetime of glory..."

Great Yuan Barracks.

Outside the camp, the soldiers patrolled in an orderly manner; inside the camp, the generals gathered around the sand table to discuss countermeasures.

Shen Cheng, dressed in a white cloak and with a thin body, shook his head, pointing to a hill in the sand table, "The terrain here is easy to defend and difficult to attack, surrounded by rivers, so you can't easily send troops, but the key to this battle is precisely here place."

The dilemma caused all the ministers to sigh.

Qi Yuan hugged Mrs. Tang to warm her hands, and tapped on Mrs. Tang with her slender fingers, "I'll do it."

The crisp voice still doesn't conform to the etiquette self-proclaimed.

Everyone looked at Qi Yuan who was at the side.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty ordered that you are not feeling well, and you are not allowed to participate in the battles of the past few days."

"He went to Xihe, and he won't come back within half a month. Just don't tell him."

Qi Yuan hugged Mrs. Tang and stood up, tapped his fingers on the hills of the sand table, with a harsh arc on his lips, and his voice was cold.

"Final battle."

Shen Cheng was skeptical, how could this be the last battle?The battle in Xihe is tight, and Dongjiang is facing siege. This place lives in the south, and the battles are frequent, which is not easy.

"Okay, General Chang prepares [-] elite soldiers, and Chi Yue selects [-] female generals to attack tonight."

"Your Majesty, is it too few?" Chi Yue tugged at her hair and frowned, "Besides, only fifty of the two hundred female generals are chosen, so they have to fight?"

"There are a lot of people."

"Guess the punch, whoever wins wins."

This group of female generals joined the army voluntarily. They are capable and intelligent, no worse than any male.

Lively, like the morning sun.

Qi Yuan gave a simple solution, and Chi Yue could only nod in agreement.

After Qi Yuan gave his orders, he carried Mrs. Tang out of the tent and walked towards the gate of the barracks.

"System, exchange for fifty pistols and thirty thousand grenades."


The weather became gloomy, and dark clouds swept over in an instant, making people flustered.

"Hurry up and exchange."

【Host, it's going to thunder. 】

The system reminds Qi Yuan that if he takes out something that does not belong to this era, he will definitely be struck by lightning!
"Don't talk nonsense, if it dares to chop this young master, this young master can pierce the sky, no one should think about it."

[But, host, you use grenades and guns, isn't it unfair to the enemy? 】

"Are you looking for a beating?"

[Host, there are 350 points in total, you don't have enough points, why don't you redeem them next time? 】

Qi Yuan didn't have much patience, he was beaten up and owed the system 150 points.

What is fair about war?
Gou Tiandao protects the male lead and wants to bully her great tonic, but she doesn't see it being fair.

Besides, she ended the war as soon as possible, for the sake of the people all over the world.

If it doesn't end, it won't be long before starvation will be everywhere and people will die.

She is the young master god, even if she is protecting her, she is still on the side of justice.Unlike Gou Tiandao, the brainstem is missing.


I knew the host was going to have a period of self-brainwashing, err.

Go to the gate of the barracks.

A Nanman soldier was dragging Qiu Rongyin, who was covered in blood, to the door. As soon as he threw it on the ground, he straightened up, and the Nanman soldier met Qi Yuan's eyes.

The two people's eyes met, the Nanman soldiers were embarrassed for a while, and after a moment of panic, they kicked Qiu Rongyin on the ground a few times and yelled at Qi Yuan.

"Our Wang Youling, don't want this useless woman, and give it back to you!"

After finishing speaking, the Nanman soldiers ran away without looking back, their tall and strong backs looked a bit silly.

 Add more to this chapter ~ Sahuahua

(End of this chapter)

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