Chapter 64
In the north of Jiangcheng City, Banshui Tea House.

Teahouses have always been a good place to discuss major issues. The environment is quiet and antique, plums, orchids, bamboos and chrysanthemums have their own characteristics, and the fragrance of tea and sandalwood is lingering.

Teahouses have always been difficult to operate, let alone long-term, unless the people behind them cannot be underestimated.

The owner of Banshui Teahouse, Chai Yu, is from the Chai family in the capital city, and has only been standing in Jiangcheng for six years.

Qin Sui entered the teahouse, and under the guidance of the manager, he entered the back garden and saw Chai Yu in a gazebo.

The gentleness of the young man was like a thousand-year-old warm jade. Sitting there, he felt ashamed of his appearance and did not dare to get close to him.

White, as if it was born exclusively for him.

Qin Sui walked over, his tall figure, simple black clothes and black trousers, laziness and casual raging, in stark contrast to the man opposite.

"I heard you fell in love with a little girl?"

Chai Yu focuses on the word "small", which is full of ridicule.

Qin Sui sat down and responded without any burden, "En."

Life in the past twenty years was too hard, and all the rapid heartbeats were life-threatening, but after seeing her, the violent heartbeat was better than the life-threatening tremors.

He didn't want to miss the feeling that he knew it was an abyss but couldn't wait to plunge into it, willing to sink into it.

His life is only once, and he should not leave any regrets.

Chai Yu poured the tea in a flowing motion, and lightly placed the white porcelain cup in front of Qin Sui. The movement of displaying the tea was equally astonishing. The tea leaves were stretched green and pleasing to the eye.

"I'm curious, is she peerless?"

Qin Sui shook his head slightly and frowned, "Not as good looking as me."

Chai Yu paused while pouring tea, his eyes were strange: "..."

Qin Sui thought for a while, and then said, "Her eyes are very special, clear and cold, as if they can contain everything in the world, and it seems that everything in the world is invisible to the eyes. Through the eyes, it seems that her soul can be seen, so clean that I think Possess it alone, hide it."

"You're... quite perverted."

The corners of Chai Yu's eyes twitched, which was in line with Qin Sui's notoriously desperate person.

"Do you like her kindness?"

It is also understandable that people who have seen too much filth and danced with darkness will always fall in love with pure cleanliness.

Could it be that what Qin Sui likes is a pure, kind, innocent little sister with a sweet smile?

Qin Sui shook his head, "Probably not, I have met many kind people."

After thinking about it, Qin Sui added, "Including people who are kind enough to be stupid. She is not."


Very difficult to serve.

Chai Yu squeezed his teacup tightly, questioning why he brought up this topic for a while, he couldn't stand Qin Sui now.

"The wasteland in the DC area will be auctioned in the capital in two days." Chai Yu put down his teacup, "You know, the Chai family keeps a close eye on me, and they want to lift me to the highest place and throw me to death."

"During this time, I can't go back to Beijing. We cooperate, you are in the open, and I am in the dark. Fifty-five points, how about it?"

Qin Sui was half leaning on the chair, which was made of red sandalwood, and Qin Sui's lazy and casual posture seemed to be sitting on a dragon chair, with an imposing manner and a pair of phoenix eyes that were shining and oppressive.

"No sincerity, don't do it."

Qin Sui refused sharply, stretched out his left hand, brushed his chin unconsciously, and propped his chin with a slightly lazy posture.

After all, he had a little girl he liked, and before they fell in love, they had to go to work in other places, and if they didn't come back for a while, the little girl had to run away with others?

Qin Sui squinted his eyes halfway, his eyelashes fluttered slightly, and his eyes were fixed on one place. He could tell at a glance that he was in a daze.

Chai Yu: "Four or six."


Qin Sui didn't respond.

Chai Yu gritted his teeth: "[-]."

Qin Sui still didn't respond.

