fall into his palm

Chapter 237 is a fool

Chapter 237 is a fool
A ruthless look flashed across Zhu Yuzhi's eyes.

For so many years, she had always wanted to trample Ye Sisi to death, but Ye Sisi was exceptionally strong, like an unbeatable Xiaoqiang, nailed there like a thorn, and couldn't be pulled out no matter what.

Zhu Yuzhi slowly figured it out. There were two most powerful men protecting Ye Sisi on this three-acre land in Jiangcheng. It was too difficult to move Ye Sisi in Jiangcheng.

But it would be much easier to get Ye Sisi away, let her go abroad, let her leave Jiangcheng, and then find someone to kill her.

As long as Ye Sisi left, An Ruochen would have no other thoughts and could marry her with peace of mind.

"Ruochen will marry me, you don't need to persuade me." Zhu Yuzhi also wanted to save face and suffer.

"Really, then why did you come to see me today?" Ye Sisi asked.

"Leave Jiangcheng." Zhu Yuzhi said.

Ye Sisi tilted her head and thought for a while, "It seems that you have made this request to me before, right? How much are you going to offer at this time?"

"If you go abroad, I'll give you 1000 million. If you just go out of the province, 500 million." Zhu Yuzhi said.

Ye Sisi shook her head when she heard this, "Petty! Do you want to send me away with such a small amount of money? Then you go abroad, I will give you 1000 million, and if you go out of the province, I will give you 500 million."

Zhu Yuzhi gasped, and didn't follow the routine.

"Are you rich?"

"Nonsense, do you think you are the only one with money?"

Zhu Yuzhi was a little stunned, this is not easy to handle.

"Then you go abroad, I will give you 2000 million!"

As long as Ye Sisi can go abroad and find someone to kill her directly, she will be clean in the future, and it will be worth spending 2000 million.

Ye Sisi still shook her head, "Too little, too little! Where are you sending the beggars?"

Zhu Yuzhi was furious, "Then how much do you want?"

"Less than [-] million, don't talk about it."

"One hundred million?! Why don't you grab it?" Zhu Yuzhi shouted.

"I didn't force you to give it to me, so you don't have to." Ye Sisi said.


"It's too expensive, so let's not talk about it." Ye Sisi turned around and wanted to leave.

"Stop! I can give you [-] million, but I have one more condition. If you can complete it, I will give you [-] million!"

"What conditions?"

"You let An Ruochen and I get the certificate, and I'll give you [-] million." Zhu Yuzhi said.

Ye Sisi laughed.

I didn't admit it just now, but now I'm telling the truth.

"I'm afraid that An Ruochen can get the certificate with you. I'm afraid I can't do it. I can't tie him to get the certificate with you, can I? I can't beat him either." Ye Sisi laughed.

Seeing Ye Sisi smile, Zhu Yuzhi felt humiliated.

"What are you laughing at? What's so funny? If you can do it, I'll give you money. If you can't, then you'll get out!"

"Hey, hey, talk well, don't forget, it will cost me money to get out!"

After Ye Sisi finished speaking, she suddenly found that Zhu Yuzhi didn't respond, but just stared blankly behind her.

Turning his head to look, Leng Shaohan had frost on his face, standing behind him.

"Why do you like to eavesdrop on others so much? Are you annoying!" Ye Sisi said angrily.

Leng Shaohan didn't speak, and dragged Ye Sisi to the villa.

Zhu Yuzhi shouted from behind, "Ye Sisi, think about it carefully!"

Consider a woolen thread, and if Leng Yan Wang heard about it, I'm afraid this business won't work!


Ye Sisi was pushed down on the sofa by Leng Shaohan.

"What do you want?" Ye Sisi asked in a panic.

"What do you say?"

"Don't mess around! Dabao has installed a lot of cameras in this house. If you dare to mess around, the child can see it!" Ye Sisi said.

Leng Shaohan looked around, but found no cameras.

"The cameras on Dabao's installation are all for anti-theft purposes. They are very hidden. I don't even know where they are, but he can see them!" Ye Sisi said again.

Leng Shaohan immediately sat down like a deflated ball.

He wasn't sure if Ye Sisi's words were true or not, but he would rather believe it than not.

If you really let your child catch your own violent behavior, the impact will be too bad.

Leng Shaohan even lowered his voice: "Why are you so money-hungry that you want to take money from Zhu Yuzhi?"

"Who would think too much money? Would you? If you don't take it for nothing, don't take it!" Ye Sisi said.

Leng Shaohan looked disdainful, "As long as you have money, you can do anything?"

"That's not true, I'm still in principle."

"Principle? I didn't find it!"

"Just because you didn't find out, doesn't mean it didn't exist! Let me tell you, don't get in my way of making money!" Ye Sisi spoke plausibly.

Leng Shaohan was laughed angrily.

You even said that I was blocking her way of making money?

"You clearly know that if you promote the Anzhu Alliance, it will be detrimental to me!"

"So what? What does it matter to me? Does it have anything to do with me?"


"Zhu Yuzhi is willing to give me money, so I'll accept it. I'm not a fool. If I see the money, I won't take it? If you see the money, won't you take it? Then you are a fool!"


Leng Shaohan couldn't bear it anymore, he stood up again, glaring at Ye Sisi.

"Calm down, there are cameras!"

Leng Shaohan sat down again dejectedly, "How about we chat in another place?"

"Try to trick me out and beat me? Do you really think I'm a fool?"

"I won't hit you."

"So you want to scold me? You want to force me to submit?"


"Then let's talk here. Why do you want to change the place? It seems that there is nothing to talk about. You can go. I want to rest for a while. I will treat Brother Tang to dinner tonight."

As Ye Sisi said, she leaned on the back of the sofa and closed her eyes.

After a while, I opened my eyes, "Why don't you leave?"

"Ye Sisi, don't be like this, let's talk about it." Leng Shaohan said helplessly.

"What's wrong with me? I can't take a break?"

"No, what I want to say is, don't help Zhu Yuzhi to form the Zhu'an alliance, and don't bring me trouble!" Leng Shaohan said.

Ye Sisi laughed, "I didn't expect me to be so important, and you all came to beg me. Zhu Yuzhi gave me [-] million, how much are you going to offer?"



With a heavy heart, An Ruochen walked up to Meng Luofen.

He could sense that his mother was going to issue him an ultimatum.

"Mom, why have you been holding back Zhujia? What is Zhujia? Why do we have to do what he asks us to do?"

"Kneel down!" Meng Ruofen shouted coldly.

An Ruochen had no father since he was a child, and he always listened to his mother. At home, his mother has absolute authority, which is very similar to Leng Shaohan.

The only difference is that the one from Leng's family is harsher and crueler.

An Ruochen sighed, and knelt down in front of Meng Luofen.

"Ruochen, you have to listen carefully to what I say next."

"Yes, Mom."

"Now there are two choices. One is that you marry Zhu Yuzhi, and wish the Union, and eat the Leng family together. The second is, if you don't marry Zhu Yuzhi, let An Ying marry into Zhu's family, and wish the Alliance, and eat Leng Shi. Which one do you choose?"

(End of this chapter)

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