fall into his palm

Chapter 206 Not Common

Chapter 206 Not Common
Ye Sisi was still a little moved.

5000 is not a small number.

I think back then when I was desperate and borrowed money everywhere, no one was willing to borrow it.

Money is a thing outside the body, but with this thing outside the body, people will have a sense of security.

But Ye Sisi also knew in her heart that she would definitely not be able to get the remaining 500 million.

Because Leng Shaohan is unlikely to rescue Leng Shi.

Ye Sisi knew Leng Shaohan, he would not easily forgive those who hurt him.

From a business point of view, Leng Shaohan's Hongye Capital is doing very well.

He doesn't need to take the muddy water of Leng Shi, he can live a very nourishing life himself.

It was Leng who abandoned him first, how could he save Leng?
Let's talk about 500 million first, and talk about the future.

"Sisi, please, you must persuade Shaohan." He Yuzhen was still urging.

Ye Sisi was too lazy to respond to her.


Not long after returning home, Ye Sisi's phone rang again, and it was Leng Shaohan calling.

"Hello?" Ye Sisi picked up the phone.

"If the money is cheated, you won't be called dear?"


"It's just a joke, why should the third master take it seriously?" Ye Sisi said.

"I know that Leng's family remitted 500 million to you, and you can easily cheat with this money." Leng Shaohan said.

"Yeah, the third master is very well informed. But I have to correct it, this is not called cheating, it was given by others voluntarily, how can it be called cheating?"

"That's right, it's really not cheating if someone else gave it voluntarily. Then I have half of the credit for the 500 million. Should we share it equally?" Leng Shaohan said.

"Hey, the third master's family has a big business, why would he care about such a small amount of money, it doesn't matter if it's divided equally?"

This guy is too dark, you want to share 500 million with me?
You, a rich man with a net worth of hundreds of billions, and I share 250 million, are you embarrassed?

"Since I have participated in labor, I should get my share."

"But two hundred and fifty doesn't sound good either."

"Then I have 260 million and you 240 million. This sounds nice." Leng Shaohan said.

"Third Master, it's not easy for my little character to earn some money, so it's better if you don't worry about it so much?"

"Let's meet and talk now, didn't the Leng family promise you 5000 million, don't you want the follow-up 500 million?" Leng Shaohan asked.

"Is there a show? If I can get the follow-up money, I will share the 260 million with you!" Ye Sisi said.

Leng Shaohan smiled, you take 5000 million and only give me 260 million?
You woman has a good plan!

"Let's talk about it later, why don't you treat me to a meal first? How about I come to your house to eat?"

"No, I want to eat at your house." Ye Sisi said.

You hid my son at home, you think I don't know?
I'm going to your house for dinner, I'll see what you say!
Leng Shaohan was indeed shocked.

Ye Sisi came home?What is she here for?
Certainly not for dinner!

She had so many bad memories of the beach house, for no reason, that it was unlikely she wanted to go back.

There must be a reason for bringing it up suddenly today!

It is very possible that she discovered Kevin's existence!

She is testing!

If you don't agree, it will be even more suspicious!
But if he agrees, what about Kevin?hide?
The little ancestor is so virtuous, can you just hide it if you let him hide it?Obviously unlikely.

"As you know, fires are rarely fired at home, and there is no food to eat."

"You can cook." Ye Sisi said.

Leng Shaohan smiled coldly, "With your culinary skills, is the food you cook edible?"

"Who do you look down on? I can't eat what I cook, so can you eat what you cook?" Ye Sisi sarcastically.

Not to mention, all I do is eat.

As far as my little ancestor's picky eating habits are concerned, he can still eat the meals I cook, which in itself is very self-explanatory.

"I'm doing okay." Leng Shaohan said.

"You prove it, I brought two children to your house today to have a meal."

"Is the child coming too?"

"I've always brought my family with me, so I can't go out to eat by myself and leave my two children starving at home?"

In fact, Leng Shaohan welcomes this proposal very much.

Although a paternity test has been done, it proves that Dabao and Xiaobao are not his children.

But in his heart, he still treats Dabao and Xiaobao as his own children.

Dabao's face is exactly the same as Kevin's, even if there is no blood relationship between them, Leng Shaohan will still treat him as a relative.

But Kevin is at home, if Dabao came, wouldn't he hit his face?

It is common to bump into shirts, but it is not common to bump into faces.

Ye Sisi knew why Leng Shaohan was in trouble.

This fellow hid another great treasure at home, and he was just worried that he would break his secret.

So he continued to speak to provoke him, "If it's inconvenient for you, then we won't go. I only made 500 million, and I don't have to worry about food. I took my two babies out to eat, and that's it... "

"Wait, wait for me for a few minutes before I get back to you." Leng Shaohan said.

"Why, the third master still can't be the master? Then who is the master in your family?" Ye Sisi teased.

Nonsense, of course it was Kevin's little ancestor who made the decision!
I have to call and discuss with him, let him go out for a while, so that I can let you come to my house as guests.

If he doesn't agree, then there's no game.

But Leng Shaohan definitely couldn't admit that he couldn't make the decision, so he said: "There is nothing I can't make the decision. I just have a meeting tonight, see if I can spare time. Wait a moment, I'll ask."

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone and called Kevin directly.

Kevin picked up the phone: "Say."

"Kevin, there is a classical concert at the Grand Theater tonight. I'll ask someone to buy you a ticket. You can go and listen to it yourself later." Leng Shaohan said.

"I'm not going, I've heard that concert twice." Kevin said.

"It's not too much to listen to classic music three or four times. The more you listen to it, the more you can hear its beauty." Leng Shaohan said.

"Will you come with me then?" Kevin asked.

"I have an important meeting tonight. I can't go with you. You can go by yourself. I'll ask the driver to pick you up after hearing about ten o'clock."

At ten o'clock in the evening, Ye Sisi and the others should have finished their meal and left, so they can be perfectly missed.

It was precisely because of this sentence that it was ten o'clock in the evening that made Kevin suspicious.

Leng Shaohan has always said that children should go to bed before 09:30 at night when they grow up.

The music will be heard at ten o'clock in the evening, and the fastest time to get home is 10:30.

It's not the weekend, why is he so enthusiastically persuading himself to go to the concert?

Is this trying to separate yourself?What does he want to do?
"I still have to go to school tomorrow, I won't go." Kevin said.

"Then it doesn't matter if you can't get into it, just go." Leng Shaohan said.

Kevin became more skeptical.

"Is there something you're hiding from me?" Kevin asked directly.

Leng Shaohan was guilty of being a thief, and he was a little nervous, "There is nothing, don't think about it!"

"It's fine if you don't, I don't want to go anyway."

"If you don't want to go to the concert, why don't you go to the movies?"

In short, as long as you are not at home, you can do whatever you want.

(End of this chapter)

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