Although gentle and moist as jade, Chai Yu couldn't help but feel a little angry, "At most three to seven, Qin Sui, don't push yourself too hard."

Qin Sui came back to his senses, his eyes were confused: "What don't you eat?"


Chai Yu suppressed the unhappiness in his heart. He talked about his feelings for a long time, but Qin Sui didn't hear a word?
"Qin Sui, your life has been affected."

Chai Yu felt that a person like Qin Sui should not be overwhelmed by love. He is a natural hero, and he is naturally suitable for working with darkness. Money, power, and desire should all be his weapons.

Chai Yu squeezed the teacup lightly again, the breeze swayed slightly, his white clothes fluttered lightly, and the warmth of independence from the world permeated his bones.

Qin Sui glanced at Chai Yu, meaning unclear, "Aren't you pretending to be tired?"

"You're outside, aren't you also pretending?" Chai Yu curled his lips, "And I'm just too lazy to take off this disguise, it's safe, isn't it?"

Qin Sui: "You're also quite perverted."

Chai Yu's throat overflowed with laughter, "So, in the entire Jiangcheng, we are the only friends."

Qin Sui took a sip of tea in disgust, "I'll have a girlfriend soon."

Chai Yu: "..."

I heard that we have only met each other not long ago, isn't this liking too perfunctory?What can you understand after knowing each other for two or three days?It's just a subskin.

As for the eyes, Chai Yu just took it as a joke, how could he fall because of a pair of eyes?If so, he would collect some glass balls and see if Qin Sui would like them.

Chai Yu changed several methods, but failed to get Qin Sui to agree. In the end, he had to start with Qin Sui's feelings.

"Qin Sui, you know, this world is not black and white, everyone is very tired, especially girls." Chai Yu felt that what he said was good, at least, Qin Sui listened, "The little girl you like The girl is young, so she doesn't understand the laws of operation of this world, nor does she understand the fighting and elimination in this world."

"You like her, can you watch her go from a simple and innocent little girl, step by step, to be smoothed and dimmed, to become a mediocre person who succumbs to money, power and desire?"

"You have enough ability and ambition, why don't you make a decision earlier, create sheltered wings for the girl you like, and give her wings of freedom."

"only you--"

Qin Sui was dizzy from Chai Yu's beating, "Okay, Qisan, I'm leaving for the capital tomorrow."

In Jiangcheng, he could protect the little girl, but the girl's favorite university is the capital, and in the capital, he couldn't protect her at all.

Chai Yu really grasped his weakness.

Chai Yu bent his lips, "Be careful."

Jiangcheng No. [-] Middle School.

Qi Yuan flipped through a book, yawned, his eyes were hazy, and the roots of his eyelashes were moist.

"Sister, I'm done, can I hand in the paper in advance?"

Hearing this, Qi Yuan raised his head, and at some point, Jiang Ming stood beside her, staring curiously at the book in her hand.

Qi Yuan closed the book quickly, with a stern face, "From now on, you are not allowed to wander around in class, and you have to make a report."

"Okay, sister."

"Call the teacher in class."

"Okay, teacher."

"If you don't hand in the test papers, check the answers by yourself 5 minutes before get out of class ends, and you go back first."

Jiang Ming returned to his seat obediently.

Qi Yang bit his pen, frowned and looked at Jiang Ming, the more he looked at it, the more he felt that Jiang Ming's floppy hair was not pleasing to the eye.

"Qin Zhao, don't you think something is wrong with Jiang Ming? That's my sister, what is he doing here? I don't usually see him so close to any teacher."

Qin Zhao raised his head, turned his pen and shook his head, "I don't know."

Jiang Ming returned to his seat, facing his good brother who was gossiping last time.

"Jiang Ming, tell the truth, do you like Qi Yang's sister?" A young man boldly asked in a low voice.

The surrounding students widened their eyes in surprise, waiting for Jiang Ming's answer.

(End of this chapter)

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