Chapter 68
Qi Yuan walked towards the car, and when he was two or three steps away, the man in white long shirt and trousers opened the car door, walked around the car, and walked towards Qi Yuan.

"Miss Qi, you have been delaying the last injection for three days, are you very busy?"

Chai Yu's voice is gentle, but his tone is helpless. Compared with the exiled immortal who does not enter the world, he has fallen into the mortal world and has a bit of a human touch.

Qi Yuan was still offended by this bit of humanity.

He had seen Qi Yuan's attitude towards other people, so he pulled his lips into a smile; Qi Yuan's face was cold to him, not much better than ice cubes.

I don't know where he offended her and was treated so differently by her.


Qi Yuan nodded without hesitation, she is very busy every day.

Chai Yu choked for a moment, normal people have to pretend to be polite no matter how busy they are.

"Miss Qi, get in the car first, there are two things I need to communicate with you."

Chai Yu's tone was familiar, and his warm eyes could not help but feel a little gloating.

Qi Yuan raised his eyelids and glanced at him, really gloating.

Qi Yuan opened the car door, threw his schoolbag on it, got in the car, fastened his seat belt, and adjusted a comfortable posture.

After Chai Yu got into the car, he ordered the driver to drive back to the teahouse, and five eye-catching cars drove away from the school slowly.

school entrance.

"Ms. Wang, is that Mr. Qi?"

Teacher Wang's eyes flashed, "Yes."

"Teacher Qi is lucky, that man is very rich at first glance, five cars, my God!"

Teacher Wang smiled, "But...the last time I saw him in the restaurant, it didn't seem to be him...but maybe I misread it. Teacher Bai, don't talk nonsense outside."

"Haha, definitely!"

Teacher Wang walked towards his battery car and curled his lips. Teacher Bai's big mouth will definitely spread everywhere.

Seeing the direction the car was leaving, Teacher Wang sneered, "Qi Yuan is the kind of person who pretends to be aloof at school, but leaves school to hook up with different men.She would like to see if Qi Yuan can succeed!

In the car, holding the thermos cup, Qi Yuan dug out a book "Perverted Psychology".

Chai Yu's eyes twitched, and he couldn't help staying away from Qi Yuan, but there was still something to be said.

"This is a contract, Miss Qi can read it."

Qi Yuan took the contract, that is, two pieces of paper, looked through it with lowered eyes, and she tore it up in twos.

"Miss Qi, I have a backup there."

Qi Yuan grasped the torn paper tightly, crumpled it into a ball, and threw it at Chai Yu, his eyes were full of murderous intent, and his clear voice was full of threats, "Illegal behavior, do you want to go to the police station?"

That bastard Qi Wu dared to betray her a second time.

You bastard!

"Miss Qi is still naive. In the entire Jiangcheng, who would dare to touch Chai?"

Qi wished that if he had everything, "International Prison welcomes you."

"Miss Qi was joking, but she just asked her father to take Chai's 10 yuan, which is not a small amount."

"Break his leg."

If you don't go out, you shouldn't be able to sell her for a third time.

"Pull out his tongue again."

If you can't talk, you probably can't sell her.

Chai Yu: "..."

Young and vicious.

After thinking about it, Chai Yu added, "Miss Qi might as well repay the 10 yuan in another way."

Qi Yuan closed the book in his hand, with a straight face and dangerous eyes, "Are you threatening me?"

"Smart." Chai Yu pursed his lips and said with a smile, "I used to have a teacher, but now he has some physical problems. If Ms. Qi can make a move, the 10 yuan will be written off, and I will add another 10 yuan, how about it?"

"No way."

Qi Yuan refused decisively.

"Miss Qi thinks clearly, 10 yuan, your monthly salary of 40 yuan is not enough."

"Then don't pay it back."

What logic is there to sell her and ask her to pay back the money?

Chai Yu was not surprised by Qi Yuan's answer, and decided to use another method, "Miss Qi, I'll help you catch Qin Sui, how about you treat my teacher?"

"No way."

Still tough.

