Chapter 65
Qi Yang widened his eyes and blurted out: "What?"

The whole class turned their heads together and looked at Qi Yang.

Qi Yuan closed the book, raised his eyes to look over, and smiled, "Student Qi Yang, a thousand-word review, leave it to me tomorrow."

Qi Yang smiled mischievously, he didn't dare to contradict his sister.

Jiang Ming looked up at Qi Yuan, pursed his lips, and lowered his head to do the test paper.

After everything returned to calm, Qi Yang's pen tip danced on the paper, leaving an afterimage, and the crooked words were impressively: Criticism.

Qin Zhao propped his chin and stared at the big tree outside the window in a daze. Is his Weiwei doing well?With a big brother in Jiangcheng, Weiwei will definitely not come back, alas.

Weiwei is so kind and lovely, why doesn't the eldest brother agree?

Moreover, Weiwei's grades are excellent, and she also said that she would help him study together.The eldest brother hopes that he will study hard, why send Weiwei away?


Big Brother likes Teacher Qi, if Teacher Qi can help persuade...

Qin Zhao came back to his senses and looked at Qi Yuan who was on the podium. She was looking through the book without expression, very fast, but... "A Brief History of Human Torture"?
what? !

Qin Zhao's heart trembled, the elder brother was scary enough, if the elder sister-in-law was also a terrifying person, how could he live?
Qin Zhao swallowed his saliva, the eldest brother should not know how scary Teacher Qi is, right?

Qin Zhao fell into a new round of cranky thinking.

Before get out of class ended, Qi Yuan wrote the answers on the blackboard, and the students compared the answers to calculate their own scores, all showing incredulous eyes.

"Teacher! Is the score accurate? It can't be a lie, right?"

Some students couldn't hold back, both happy and apprehensive, anxiously waiting for Qi Yuan's answer.

"Don't lie." Qi Yuan twisted his fingers, "A high score?"

Qi Yuan's eyes are satisfied, he is a malleable talent.

The classmate asked cautiously: "But... Teacher, my grades are poor, but I have a high IQ? It's unlikely, right?"

"Have you studied?"


He really doesn't study.

The classmate's eyes darkened, "But I can't learn it, and many teachers say I'm stupid."

Qi Yuan strategically took a sip of water: "You are smart."

The fate of the two lines, it seems that she can guide a little bit.

There are 35 people in this class, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and none of them is out of their minds.

But... how come there are potential criminals? !

It feels a little perfunctory.

"Now that everyone has a clearer understanding of themselves, don't slacken your studies this semester." Qi Yuan didn't know where to pull out a stone, "Every student's score must increase by more than 30% compared with the end of the last semester."


"Isn't it too difficult?"

"Teacher! Don't! It's too difficult!"

The class was full of noise and wailing in an instant. They were all bottom-to-bottom students, and learning was too difficult for them!

Qi Yuan raised his hand and suppressed the pressure, and the class returned to silence, "I believe in your potential, and there is a lot of room for improvement. For example——"

Qi Yuan and Qi Yang looked at each other, Qi Yang instantly felt something was wrong, and the next second——

"Student Qi Yang, for example, only scored 5 points in the math test last semester, and the only correct multiple-choice question was the rubber mask."

Qi Yang: "..."

Thank you, sister!
She is really his own sister!
Exposing the younger brother's shortcomings, relentless, woo woo~~~
Qi Yuan felt melancholy, exposing people's faults would damage his merits, so he went to find a big tonic and took two sips.

"You have a lot of room for improvement, and there are infinite possibilities in the future."

The whole class didn't react at all, hearing this sentence made the ears feel callused.Alas, they have been given up a long time ago, and it is too late to learn now, and they are much worse than other students.

"In the final exam of this semester, the bottom five students in the class—"

The students are still not interested, the punishment is the same.

Qi Yuan spit out a few words slowly: "Communicate martial arts with me."

all the classmates:"!!!"

This is clearly killing them!

Vicious woman!
A girl raised her hand, her baby face was cute, her big watery eyes were lively, "Teacher, do you want to wipe out our class with seven final exams?"

If you beat five to death at one time, you can beat them all to death after seven exams!

very scary!
The girl at the same table also raised her hand and corrected the girl, "There are still three final exams and one college entrance exam, the teacher should only kill fifteen!"

"Your brain is very fast." Qi Yuan didn't care about the compliment, and looked at the girl, "Next time you must pass the math, otherwise I will kill you first."

As he said that, the stone in Qi Yuan's hand shattered.


The girl sat down carefully, and quickly took out the math book, eyes full of resentment, why did she raise her hand?


A week later, Jiangcheng No. [-] Middle School knew that the Chinese teacher in Class [-] of Senior High School was very popular with students. The students in their class called sister sweetly and even carried her bags for her.

The students in Class [-] are struggling and can’t tell: Can your Chinese teacher crush stones with bare hands?Will your Chinese teacher threaten you to pass other subjects first?

Half water tea house.

Qi Yuan took big strides and followed the manager to a small pavilion. In the pavilion, the man was dressed in white, made of cotton and linen, without any wrinkles, warm and moist as jade, pleasing to the eye.

Manager: "Miss Qi, sir is waiting for you at the pavilion, this way please."

The manager pointed out a way, but Qi Yuan didn't follow, so he walked straight towards the pavilion.

"Miss Qi, how do you think about the cooperation?" Chai Yu politely poured a cup of tea for Qi Yuan with a warm and jade-like temperament, "If you have an idea, Miss Qi can talk about it."

Chai Yu appreciates Qi Yuan very much. He is a rare talent who can transform a heavy computer with a big head into a mobile computer that is convenient and easy to carry.

Qi Yuan sat down casually, with a blunt breath rushing towards his face, without the softness that girls should have in the worldly rules.

"You want to kill Qin Sui."

Chai Yu paused, and frowned slightly like a banished fairy, "Miss Qi, are you here to talk about cooperation, or to provoke me and Mr. Qin?"

"You are using Qin Sui."

Chai Yu didn't change his face, "Miss Qi, if you say something, you have to be responsible. In Jiangcheng, only Mr. Qin and I are bosom friends. What reason do I have to harm him?"

"Your poison."

Hearing this, Chai Yu smiled lightly, his eyes were clear and shallow, but his voice was still clear and clear, "Miss Qi, you know a little too much."

He has been poisoned since he was a child, and his life span is only 25 years.

"It's okay, fur."

Qi Yuan said with a cold face, "I can save your life, but you have to protect Qin Sui's life."

She has to go to class and doesn't have time to stare at Big Tonic.

"Save me?" Chai Yu sneered, the gentleman's gentle camouflage was torn off, and the white clothes on him instantly became dazzling.

No amount of doctors can cure his poison.

"Miss Qi, a genius like Qin Sui should die with me. When we go underground, we can be rivals or friends."

Qi Yuan pursed his lips and stared at Chai Yu with dangerous eyes: "Do you like Qin Sui?"


The Great Tonic is hers.

Chai Yu's elegance that he had pretended for more than ten years collapsed, and he uttered the first foul language in his life: "Who loves him?! Laozi is a man!"


It's fine if you don't like it.

It doesn't matter if you like it.

Just kill it.

No one can compete with her for the big tonic.

[Host~ Do you like big tonic~~~]

The system's thieves' tone seemed to smell shocking gossip.

From its point of view, the host is cold-hearted, dominating the villain's body, suppressing the villain's forces, and without saying a single sweet word for decades, the villain still never leaves her.

The host is not cheating on feelings, after all, she is too lazy to cheat.

Now that he protects the villain so much, wouldn't it mean that he likes the villain?
(End of this chapter)

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