Chapter 69
Lightly knocking on the simple door, a voice of "wait a moment" came from the courtyard.

Soon, the door opened, and under the dim light, the young man's delicate and unruly eyebrows were revealed, but they suddenly softened.

"elder sister?"


Qi Yuan nodded, looked at Jiang Ming with unknown meaning and said, "Come see your grandpa."

This little kid pretends to be good all day long, which is a bit annoying.

Jiang Ming smiled innocently, "Sister is so versatile, she can do everything."

"Low-key." Qi Yuan twitched his lips slightly, and added, "It's still possible."

Chai Yu: "..."

Hearing this tone, it seems like he can do anything.

When did she keep a low profile?

Jiang Ming shrugged, smiled and turned sideways, "Sister, please come in."

As he got closer to Mr. Jiang's room, the cough became clearer.

"Cough cough..."

"Cough cough..."

The coughing sounds were deafening one after another, as if they were about to cough up their internal organs.

The door was knocked open, and a very energetic old man was holding a handkerchief, his face was flushed, his eyes were clear, his whole body was calm, and he was full of the gifts of the years.

"Xiao Chai, who is this?"

Old Mr. Jiang has always been easy-going, but the moment he saw Qi Yuan's face clearly, he still couldn't help being dazed.

"Uncle Jiang, I told you last time that she is very skilled in medicine, so I specially invite you to come here to show me."

Qi Yuan casually pinched his fingers, nodded slightly, and agreed with Chai Yu's words.

"Miss is from Jiangcheng?"

Qi Yuan nodded politely, and raised his lips, "A guess?"

Old Mr. Jiang's next sentence was stuck in his throat, he hesitated to speak, and he couldn't help but look curiously at Qi Yuan.

Chai Yu clenched his fists, thinking that he would be ashamed to come out without Qi Yuan next time.

Jiang Ming blinked, eyes full of admiration, dare to spread superstition in front of his grandfather, sister is so brave.

"For example, about Miss Jiang Qian."

Qi Yuan's words were like throwing a stone into the lake, breaking the calm without wind or waves.

The faces of the people present changed, and the place of conversation was changed to a serious study.

Old Mr. Jiang coughed up blood, and his expression remained unchanged. Qi Yuan, who was seated in the guest seat, was at ease. He frowned, "Miss, do you know Jiang Qian?"

Several people looked at Qi Yuan in unison.

Qi Yuan took out a red string and played with it in his hand, his porcelain white face was solemn and solemn.

"There are many similar faces in the world. I don't know Miss Jiang Qian, but how much you want to hear about Miss Jiang Qian depends on your sincerity."

She looks somewhat similar to Jiang Qian, which is why Jiang Ming pesters her all day long.

Oh, it's annoying.

Also pretend to be good.


But she is Teacher Jiang Ming, a model teacher, she is too kind without doing anything.

Old Mr. Jiang was silent. After all, Jiang Ming was young and couldn't hold back his words. "Teacher, do you really know about my sister?"


The tone is sure.

Old Mr. Jiang looked at Jiang Ming and frowned, "Is this lady your teacher?"

"Yes, Grandpa." Jiang Ming smiled, "Ms. Qi is very powerful."

For example, if the math teacher is sick, she will give lectures for the math teacher, half a book per class, and the miracle is - the whole class understands!
Some students don't believe in evil, and secretly give the calculus to the teacher, and she can calculate the result by mouth.

Just... outrageous!
Didn't she study Chinese in college?
Qi Yang also said that his sister used to be sad and sad, she looked like a sister Lin, and in his opinion, Lu Zhishen was more than enough.

Perhaps because of his trust in Jiang Ming, Mr. Jiang sighed, "Please Miss Qi."

Qi Yuan closed his eyes, opened his lips and spoke softly.

"Jiang Qian, 26 years old, was born in Xia Xia, the Year of the Rabbit. Five years ago, the Red Luan star moved, and she left Jiangcheng with a man surnamed Yu. She has not been heard from again. She is currently in the North Forest District of the capital, safe and sound."

