fall into his palm

Chapter 208 is a serial bureau

Chapter 208 is a serial bureau
After Kevin promised Leng Shaohan, he ran upstairs.

When he entered the room, Dabao was already there.

The two brothers smiled at each other and hugged each other tightly.

Then let go and looked at each other.

The two wore exactly the same clothes, and when they looked at each other, they felt like they were looking in a mirror.

Dabao tilted his head playfully to the left, and Kevin tilted his head to the right in cooperation.

It's like looking in a mirror.

Xiaobao knocked on the door outside, "Brother, what are you doing in there? Come out and play with me."

Without waiting for Dabao to agree, Kevin took the initiative, "You are inside, I will go play with my sister for a while. I will replace you during dinner."

"Okay, I just happened to read your book." Dabao agreed.


Ye Sisi leaned against the door, watching Leng Shaohan busy in the kitchen.

Not to mention, when this guy is doing housework, he looks quite handsome.

Leng Shaohan turned his head to see Ye Sisi, and hooked his hand to signal her to go over.

Ye Sisi thought he was asking her to help, so she ignored him and turned to walk away.

But Leng Shaohan said, "Are you going to earn 5000 million?"

Ye Sisi quickly stopped, "What did you say?"

"Didn't Mrs. Leng promise you 5000 million? I can earn it for you." Leng Shaohan said.

Ye Sisi noticed that Leng Shaohan called He Yuzhen 'Mrs. Leng' instead of 'Mom'.

It can be seen that the relationship between him and He Yuzhen is very stiff.

But that's not right, if the relationship is very stiff, why would he help Leng's family just because his surname is Leng?
No, Leng Shaohan is not the kind of person who does things just because of his surname.

The Leng family treated him badly, so why should he reciprocate?
"Your information is very well-informed. Mrs. Leng did promise me 5000 million. But the prerequisite is that you help Mrs. Leng. Are you willing to do something you don't want to do for me?"

Ye Sisi absolutely did not believe that Leng Shaohan did this for her.

"The Leng Corporation has been in a downward trend for a long time. The so-called extreme prosperity, the Leng Corporation has not gone bankrupt, and I am still in Jiangcheng. Therefore, many investors are waiting and watching, waiting for the day when I rescue the market. I only need to spend 5000 million funds Come to support the market. As soon as the news spreads, investors will think that Leng’s company is saved, and they will follow the trend to buy, and the stock price of Leng’s company will also go up. At that time, I will withdraw the funds, and I will earn the difference, and you will also Wouldn’t everyone be happy if they could get [-] million?”

Ye Sisi was happy when she heard that, "I don't care how you operate, but I can earn 5000 million, so I'm still very happy!"

Leng Shaohan looked disgusted, "5000 million can make you happy like this?"

"Of course! You are a rich man, 5000 million is a small matter for you, but it is a big fortune for me! I spent two years in prison and wasted too much time. I also want to do something."

"Then if you get 5000 million, what do you want to do?"

Ye Sisi replied without hesitation, "Build a school!"

"Building a school for the deaf?"

"Yes! This is my previous career, but unfortunately I went to jail because I didn't succeed. If I have money, I want to continue to do it and help more children with disabilities."

Leng Shaohan looked at Ye Sisi's eyes with a little more approval, but he didn't expect this woman to be quite thoughtful.

That must be supported.

"But if you want to get 5000 million, I guess Mrs. Leng will sign a contract with you. She must ask how high the stock price is before she will give you the 5000 million."

Ye Sisi nodded, "I've thought of that too. Otherwise, it's enough to just say you save the market. Then you just invest some money. If the stock price doesn't rise, she won't give me 5000 million."

"You can talk to her and guarantee that the stock price will rise by 20.00%. In this way, the market value will increase to more than 5000 billion. If she gives you [-] million, naturally she won't feel bad."

"But you only invested [-] million, can you raise so much?" Ye Sisi was a little skeptical.

Leng Shaohan was very confident, "Of course! As soon as I made a move, the market immediately became confident, and many investors would follow suit. I offered 20.00 million yuan, and at least [-] million yuan actually poured into the market. So much hot money went in. , of course the stock price will rise. It will rise by [-]%, there is absolutely no problem."

Ye Sisi knew that Leng Shaohan was a business genius and believed in his judgment.

But if he really saved Leng Shi because of his 5000 million, it would be too cheap for He Yuzhen and Leng Xinde.

Why can their market value be more than 5000 billion when they only have [-] million.

Thinking about it this way, it didn't feel worthwhile.

Leng Shaohan seemed to see Ye Sisi's thoughts, "Do you think this is too cheap for them?"

"Yes." Ye Sisi didn't shy away, "Those two people are too bad, I'd rather not have their 5000 million yuan, but keep them in the quagmire forever!"

"This wave of upswing won't last long. As long as you get the 5000 million, I will immediately announce the withdrawal. The market will see that I don't play anymore, and it will immediately sell off. Leng's stock price will fall even worse than before. !” Leng Shaohan said.

It turns out that Leng Shaohan still has a back hand, so he can take the 5000 million with confidence.

"But if Leng's falls again, even worse than before, then..."

"That's when I'll really buy! It's the so-called bottom-hunting. I will take in a large amount of Leng's equity and become the largest shareholder of Leng's. I want to regain control of Leng's! Mrs. Leng thinks that only with her support , I can return to the Leng family, but she is wrong! I don't need anyone's help, I can take the Leng family back!" Leng Shaohan said.

So this is a series of rounds, fake rescue of the market, and then let the market follow the trend to rise, and Ye Sisi got 5000 million.

Then with a high-profile divestment, the bubble was burst, the market sold off in panic, and the stock price was hit to the lowest level. Only then did Leng Shaohan really use a large amount of funds to buy low-priced stocks that no one wanted.

Then he became Leng's largest shareholder and took the dying Leng's into his pocket.

As long as Leng Shaohan regains control of the Leng Corporation, a large number of investors will definitely regain their confidence in the Leng Corporation.

Under the operation of Leng Shaohan, a business genius, the Leng family may return to the top of Jiangcheng.

Ye Sisi understood now that she was really a little short of wits with Leng Shaohan.

If he hadn't explained it to himself, he would never have thought of the subtleties of this serial game.

"Okay, let's do it this way! In this way, I actually provided you with a chance to come back. Let's talk about the ugly words first, and I won't share the 5000 million I got with you!"

The corner of Leng Shaohan's mouth curled up, this woman is really a money addict.

But she made money to build a school, so I should help her again.

"It doesn't matter if it doesn't matter. If you have spare money, you can buy some Leng's stocks. Because it will definitely go up, and I will notify you to sell it at that time, and you can make some money. Don't say much, earn There is no problem with a few million pocket money." Leng Shaohan said.

"That's good, my son gave me 2000 million, I can use this money to buy!"

Ye Sisi was happy.

(End of this chapter)

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