fall into his palm

Chapter 204 Surprisingly Big

Chapter 204 Surprisingly Big
Ye Sisi said angrily: "Nonsense, I definitely can't think of it. There are so many people in this world, how could I possibly figure out who it is? You can just say the answer is no?"

"It's Leng Xinde! That payment account turned out to be Leng Xinde! I didn't expect Zhang Jiayu and Leng Xinde to have an affair too! Zhang Jiayu is really not shy, old men like Leng Xinde do it too?"

Ye Sisi wasn't surprised, and Zhang Jiayu wasn't considered a super top class, so it was completely normal to find a rich man.

Although Leng Xinde is an idiot, he is the president of the Leng Group after all.

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Although the Leng family is declining day by day, Leng Xinde, the current head of the Leng family, is still the thigh that many female stars want to hug.

Ye Sisi smiled, "Then do you think that Zhang Jiayu should look for you instead of Leng Xinde?"

"Boss Ye, you are making fun of him again, they don't like women like Zhang Jiayu." Jiwa said.

"Don't say anything about this. I'm going to see Zhang Jiayu's manager now to ask for the savings."

"Can I get it back?"


"Forget it, I'm too lazy to go to Zhang Jiayu's agent in person. You call her directly and tell her to come to the company to discuss the final payment. If he doesn't come, we'll make Zhang Jiayu raise a small fresh meat and mess with the old man again." The man's affairs are posted on the Internet."

"Let him take the initiative to come to you?"



As soon as Ye Sisi arrived at the company, Zhang Jiayu's agent came.

"Mr. Ye, why are you spreading rumors! Our family, Jiayu, is already married, and their husband and wife are very loving!" Zhang Jiayu's manager, Ji Fei, said urgently.

"It's very affectionate. The husband and wife recorded a variety show of affection together a while ago! Then they played their own things in private, right? If the public knows that Zhang Jiayu's love show is fake, then Zhang Jiayu's commercial value will be further depreciated, right? So You should return our money quickly, and everyone will live in peace." Ye Sisi said coldly.

"Boss Ye, you are a threat! We will not give in!"

"Okay, let's not talk about it. I'm going to make an appointment with a reporter now to expose the scandal of Zhang Jiayu's chaotic private life. I have solid evidence here. Once it is revealed, among other things, the advertisement of Zhang Jiayu and his wife's endorsement at the same time must be withdrawn. The brand side will also appeal, and you will be busy with the lawsuit again." Zhang Jiayu said.

The agent thought for a while, and sighed: "Okay, we can refund the endorsement fee. But Mr. Ye, please make sure people keep their promises, and don't tell the story."

"As long as our affairs are over, Zhang Jiayu and I don't have any grudges. I won't do that."

"Okay, I'll ask the company's finance to pay you now."


When Ye Sisi returned home, she found several black cars parked at the door.

Ye Sisi glanced casually, then turned and walked home.

But someone called her from behind.

Turning around, it turned out that He Yuzhen came in person.

He Yuzhen looked at the place where Ye Sisi lived, "This house is a bit small, you live here, I feel sorry for you."

Ye Sisi didn't want her cheap sympathy, and the house was not small, so it was enough.

"What's the matter with Mrs. Leng looking for me, and she's blocking the door of my house?" Ye Sisi said coldly.

"It's not blocking the door of the house, but I'm here to invite you to my house as a guest." He Yuzhen said, "I originally wanted Leng Xinde to come, but I was afraid that you wouldn't go, so I had no choice but to go there myself."

"I won't go even if you come. I'm a small person, and I don't deserve to enter Leng's high family compound."

He Yuzhen smiled, "It seems that you still have some grievances. The Leng family did feel sorry for you in the past. But that is all in the past, so why should you worry about it? I am here today to sincerely invite you to return home. Take a look at the Leng family, after all, that's where you lived too."

"I never lived in Leng's house, I was imprisoned there by you!" Ye Sisi said bitterly, "I will never want to go to that hellish place again."

"Okay, then can I go to your house for a cup of tea?" He Yuzhen said.

"I don't have tea or boiled water at home. If you have something to say, you can just talk about it here, don't tell me I went in."

When dealing with an old witch like He Yuzhen, one cannot show mercy.

"Wait." He Yuzhen didn't expect Ye Sisi to be so desperate, she was a little angry, but she still held back.


"Madam Leng, please don't call me so intimate, I can't bear it. Just call me Ye Sisi."

"I came today to ask you for a favor." He Yuzhen finally got to the point.

"I won't help." Ye Sisi said.

He Yuzhen was stunned, she refused without asking anything!
This woman is really amazing.

"Miss Ye." He Yuzhen had no choice but to change her address, "Listen to what I'm talking about first."

"No matter what, I don't want to hear about it." Ye Sisi said.

He Yuzhen became even more angry in her heart, but she still had to endure it, "Leng's situation is very bad at the moment, I hope you can help us persuade Leng Shaohan to help Leng. As long as you can persuade him, we can help you A certain reward."

"How much is the salary?" Ye Sisi asked.

He Yuzhen heard something interesting.

"If you can persuade Shao Han to use funds to save us, then I can give you 100 million rewards." He Yuzhen said.

"100 million is so little? What about begging for food? Leng's family has a big business, and 100 million is too embarrassing to ask?"

"Then how much do you want?"

"One million is free, let's go." Ye Sisi turned around and left.

"500 million! As long as you can convince Shao Han, we will give you 500 million!"

For several listed companies under Leng's, as long as the stock price rises, it will be a matter of minutes to add billions in value, and 500 million is really nothing.

Ye Sisi snorted coldly, "You want to use me for 500 million? Don't talk about it."

He Yuzhen thought that Ye Sisi was poor and could be dismissed casually.

Unexpectedly, Ye Sisi was unmoved at all, and her appetite was surprisingly large.

With such a high price of 500 million, she still doesn't like it.

"Then how much do you want?" He Yuzhen asked angrily.

"At least 5000 million, I can talk to you. If it's less than 5000 million, then you can find someone else." Ye Sisi said.

He Yuzhen was very angry, if I had another candidate, would I look for you?

This woman is getting more and more annoying!
But now there is no way to ask her.

Although 5000 million is a lot, if Leng Shaohan is really willing to save the market, the benefits will be huge, not comparable to 5000 million.

"Okay, I promise you, 5000 million is 5000 million. As long as you persuade Shao Han to save the market, I will give you 5000 million immediately." He Yuzhen said.

"Okay, then you give me the money first." Ye Sisi said.

"Give you the money first? Then what if you don't do anything after receiving the money?" He Yuzhen said.

"If you can't trust me, forget it."

After Ye Sisi finished speaking, she turned around and left.

(End of this chapter)

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