Chapter 215
Kevin was really in a bad mood at first, but seeing Mommy and the others made him feel much better.

"Kevin, eat some bread, this is for you." Dabao greeted Kevin considerately.

Kevin took it and ate it.

"Kevin, what's wrong with you? Did Leng Shaohan bully you? You tell Mommy." Ye Sisi asked with concern.

Kevin didn't speak.

Ye Sisi became even more anxious, "What's the matter?"

"Mum, don't ask, Kevin doesn't want to talk about it." Dabao said.

By the way, the two brothers seem to have contacts on a regular basis, huh?

So Dabao must know about Kevin.

So he turned his head and asked Dabao, "Do you know what's going on?"

Dabao was in a bit of a dilemma, since Kevin refused to say it, and I couldn't say it either.

And this topic is indeed very sensitive, it's really hard to say.

But Dabao really knows what's going on, so it's not good to lie to Mommy that he doesn't know.

"You said it!" Ye Sisi was anxious.

Dabao looked at Kevin, can I say?
I don't know what the consequences will be.

Kevin didn't know whether to talk about it or not.

Why don't you tell me, Mommy kept asking.

If I had to say it, I'm afraid Mommy would annoy Leng Shaohan even more.

But after thinking about it, I'd better tell Mommy.

If Leng Shaohan is a scumbag, then let Mommy see his true colors earlier.

"Leng Shaohan didn't come home last night." Kevin said in a muffled voice.

Ye Sisi froze for a moment, I know about this!

But I can't say ah!

I had no choice but to respond lightly, "Oh."

Dabao and Kevin glanced at each other, Mommy didn't seem too interested in this matter?

Does this mean that Mommy is completely disappointed in Leng Shaohan?

She doesn't want to know about Leng Shaohan at all?
Then this is troublesome.

"Leng Shaohan said that he worked overtime last night, and then he talked with his friends. It's also possible that he didn't do anything bad." Kevin said.

This is because I am worried that Mommy is completely desperate for Leng Shaohan, and there is no chance of reconciliation, so I want to clean up for Leng Shaohan.

Dabao also hurriedly agreed, "Yes, it's normal for adults not to go home when they have something to do."

Xiaobao suddenly remembered something, "When I woke up this morning, I seemed to see Mommy coming back from outside?"

As soon as Xiaobao said this, the dinner table fell silent.

Dabao and Kevin thought of a problem at the same time.

Ye Sisi's face became hot, and she stared at Xiaobao, "Nonsense! I think you are sleepwalking?"

Not to mention, Xiaobao really has the habit of sleepwalking, and he has sleepwalked before.

I got up and turned on the TV by myself, played a cartoon, and sat there blankly watching it.

Ye Sisi got up and asked her what she was doing, but she remained silent.

After a while she stood up and went to sleep by herself. When I asked her about it the next day, she didn't remember it at all.

Little Treasure was a little unsure of being so fiercely attacked by Mummy.

After all, she often sleepwalks, and she is not sure whether what she saw before is true or not.

"Sister must be sleepwalking again." Dabao hurriedly said.

"That may be because I really sleepwalked." Xiaobao said.

Kevin didn't speak, feeling a little complicated.

He wished his sister hadn't sleepwalked.


At ten o'clock in the afternoon, Ye Sisi's cell phone rang while she was working in the company. It was a message from Leng Shaohan.

The content of the information is: turn on the TV and watch the financial channel.

Ye Sisi was taken aback, who still watches TV these days?
But it seems to be available online.

Searched for the Financial Channel, which is broadcasting the "Afternoon Finance" program.

The news that was broadcast was that a famous investor revealed to the reporter that according to the 'secret report' he had received, the CEO of Hongye Capital, the third young master of the Leng family, and the number one business talent in Jiangcheng, Leng Shaohan, was about to enter the market.

Of course, this news was released by Leng Shaohan. The so-called secret reports were all news released on purpose.

While watching, Leng Shaohan opened the door and came in.

"See?" Leng Shaohan asked.

"I see, but who still watches TV in this day and age? Why don't you post the news online?"

"You don't understand." Leng Shaohan directly gave a three-word evaluation.

"People nowadays don't watch TV! Do you think you understand it well?"

"Young people don't watch TV, but those bigwigs in the capital world will definitely watch the financial channel. Because relevant departments will also pass on relevant policy information through TV programs. Compared with the Internet, the information on TV is still more reliable. Yes. Fake news is flying all over the Internet, would you believe it?"

After hearing this, Ye Sisi felt that there was some truth to it.

"Then let such a trend be released casually, and a large amount of capital will follow the trend?"

"Of course, as long as I enter the market, there will be a lot of capital to follow, there is no doubt."

Ye Sisi rolled her eyes, "Do you think you are God?"

"I am the God of the capitalist world." Leng Shaohan did his part.


"When the market opens in the afternoon, there will be a lot of money coming in, and the stock prices of all listed companies under Leng's will rise. But this is the first day, and it should only rise by [-]%. But for Leng, which has fallen for a long time Say, this is not bad." Leng Shaohan said.

"Is that how confident you are?"

"Do you want to gamble?" Leng Shaohan narrowed his eyes and asked.

"How to bet?"

"If Leng's stock price does not rise by more than 1000% before the market closes in the afternoon, I will lose you [-] million. If it rises, then you..."

"I didn't lose 1000 million to you!"

Leng Shaohan said in his heart that I don't need you to tell me that, if you want money, it is tantamount to killing you.

"I don't want your money." Leng Shaohan stared at Ye Sisi.

"Then what do you want?"

"You got drunk last night and took advantage of me, and I also want to get drunk and take advantage of you once, so let's bet on that." Leng Shaohan said.

Ye Sisi quickly took a step back, "Don't even think about it!"

"Then you dare not gamble?"

"I won't bet with you!" Ye Sisi said.

Leng Shao Leng snorted.

"You dare not bet with me, so what do you say?"

Ye Sisi also snorted coldly.

Leng Shaohan walked to the edge of the sofa, took off his coat, and lay down on the sofa to rest.

He worked hard last night, and it seems that he needs a little rest.

"If you want to sleep, go sleep elsewhere, not in my office! I don't know, I thought what happened to you and me." Ye Sisi said.

"What's the matter with you and I, I'm not afraid of carrying this reputation." Leng Shaohan said.

"Don't talk nonsense! That happened last night, I won't mess with you in the office!"

"Now you admit that you seduced me after getting drunk last night?"

"I didn't!" Ye Sisi quickly denied, "It was you who slandered me!"

"Do you think you can deny it if you delete the recording? How do you know that I didn't back up the recording?"

"You are shameless! How could you back up the recording, you deleted it for me!" Ye Sisi said anxiously.

"If you tell me to delete it, I will delete it? I won't delete it!" Leng Shaohan said disdainfully.

"Okay, then don't delete it! When the recording is released, others may not be able to recognize whose voice it is! But when the photo is released, others can tell at a glance that it is your third master Leng!"

"You backed up your photos too?"

"Isn't it just a backup, do you think only you can?"

"I knew you, a woman, couldn't be trusted!"

"You can't believe it!"

(End of this chapter)

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