Chapter 209
Leng Shaohan and Ye Sisi were chatting when Kevin came over.

Kevin played with Xiaobao for a while and found that he was extremely tired.

He himself is a quiet person, but Xiaobao is a very active person.

In order to have fun with his sister, he could only follow Xiaobao to move, tossing and tossing constantly, exhausting both physically and mentally.

I want Dabao to change me, but I am a little reluctant, after all, it is rare to have time to play with my sister.

When passing by the kitchen, I saw Leng Shaohan and Mummy "talking cordially", and felt that this scene was even more rare, so I came here to hear what Mummy and Leng Shaohan were talking about.

Xiao Bao naturally followed.

The two of them stood in the kitchen, watching Leng Shaohan cook.

Xiaobao was still chattering endlessly, "He Lin, you really know how to cook? But your cooking is definitely not as good as your brother's!"

Xiaobao's words surprised both Leng Shaohan and Ye Sisi.

Leng Shaohan was worried about bringing out Kevin, and Ye Sisi was worried that Leng Shaohan would know that he already knew about Kevin's existence.

So neither Ye Sisi nor Leng Shaohan wanted to bring up the matter of Dabao and Kevin at this time.

Kevin is extremely smart and understands that this topic is sensitive, so he changed the subject, "Why do you call him He Lin?"

"His name is He Lin!" Xiao Bao said confidently.

"Isn't his name Leng Shaohan?"

"No, his name is He Lin." Xiaobao insisted.

Regarding whether he is called Leng Shaohan or He Lin, Leng Shaohan has long given up resistance.

A name is a symbol, she can call it whatever she likes.

"Is there any story in it?" Kevin became interested.

"When I met him in Haishi, his name was He Lin, brother, have you forgotten?" Xiaobao said with a puzzled face, she always felt that there was something wrong with her brother.

"How could brother forget, I just tested you on purpose." Kevin immediately realized that he almost slipped the tongue.

"Dabao, hurry up and take your sister to play." Ye Sisi was also quite frightened, and if the conversation continued, something might really go wrong.

"Okay." Kevin also had lingering fears, and led Xiaobao out.

Looking at Daddy, luckily Leng Shaohan didn't respond, he was still cooking, it seemed that he didn't find anything wrong.

Ye Sisi and Leng Shaohan didn't want to mention anything about Haishi.

The past grievances are too complicated for children to fully understand and digest, and they don't want to burden them psychologically because of the past.

Ye Sisi lowered her voice, "Let's continue talking about making money!"

Leng Shaohan was speechless, when did this woman become so fond of money?

If she had loved money so much earlier, and used the money to settle her, there wouldn't be so much trouble.


When eating, Dabao came out to eat first.

Kevin thinks that this is at his own home, and Dabao is considered a guest, so Dabao should be allowed to eat first. This is a basic politeness issue.

Dabao and Kevin couldn't have too much humility, so Dabao agreed to go out to eat first.

Although the two look exactly the same, their tastes are not the same.

Dabao and the others were mainly invited for this table, and Leng Shaohan tried his best to satisfy their tastes when cooking.

When Dabao and the others ate it, they could feel Leng Shaohan's full sincerity.

Coupled with the good mood, the appetite is particularly good, and the food is particularly delicious.

Then he remembered that there was another one in the room that he hadn't eaten yet.

So he put down the bowl and prepared to exchange for Kevin to eat.

But then I thought that if Kevin came out to eat the bowl he had finished, it would be bad, and he had to change to a new bowl.

So he took the bowl to the kitchen and put down the bowl he had eaten.

Then went to the room to change Kevin.

Kevin was really hungry, "I thought you forgot about me."

"Then how can it be, but you have to go to the kitchen to change the second bowl."

"I see."


Kevin came out, pretended to sit on the table first, and said, "Where's my bowl?"

"Brother, did you put your bowl in the kitchen?" Xiaobao said.

"Oh, I forgot."

Kevin went to the kitchen to get a new pair of bowls, and came out to sit on the table to eat.

Then he found that the taste of the dishes on the table was a bit heavy, not the style that Leng Shaohan usually cooks for him.

It doesn't taste very good.

But Kevin knew that this table meal was not specially made for him, so he accepted it frankly.

Because of the presence of mommy and sister, Kevin was happy and ate a lot.

But both Leng Shaohan and Xiaobao found something abnormal.

Xiaobao was the first to ask, "Brother, why did you eat so much today?"

The amount that two people eat must be much more than one person.

When Kevin heard it, it was troublesome, and he should eat less.

"Today's school lunch was too bad. I didn't eat it, so I was a little hungry." Kevin said.

Although Leng Shaohan was suspicious, but the child ate a lot, so he was naturally happy.

"If you're hungry, eat more and have another bowl."

So Kevin ate another bowl.

Xiaobao exclaimed, "Oh, my brother is so edible, my brother has become a fool!"

Ye Sisi stared, "How do you talk?"

Xiao Bao giggled coquettishly, "Brother is a little idiot!"

"You said it!"

Xiaobao smiled and ran away.

Then he rushed into Kevin's room, and Xiaobao's screams were soon heard.

Ye Sisi hurried over, "What's wrong?"

But he found that the door had been locked from the inside, and Xiaobao's voice came, "It's nothing, I'll play with toys for a while."

Ye Sisi knew why Xiaobao was screaming, because she found that there was another brother inside.

Leng Shaohan also came over, "What's wrong with Xiaobao?"

Ye Sisi blocked the door, "It's nothing, Xiaobao and I are playing hide-and-seek!"

"hide and seek?"

"Yeah, don't worry about it, go and wash the bowls. Let's go, I'll accompany you to wash the bowls!"

Ye Sisi said, dragging Leng Shaohan to the kitchen.

Leng Shaohan became even more skeptical, this woman is so good, she even volunteered to wash the dishes for her?

When she was cooking by herself just now, she didn't help at all, she just pestered herself about making money.

"Is there something you guys are hiding from me?" Leng Shaohan asked.

"Yes!" Ye Sisi replied cheerfully.

Sure enough, something is hiding from me!Definitely about Kevin!

"what's up?"

"Actually, the tomato and eggs you scrambled tonight have a slightly salty taste!" Ye Sisi said solemnly.

"This is what you said you were hiding from me?"

"and also!"


"That soup is quite fragrant, let's continue to carry forward next time!"

Isn't this all trivial!

No, there must be other things!
"Why did Xiaobao scream just now? Does hide-and-seek scream? Did he fall?" Leng Shaohan asked.

"No, no, Xiao Bao is very solid, even if he falls, it's fine!"

"No, I have to go and see!" Leng Shaohan walked away.

Ye Sisi hurriedly stopped her, "It's really fine, the child is playing by himself, don't meddle in it."

"No, I still have to take a look before I can rest assured!"

Leng Shaohan came to Kevin's room door and suddenly pushed the door open.

(End of this chapter)

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