fall into his palm

Chapter 214 Irresistible

Chapter 214 Irresistible
Leng Shaohan felt that the light was a bit dazzling, so he opened his eyes.

Ye Sisi was taking pictures of him with her mobile phone.

The flash of the phone hurt his eyes, "What are you doing?"

"You stinky rascal! Taking advantage of someone's danger, taking advantage of the opportunity after getting drunk, shameless and obscene!" Ye Sisi scolded.

"I'm a gangster? I saw that you were very drunk, so I sent you to the hotel to rest. You started taking off my clothes as soon as you arrived in the room. Who is the gangster?" Leng Shaohan said angrily.

"You're talking nonsense, I don't, I'm not that kind of person!" Ye Sisi shouted.

Leng Shao laughed coldly, "I knew you, a woman, would cheat! Fortunately, I have evidence!"

As he spoke, he took the phone and turned on the recording, and Ye Sisi's voice came out quickly.

"Hurry up, dawdle..."

After hearing a sentence, Ye Sisi's face turned red.

The next few sentences are even bigger.

The more he listened, the more panicked he became, and he rushed over to snatch Leng Shaohan's phone.

Of course Leng Shaohan would not let her snatch it, so he hid back.

"Delete it for me. This is something I said when I was drunk. It doesn't count!"

"Speaking the truth after drinking, of course it counts!"

"You deleted it for me!"

"You delete my photo first!"

"You first!"

"You first!"


Xiaobao got up sleepily and went to the bathroom, and saw Mommy walking towards the bedroom.

"Mommy, are you getting up now?" Xiaobao rubbed his eyes and asked.

"Ah...no, I'll get up and go to the bathroom." Ye Sisi said in a panic.

"Then why have you changed your pajamas, and you look like you're going out."

"I... was so sleepy last night, I forgot to change into my pajamas."

Ye Sisi was afraid of being found out, so she hurriedly fled back to the house.

Xiaobao hadn't fully woken up yet, and didn't think much about it. After going to the bathroom, he went back to sleep.

When Dabao woke up, he saw several missed calls from Kevin on his phone.

One of them came at eleven o'clock in the evening, and another at one o'clock.

Then another one was called 10 minutes ago.

Kevin made so many phone calls this night, he was afraid that something might happen!

Dabao hurriedly called back.

Kevin didn't answer the phone, probably fell asleep.

Dabao checked that it was still early, put down his phone and went back to sleep.

But I was worried about Kevin and couldn't sleep.

After a while, he took his mobile phone and continued to call Kevin.

This time Kevin finally accepted.

"Kevin, are you in a hurry? You've been on the phone all night." Dabao said.

"Nothing urgent."

"Then why do you keep calling me?"

"Leng Shaohan didn't come back last night. He said he was working overtime at the company. Then I hacked into his office camera and found that he was not working overtime. So I guessed that he was dating someone. I was anxious and didn't know what to do. What to do, so I called to discuss with you what to do." Kevin said.

Dabao was also anxious when he heard this, "Then he is looking for a girlfriend again? Are you still spending the night outside?"

"I don't know, but he must not be in the company."

"You can ask clearly at that time! If he is such a person, I will ignore him in the future!" Dabao said angrily.

"I don't want to talk to him anymore! Scumbag!" Kevin said.

"Let's ask first, otherwise it will be unfair to him." Dabao said.



Although Leng Shaohan was busy all night last night, he was in a good mood and in good spirits.

I went to the gym to practice for a while, and came back to make breakfast for my little ancestor.

When breakfast was served, Kevin's face was very gloomy.

"What's the matter with you? Who are you showing your face to?"

"Where did you go last night?" Kevin asked directly.

"Didn't I tell you, I work overtime."

"You didn't work overtime!" Kevin said angrily.

Leng Shaohan was taken aback, the little ancestor seemed very angry?
How did he know he didn't work overtime?

I did work overtime last night, but I worked overtime with that woman in the hotel.

But you can't say that to your children.

"Kevin, I'm an adult and you are a child. You can't take care of me too much." In desperation, Leng Shaohan had no choice but to act like a parent.

The little ancestor doesn't like this.

"You also said that I'm just a child, so you left one of my children at home and you didn't come home all night. Is this the behavior a parent should have?" Kevin asked back.

Leng Shaohan was so questioned that he was speechless.

The little ancestor is getting stronger and stronger.

"I shouldn't leave you at home alone, but I do have something to do. And there are bodyguards at home, it's not that you are at home alone." Leng Shaohan's tone softened a bit.

"Who were you with last night?" Kevin got to the point.

Leng Shaohan was startled.

This cannot be said!

"I was talking to a friend about work. About the rescue of the market, we talked too late. I was afraid of coming back to disturb you, so I didn't come back. I don't have to report everything to you, do I?"

Kevin asked angrily, "Friend? Which friend, male or female?"

"Kevin, you are enough! Almost done! I see so many people every day, do I have to report to you every time I see someone?"

What happened last night must never be said!
Kevin put down his chopsticks with a 'snap', stood up, turned and went back to the room, and stopped eating.

Leng Shaohan was a little angry.

I made breakfast for half a day, you don't eat a bite?
Just as he was about to get angry, Kevin came out angrily with a small schoolbag on his back.

"Where are you going?"

"go to school!"

"You haven't had breakfast yet!"

"Don't eat!"

"Then wait for me, and I will ask the driver to take you."

"do not want!"

"Kevin, you are too much!"



"Who taught you to swear like this?"

Kevin looked disdainful, do you still need to teach cursing?
Can't you learn online?

Ye Sisi had a comfortable sleep and woke up refreshed.

Dabao had already made breakfast, and Ye Sisi went to eat it after washing.

"Mum, why is there a red spot on your neck?" Xiaobao asked.


This must be the guy who planted strawberries last night!

Quickly pulled the collar to cover it, "Last night, there seemed to be mosquitoes, biting me so much that I couldn't sleep."

"No, they didn't bite me." Xiaobao said.

"That may be because Mommy's blood type is more attractive to mosquitoes." Ye Sisi was a little flustered.

At this time, the doorbell rang suddenly.

"Who is this early in the morning?"

Xiaobao put down the bowl and chopsticks, and ran to open the door.

On the visible screen, Kevin was waiting outside with a small schoolbag on his back.

"Brother Kevin is here!" Xiaobao exclaimed in surprise.

When Ye Sisi heard that it was Kevin, she quickly stood up, "Hurry up and open the door for him!"

In fact, there is no need for Xiaobao, Kevin has already come in.

Neither fingerprints nor pupil locks can stop Kevin, because he is the same as Dabao.

Ringing the doorbell is just telling the people in the house in advance, it's just polite.

"Brother Kevin!"

Xiaobao rushed over, jumped at Kevin, and hugged Kevin tightly.

Kevin has never been very accepting of other people's contact, but he does not resist his sister.

"Kevin, come and have breakfast, what's the matter with you? You don't seem to be in a good mood?"

(End of this chapter)

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