Chai Yu gritted his molars, unable to communicate with her!
"Miss Qi, let me make a condition. As long as you are willing to go, Chai will try her best to meet it."

Qi Yuan stretched out his index finger, lifted his lips and said coldly, "1 yuan."


The host is the host, rebellious.

Chai Yu pursed his lips: "..."

He doesn't understand.

What kind of head does she have? !

Not 10 yuan, but 1 yuan? !
No wonder it's a Chinese teacher, I guess I didn't pass the math.

Qi Yuan glanced coldly at Shang Chai Yu's hesitant eyes, "Do you have an opinion?"

Chai Yu smiled, "Don't dare."

He still wants to die.

I really don't know who would dare to want a woman like Qi Yuan?

Are you afraid that one day Qi Yuan will be unhappy and directly crush his Tianling Gai?

Banshui Tea House, a house in the backyard.

The wooden structure of the small courtyard is wonderfully matched with water and wood. Seasonal flowers are placed in the courtyard, each with its own posture, delicate, bright, and graceful. Perhaps it is a problem of placement. When you look at it at first glance, there will be no noisy feeling of competing for beauty. , a peaceful scene.


"Don't you just take off your clothes?"

"What's more, I left you a pair of underpants."

Chai Yu tugged on his pants, his fair face was flushed, his eyes were ashamed and angry, "You speak lightly."

It wasn't her who took off her pants!

Qi Yuan had a cold face, pinching the silver needle, with impatience between her brows, she was most annoyed by this kind of patients, who demanded a lot of treatment.

"Take off."

It's just a cure, what's there to complain about?
The toxin has spread to the legs, and if he dies, he will be paralyzed on the bed next month.

Chai Yu gritted his teeth, "You go out first."


Qi Yuan raised his hand, and pierced a silver needle into the acupoint on Chai Yu's shoulder blade. Seeing that Chai Yu had shut his mouth and could not move, Qi Yuan showed satisfaction in his eyes.

Chai Yu: "!!!"

What does she want to do? !

She is a girl, is she ashamed? !

I saw that Qi Yuan grabbed the clothes around Chai Yu's waist with one hand, threw him on the bamboo bed, and complained in disgust.


As if she had thoughts about him.

Skillfully took off Chai Yu's pants, turned him over, thought for a while, Qi Yuan found a piece of cloth and covered his head.

Now, shouldn't you be shy?

Fortunately, she is a benevolent doctor.

Chai Yu: "!!!"

When he can move, kill her!
The acupuncture process was very long. Chai Yu's legs and back were covered with silver needles, densely packed like hedgehogs. The lights in the room were bright, and the silver needles shone with a cold light, which was shocking.

What Qi Yuan hates the most is this kind of slow poison, which may corrode to any part, so he has to investigate carefully.

Very troublesome.

Qi Yuan injected the last needle, and suddenly said, "You must not tell Qin Sui about this matter."

Chai Yu: "..."

"Did you hear me?"

The voice is getting colder.

Chai Yu: "..."

Did she forget to light his acupuncture point? !

"not talking?"

Chai Yu closed his eyes, wanting to die.

【Host, you can't speak when you lit someone's acupoint. 】


Qi Yuan kept his mouth shut, and didn't say a word until the needle was pulled out.

Unlocking Chai Yu's acupuncture points, Qi Yuan packed up the needle pack.

"Miss Qi, it's getting late." Chai Yu buttoned up his buttons slowly, lazily and easy-going, "Why don't you follow me to my teacher's place."

Chai Yu felt that Qi Yuan didn't play cards according to common sense, since he had something to ask of her, he should follow her—to play out of common sense together.

Qi Yuan lowered his eyes and tidied up the needle bag, "Have dinner first, and go to Nanjin."

One dinner, all in peace.

Chai Yu drove Qi Yuan to a small building, got out of the car, and reminded Qi Yuan, "You should have heard that the previous leader in education in Jiangcheng, Mr. Jiang."

Qi Yuan was a little sleepy, raised his eyes to look over, pinched his fingers unconsciously, and his black eyes flickered.

(End of this chapter)

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