In the study room, apart from shallow breathing, there was no other sound.

After a long time, Mr. Jiang's eyes were red, "How is she doing?"

It is impossible for him not to care about whether it is his granddaughter. Now five years have passed, and she is stubbornly refusing to come back, not even a single letter.

"Respected, well-fed and well-fed."

Qi Yuan thought of a few adjectives, then tapped his fingers subconsciously.

In any case, he is also a member of the confidential unit, so he must be doing well.

It's just that if you keep your work a secret, it's better to be lenient if you even pretend to elope with a man. The nature of the Jiang family will definitely support her work.

Old Mr. Jiang nodded in relief, almost bursting into tears, "That's good, that's good!"

Chai Yu stroked his chin, his eyes were curious, there was no proof, why did Uncle Jiang believe it?
Qi Yuan took out a small white porcelain bottle and put it on the table, "The medicine for Jiang Ju's coughing up blood."

"A total of 2 yuan."

The fortune telling is 1 yuan, the pill is 1 yuan, and the price is affordable.

Old Mr. Jiang couldn't help frowning, "Why is the medicine so expensive? Besides, the lady hasn't been diagnosed yet, so it seems inappropriate to talk about it."

Qi Yuan turned his head to look at Chai Yu, Chai Yu understood, and quickly explained to Mr. Jiang.

He also doubted Qi Yuan at the beginning, but in the spirit of treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor, he followed her, but the effect was surprisingly good.

Old Mr. Jiang didn't quite believe it, but his former student insisted, so he had no choice but to agree first, and gave Qi Yuan 2 yuan in distress, just thinking it was a waste of money to buy peace of mind.

Qi Yuan and Chai Yu did not stay for long.

In the car, Chai Yu tried to test Qi Yuan if the matter about Jiang Qian was true. After all, the Jiang family's treatment of Jiang Qian hurt to the bone.

Qi Yuan yawned, stuffed himself with a candy, and leaned lazily on the seat, half-closed his eyes to rest his mind.

"You owe me one hundred thousand—"

"No debt."

Qi Wu's scumbag father sold her again, so he can be chic with 10 yuan, which is really okay.

Qi Yuan opened his eyes suddenly, "During the time I was treating you, Qi Wu sold me to your place, you agreed, and tell me the reason."

Isn't it afraid of a medical accident if you treat your savior like this?
Or do you firmly believe that her medicine is noble?
Chai Yu: "...The subordinates don't know what to do, there will be no next time."

Since meeting Qi Yuan, he has understood what it means to be able to bend and stretch.

Money is nothing, power is nothing, Qi Yuan is nothing to worry about this woman holding a gun with her bare hands, she is a deadly weapon.

As for holding a gun with bare hands...

During the first treatment, he was betrayed by his subordinates, and his life was hanging by a thread. Qi Yuan took a gun with his bare hands...Unexpectedly, the gun turned into powder, and Qi Yuan was fine with this woman.

The only strange thing was that it was clearly sunny that day, but it thundered all day long.

【Host!You can report Chai Yu! 】


If Chai Yu does bad things, he will bring Qin Sui down.

Last time at Qin Sui's, I couldn't sell her; with Chai Yu, I could, so—Chai Yu is even more of a villain than a villain.

"If you kill Chai Yu, it should have no effect."

Qi Yuan came up with an idea out of the blue, to wipe out all the flames of evil around Qin Sui while Qin Sui was not being brought down.

[Host, please correct your three views, don't use the law to deal with the law. 】

Qi Yuan glanced at Chai Yu from the corner of his eye, and [-] dangerous hypotheses flashed through his head.

It wasn't until Qi Yuan was delivered to the door of Qi's house that Chai Yu breathed a sigh of relief. He always felt a chill down his back, as if his life was hanging by a thread.

Chai Yu narrowed his eyes, suspecting that the Chai family had to make preparations early to deal with him recently. He inadvertently raised his eyes and saw something flickering in Qi Yuan's hand.

He took a closer look, knife? !
What did she do with the knife at home? !

(End of this chapter)

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