Chapter 236
Ye Sisi was shocked.

She can't control the business fights between men, but from the bottom of her heart, she doesn't want An Ruochen to be kicked out of the An family.

An Ruochen is a good person. During her two years in prison, she and her brother and sister An Ying helped her raise their children.

Both brothers and sisters are unmarried, and they are willing to spare time and energy to help her take care of the children. This is a great affection.

They are the benefactors of Dabao and Xiaobao, as well as their own benefactors.

How could I just watch An Ruochen get kicked out of An's family and live overseas.

If he knew that Leng Shaohan was going to deal with An Ruochen, but pretended not to know, he would be really inhuman.

While Leng Shaohan was talking to Tang Jin, his eyes were on Ye Sisi.

He naturally knew the relationship between Ye Sisi and An Ruochen.

But he still said it in front of her, and he had his own intentions.

Tang Jin then asked: "Then what does the third master want to do?"

"Just don't let An Zhu get married. As for whether they get married or not, I'm not interested." Leng Shaohan said.

Ye Sisi couldn't help interjecting, "No, I remember that Zhu Yuzhi was also promised to you. You don't want An Ruochen to marry Zhu Yuzhi, so you want to keep it?"

There was a sudden silence in the carriage.

Leng Shaohan was suddenly beaten by the general, and he was beaten so hard that he was stunned for a moment, not knowing how to answer.

Then he got angry, "Ye Sisi, are you sick? What do you mean by that?"

"You pretend to be a public servant for personal gain. On the surface, you want to prevent the Anzhu two alliances, but in fact, you don't want Zhu Yuzhi to follow another man! You want to keep it for yourself..."

"Ye Sisi!" Leng Shaohan was furious, "Shut up!"

"Can you shut up my mouth, can you shut up the mouths of Jiangcheng's 2000 million people? A three-year-old child can understand it with just your little gauche."

Not only did Ye Sisi not shut up, but she kept talking more and more fiercely.

Leng Shaohan was going crazy with anger.

Ye Sisi just picked up a shit bowl and buckled it hard on his head, and it was so tight that she couldn't take it off even if she wanted to!

Leng Shaohan felt like a lion being bitten by a flea, but he had no choice but to bear it.

"Stop the car, get off!" Leng Shaohan shouted.

This was exactly what Ye Sisi wanted, so she turned on the lights and parked the car on the side of the road.

Unbuckle your seat belt and get out of the car.

Tang Jin hurriedly persuaded, "Hey, hey, little...Miss Ye, don't be like this, just talk if you have something to say."

Xin said that he hadn't seen her in the past few years, but his temper has not changed at all.

When Tang Jin spoke, Ye Sisi was embarrassed to get out of the car.

It's obviously not polite to pick someone up, but now they leave on the way.

I had to start the car again and drive forward.

Leng Shao turned his head and looked out the window angrily.

This dumb is very upset.

What's even more frightening is that Ye Sisi's tone is so firm, and all the actions he launched against the Zhu family in the future are suspected of fighting for Zhu Yuzhi, and will be ridiculed by this woman.

This is simply too vicious!
Smart as Leng Shaohan, after that anger was almost dispelled, he suddenly realized a problem.

Could this be Ye Sisi thinking helping An Ruochen?

These two have a very good relationship, they are childhood sweethearts, they are entangled.

So she deliberately provoked herself with words, just because she didn't want herself to attack An Ruochen?Don't want to let yourself ruin the marriage between An Ruochen and Zhu Yuzhi?

What a cunning woman!Almost hit her!



All the servants in the main hall were cleared out, only the old lady of the An family, Meng Yufen and Zhu Xingrong were there.

This is the secret meeting of the two parties of the Anzhu family, and it is also the ultimatum of the Zhu family.

"You've also seen it, it's not that I don't want to marry the Zhu family, but that rebellious son An Ruochen doesn't listen to me! I can't help it either!" Meng Yufen said helplessly.

"You are the head of the family, and you have the final say on the settlement of the family. This time is the best chance to eat the Leng family. If you don't seize this opportunity and let the third child of the Leng family rise again, our life will be miserable." It's over!" Zhu Xingrong said.


"No but! Our two families must marry and form an iron alliance! If An Ruochen is unwilling to marry my daughter, then use another plan." Zhu Xingrong said.

"What plan?"

"Marriage, I don't have to marry a girl, don't you have a girl too?"

"what do you mean?"

"Your family An Ying is also a big girl, and she has reached the age of marriage! Coincidentally, my son Zhu Yuhua is not married either, so if An Ying marries Yuhua, then he will also be married?" Zhu Xingrong laughed.


Zhu Yuhua and Meng Yufen knew that he was a well-known playboy in Jiangcheng.

There was a time when it was rumored that she was addicted to drugs, and marrying An Ying to such a bastard, wouldn't that push her daughter into the fire pit?
"This won't do, Anying won't agree to it." Meng Ruofen quickly waved her hand.

Zhu Xingrong slapped the table, "This won't work, that won't work, so what do you want? You just don't want to cooperate, right? That's the last plan!"

"What plan?"

"Lend us Zhujia 300 billion interest-free funds to help us complete the acquisition of Leng's. We will repay the 300 billion in 30 years, and there will be no interest during this period. I don't want your girl, and we don't want your son. Just borrow Just give me 300 billion." Zhu Xingrong said.

"300 billion interest-free loan, pay it off in 30 years? Zhu Xingrong, why don't you just go and rob the bank?" Meng Ruofen said angrily, "I have withdrawn 300 billion funds from Anjia, is there still Anjia? You want us to die?"

Zhu Xingrong sneered, "That's what you asked for yourself! If you want to marry me, you don't want to marry, and if you want to marry me, you don't want to marry, so why don't you just show your dislike to my Zhu family? Then lend us the money!"

"What if I don't agree?"

"Then I'll reveal the secret of your An family. As long as I reveal that secret, the An family will no longer exist. You know this better in your heart!" Zhu Xingrong shouted.


"Three options, you can choose one. Give me an answer before eight o'clock tonight!"

Zhu Xingrong stood up and walked away arrogantly.

Meng Ruofen sat on the chair, her face was pale, and her body trembled slightly.

After being stunned for a while, he picked up the phone and called An Ruochen.


After sending Tang Jin to the hotel to stay temporarily, Ye Sisi was going to go home to rest for a while, calm down, and think about how to help An Ruochen through the difficulties.

This favor must be done, and An Ruochen cannot be allowed to go far away.

As soon as we got to the door, a car drove up.

The driver got out of the car and opened the door, Zhu Yuzhi got out of the car carefully.

Long time no see, Zhu Yuzhi has plumped up a lot.

Moreover, the way she got out of the car and walked was a bit strange, Ye Sisi felt that something was wrong.

"Ye Sisi, let's talk." Zhu Yuzhi said.

Ye Sisi stopped in her tracks, "What's there to talk about between us? Don't you want me to persuade Brother Ruochen to marry you?"

(End of this chapter)

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