fall into his palm

Chapter 203 Don't Feel Embarrassed

Chapter 203 Don't Feel Embarrassed
Zhang Jiayu found that she couldn't speak to this beautiful legal director.

And what Ye Sisi said was indeed true, that is, she self-destructed her image first, which was why ACE Company no longer asked her to be a spokesperson.

She also consulted the lawyer for this, whether it was a breach of contract.

The lawyer's answer was that there is no absolute answer to this kind of thing. Once they meet in court, it mainly depends on the level of the lawyers of both parties, and which side the adjudicator is willing to help.

So she actually didn't want to go to court about this matter, because once the fight started, no matter whether she won or lost, it would have a huge negative impact on her reputation.

She just didn't expect that Ye Sisi would force her to send a wreath on the day her store opened.

"Miss Zhang, I've said everything I need to say, what are you going to do with this matter?" Ye Sisi asked.

"That's a matter for the brokerage company. If you want to talk about it, talk to the brokerage company..."

"Then let's not talk about it. I'll ask the mourning team to bring the wreaths." Ye Sisi took out her phone.

"Wait!" Zhang Jiayu was anxious, "Boss Ye, don't do this. If you dare to do this, I will call the police!"

"Then you should call the police immediately, or it will be too late." Ye Sisi said.


"Hey, bring the wreath here..."

"Wait!" Zhang Jiayu quickly stopped Ye Sisi, "Don't come here, let's talk!"

I knew you wouldn't be able to handle it!

"You also know that I'm just an artist, and I have to share the income from my business activities with the agency. I can refund the part of the endorsement fee that I share, but I can't guarantee that the agency will refund it. "Zhang Jiayu's tone softened.

"Then you get rid of what you got first. As for the brokerage company, I'll talk to them later." Ye Sisi said.

"Okay, then you go back first, and I'll send the money after I've settled the matter here."

Ye Sisi took out her mobile phone and pulled out the payment code, "Give it now."

"I don't have that much cash on my mobile phone. Give me your account number, and I'll have someone call you within today." Zhang Jiayu said.

"Miss Zhang, you still want to play tricks, don't you? Let's not talk about it, I'll send someone to send a wreath!"

"Don't be like this. I'm really not playing tricks. I really don't have so much money in my mobile phone. Give me your account number, and I'll have someone call you right now."

"Okay, then I'll give you the account number. I'll just wait outside. I must receive the payment within today."

Then he took out the paper and pen from the bag, "You write the IOU first!"

"Is there still an IOU?"

"Of course!"

Zhang Jiayu had no choice but to take the pen and paper and began to write the IOU.

When you're done writing, go out and make a phone call.

Ye Sisi only heard her say: "Honey, can you find some money for this account... It's hard to say, but it's really urgent, honey, you must do it as soon as possible, don't let anyone know... OK, I'll listen to you of!"

Talking so ambiguously, with one honey at a time, it is probably one of her benefactors.


Half an hour later, Chiva called.

"Mr. Ye, you are amazing! The first batch of refunds from Zhang Jiayu has arrived!"

"That's good. By the way, which account was the money transferred from? Can I find it?" Ye Sisi asked.

At present, only Zhang Jiayu's personal refund has been returned, and her agency's refund has not been refunded.It is inevitable that there will be some fights with her agency in the future.

It is of course necessary to know more about Zhang Jiayu.

The most important thing is that the person who transferred the money must be a man who has an improper relationship with Zhang Jiayu.

Then we need to understand it more clearly.

"Let someone check it now." Jiwa said.

"Okay, then you can just let someone check it casually, and it doesn't matter if you can't find it."

"Okay, Mr. Ye." Jiwa replied.

"Then I'll hang up first."

Just after hanging up Jiwa's phone, the phone rang again.

It's a landline number ending in '8', which looks familiar.

Numbers ending in eights all come from the sales hotlines of real estate companies, or privately.

Ye Sisi picked up the phone: "Hello?"

A woman's voice came, "Ye Sisi, I'm He Yuzhen."

Ye Sisi was in a daze for a few seconds before she remembered that He Yuzhen was the vicious and mean old lady of the Leng family.

"Madam Leng, what's the matter?" Ye Sisi asked coldly.

"Ye Sisi, you also married into my Leng family, and we are considered a family. Why didn't you come back after you were released from prison?" He Yuzhen said.

Ye Sisi smiled coldly, are you joking?I was almost killed by you, you said you and I are a family?

Dogs don't believe this, do they?

"Ye Sisi, are you listening?" He Yuzhen asked again.

"I'm listening, you said."

"I've prepared a small table, and I want to invite you to my house for a meal. My wife and I are also talking. Where are you, I'll send someone to pick you up." He Yuzhen said.

The word 'mother' gave Ye Sisi goosebumps all over the floor.

Who and you are 'girls'?Do you want to be shameless?
Your son Leng Shaohan doesn't even kiss you, so he can't be regarded as the first wife, right?

Don't you feel embarrassed, you and Mrs.
"No." Ye Sisi directly refused.

He Yuzhen probably also expected that Ye Sisi would refuse, so she wasn't angry, and tried to persuade her, "Sisi, you know you have misunderstood me, but that's all in the past, so don't worry about it. Come here, I have something important to talk to you about."

"I'm not free." Ye Sisi said.

It must be no good for the old witch to find herself.

It's the best choice not to talk to her.

"Sisi, don't be like this, where are you, I'll send someone to pick you up."

Although Ye Sisi didn't want to go to the appointment, she actually wanted to know what He Yuzhen wanted to say to her.

Because she could vaguely feel that He Yuzhen's search for her must have something to do with Leng Shaohan.

I am just a small person with no influence.

In terms of social status, there is a big gap between myself and the hostess of the Leng family.

The old witch called herself so politely, the only possibility was to talk about Leng Shaohan.

What about Leng Shaohan?
"You don't need to find someone to pick me up, I won't go. If you really have something to do, then you can just talk on the phone." Ye Sisi said.

"Some things are not easy to talk about on the phone, but it's better to say it in person." He Yuzhen still insisted.

"Then let's not talk about it."

"How about this, I'll let Leng Xinde pick you up in person. Sisi, I didn't do anything wrong with you, it must be a good thing." He Yuzhen said.

Ye Sisi became even more curious, what exactly did the old witch want from her?
She found something good for herself?What kind of good things can come to me?
Then the phone beeped, and another call came in.

Looking at the number, it was Jihua calling.

"Mrs. Leng, if you refuse to tell me, then I'll hang up."

After Ye Sisi finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

"Hey, what's the matter?" Ye Sisi asked Jiwa.

"Mr. Ye, the person who helped Zhang Jiayu pay the money has been found out. You must not have imagined that it was him!"

(End of this chapter)

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