Chapter 205
He Yuzhen quickly stopped Ye Sisi, "Don't leave! I can pay you a part of the deposit first, and if you succeed in persuading Shao Han, I will give you the rest of the money."

Only then did Ye Sisi stop, "Then you give me 500 million first, this is the deposit. If the matter is completed, you have to pay the final payment. If not, I will not refund the 500 million to you."

He Yuzhen obviously hesitated.

Although 500 million is nothing to the Leng family, it is still money.

And He Yuzhen had reason to suspect that Ye Sisi just wanted to cheat her of money.

If Ye Sisi took the money and didn't do anything at all, and she wouldn't refund the 500 million, it would be troublesome.

This possibility is quite high.

Of course Ye Sisi also knew that He Yuzhen was not that easy to fool, and she didn't think she really wanted He Yuzhen's 500 million.

But if you can take it, it is not for nothing.

I suffered so much at the Leng's house back then, so taking the old woman's 500 million as compensation is not too much, right?
"Ye Sisi, how can you guarantee that you will really persuade Shaohan after taking the money? I don't believe you, unless you call him right away, turn on the speakerphone, and let me hear that you are really trying to persuade Shaohan."

Sure enough, the old witch would make such a request.

Ye Si thought about whether to play with her again.

He called Leng Shaohan himself and asked him to contribute to save the Leng family.

The result was predictable, Leng Shaohan would definitely think she was crazy, and would sarcastically say, who do you think you are.

That would be disgraceful.

"You don't want to fight? Then you just want to cheat money." He Yuzhen said.

Coincidentally, at this time Ye Sisi's cell phone rang, and it was Leng Shaohan who called.

Ye Sisi hesitated for a moment, but still picked up the phone, "Shaohan, I was just looking for you."

Leng Shaohan was taken aback, calling so affectionately?

In my impression, this woman has never called her name so intimately.

There must be a demon in the abnormal situation.

"What's your situation?" Leng Shaohan asked directly.

"Shaohan, there is something I want to tell you. You are also a member of the Leng family. Now that the Leng family is in crisis, you should help." Ye Sisi said.

When Leng Shaohan heard this, it was even more strange.

Since when did this woman care about the Leng family?It's her turn to take care of this matter?

How clever Leng Shaohan is, you can understand after a little thought.

"Someone came to look for you? Let you persuade me to save the Leng family?" Leng Shaohan asked.

"En." Ye Sisi responded.

"Give you money? As long as you persuade me, will I give you money?"

"En." Ye Sisi replied again.

Leng Shaohan is angry and funny, this woman is really a money addict!
For the sake of money, she even tenderly called herself Shao Han, she is really flexible.

"You want to earn this money?" Leng Shaohan asked again.

"Well, if you don't take it, don't take it." Ye Sisi lowered her voice.

It makes sense, Leng Shaohan agrees with this point of view.

"So you want me to cooperate with you?" Leng Shaohan asked again.


"It's not impossible to cooperate with you, then you call me dear now."


"If you want to persuade me, of course you have to be more intimate. Call, otherwise I won't cooperate with you." Leng Shaohan said.

"Then I told you to cooperate with me." Ye Sisi said.


People don't bend their waists for five buckets of rice, but I will bend my waist for five million yuan.


After Ye Sisi called out, she was still a little shy, and her face became hot.

I still don't have a thick skin enough to make Leng Shaohan laugh at me.

When Leng Shaohan heard it, he wanted to laugh a little, but his heart fluttered.

This shocked Leng Shaohan himself, he was able to do this because of the woman's "dear"?
Isn't this too worthless?

I am the third master Leng, how can I act like a little boy?Because of a good-sounding sentence, the feeling of being about to fall?

What's so great about a dear?Why are you so excited?

This damn heartbeat!

"Are you listening?" Ye Sisi asked.

"Listening, are you going to turn on the speakerphone?"

Leng Shaohan pretended to be calm and said softly.

"Yes. Can you cooperate?"

"Then call again."



"Dear Shaohan!"

"Okay, please start your performance." Leng Shaohan said.

Ye Sisi turned on the speakerphone, "Shao Han, although you and the Leng family have some misunderstandings, your surname is Leng after all. Now that the Leng family has something to do, you can't stand by and watch."

"Well, I'll think about it." Leng Shaohan replied.

He Yuzhen next to him heard it clearly, and couldn't help but feel happy.

Will Leng Shaohan really consider it?
That's great!

Unexpectedly, Leng Shaohan cared so much about this woman that he would listen to her!

If that's the case, then there's a lot of fun!
He Yuzhen kept gesticulating beside her, signaling Ye Sisi to continue persuading her.

But Ye Sisi didn't listen to her.

This is just a show, just show it casually, you can't play too much.

There are too many performances, and it is easy to be exposed.

"Shaohan, let's meet and talk?" Ye Sisi said.

"it is good."

Leng Shaohan also knew that she was acting, and after answering, he hung up the phone directly.

Ye Sisi breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at He Yuzhen.

"Mrs. Leng, should I give the deposit?"

"You haven't persuaded him to succeed yet. After you succeed in persuading him, I will give it to you." He Yuzhen said.

Ye Sisi sneered, "I just don't want to give it to you, so I don't want it! I'm going to see Leng Shaohan now and have a good chat with him. I can persuade him to contribute money to save Leng, or I can persuade him to take the opportunity to step on Leng again. Leng Shi was also ruthless to him before, if I persuade him to take the opportunity to step on Shi Leng, I think the possibility of success is very high."

He Yuzhen's expression changed.

Ye Sisi's words were quite threatening.

This made He Yuzhen feel bad.

But what Ye Sisi said was also true.

Leng Shaohan didn't want to rescue Leng, but now he listened to Ye Sisi's words.

If Ye Sisi persuaded her again, then Leng Shaohan would not care about Leng's life or death!

It's over, now Ye Sisi, a small character, can actually threaten Leng Shi!

Because standing behind her was Leng Shaohan!
If the 500 million deposit is not given, Ye Sisi will definitely go directly to persuade Leng Shaohan not to interfere with Leng's, and may even step on Leng's.

"Okay, Mrs. Leng, that's it, I'll go first."

Ye Sisi knew that He Yuzhen would definitely give the 500 million.

Because He Yuzhen's eyes told her.

After being imprisoned in Leng's house for so long, I still know a little about this old witch.

The look in He Yuzhen's eyes now means that she wants to give money.

Back then, they trapped me for so long and made me a living widow. This is the compensation given to me by the Leng family!
If it wasn't for Leng's family, he could have successfully completed his studies, and now he has graduated with a Ph.D.

Take you 500 million, or less!
"Sisi, thank you for speaking up for Leng's family. I am a man of my word. I will let someone pay 500 million to your account. If you persuade Shaohan to invest in saving the market, I will give you 5000 million! Speaking of do it!"

(End of this chapter)

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