fall into his palm

Chapter 243 It's Terrible

Chapter 243 It's Terrible
Leng Shaohan ignored Ye Sisi and was making arrangements on the phone.

As soon as he walked out of the hospital, he heard the loud noise of a helicopter in the air.

A helicopter flew over and circled the hospital complex.

Then slowly land on the top floor.

"What are you going to do? Tell me! You can't hurt Brother Ruochen!" Ye Sisi said anxiously.

"Do you know why An Ruochen has been staying in the emergency room without any results?" Leng Shaohan asked back.

"What do you want to say?"

"Because the best rescue expert in this hospital is in a neighboring city, the situation An Ruochen is facing now cannot be handled by other people in the hospital. So I arranged for a helicopter to take people over to participate in the rescue. Is there any problem? If you are an elderly person If it is not allowed, then I will have someone send it back?" Leng Shao said coldly.

"Oh, are you helping to rescue Brother Ruochen?"

"Then why not? Are you blaming me for being nosy again, so I'll let the plane withdraw?"

"No, no, no, I thank you on behalf of Brother Ruochen." Ye Sisi said.

Leng Shaohan didn't like to hear these words, "You thank me for him? Who are you to him? In what capacity do you thank me instead of him?"

Ye Sisi was taken aback, is this something to worry about?

"I'll send the plane back now!"

"Don't! I don't represent Brother Ruochen anymore, I thank you myself!" Ye Sisi said hastily.

"This is An Ruochen's business, why do you thank me? In what capacity? What's none of your business?"

Ye Sisi was stunned.

This doesn't work and that doesn't work, so I can only shut up.

So he covered his mouth with his hand and remained silent.

Leng Shaohan glanced at Ye Sisi and snorted coldly.


Back in the car, Ye Sisi kept swiping her phone anxiously, wanting to know the latest news about An Ruochen.

Leng Shaohan looked disdainful, "Reporters are blocked outside the hospital and don't know what's going on inside. You still want to get first-hand information from the Internet?"

Ye Sisi thought about it too.

But now he couldn't call An Ying, so besides swiping his phone, what else could he do?
Leng Shaohan leaned on the back of the chair, closed his eyes and meditated.

"Why don't you go to work?" Ye Sisi asked him.

"I'm also waiting for news from An Ruochen, I need to know what will happen next." Leng Shaohan said.

"Do you have eyeliner settling down?"

Leng Shaohan didn't deny it either, "Of course, the An family also has eyeliners in the Leng family."

"Huh? Really?"

"of course it's true."

"Then ask your eyeliner, how is Brother Ruochen doing now?"

"It's still being rescued."

Ye Sisi was dejected and let out a long sigh.

At this moment, Leng Shaohan's phone rang, and he quickly picked it up.

After he finished answering the phone, Ye Sisi hurriedly asked him, "How is it? Brother Ruochen, are you okay?"

"An Ruochen is still trying to rescue her, but Zhu Yuzhi is out of danger. You are right, Zhu Yuzhi is indeed pregnant, but the car accident killed her child." Leng Shaohan said.

"Is Brother Ruochen more injured than Zhu Yuzhi?"

"should be."

Leng Shaohan picked up his cell phone and dialed, "Let people break the news that An Ruochen has been reckless and abandoned, and made Miss Zhu's family pregnant, but refused to marry her, which led to a bizarre car accident."

Ye Sisi's eyes widened, "What do you mean? How could you slander Brother Ruochen like this! Brother Ruochen didn't start a mess and end up abandoning him. The child in Zhu Yuzhi's belly is not Brother Ruochen's!"

Leng Shaohan looked impatient, "How do you know? Does he want to report to you when he sleeps?"

"Brother Ruochen denied it, he said he has no such relationship with Zhu Yuzhi!"

Leng Shaohan was furious, "You guys are really nice, even talking about this kind of topic? You are so close!"

"It's not what you think, I just care..."

Leng Shaohan made another phone call, "Let's get someone to reveal that the car accident may be a trick that An Ruochen directed and acted himself!"

"Leng Shaohan, you are going too far. Brother Ruochen's life and death are uncertain, yet you slander him! You are not human!" Ye Sisi scolded.

Leng Shao coldly snorted, "If you continue to scold me, I'll let people say that An Ruochen set up the car accident! Anyway, An's family can't take care of it now, so you can say anything on the Internet!"

Ye Sisi was so angry that tears almost came down, "You are taking advantage of others, you are shameless!"

"I'm shameless? Let me ask you, does An Ruochen know about Zhu Yuzhi's pregnancy?"

"Yes, I told him."

"Okay, then do you know where An Ruochen and Zhu Yuzhi are going by car?"

"I do not know."

"I'm going to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get the certificate! Don't you think it's strange that An Ruochen went to get the certificate with Zhu Yuzhi even though the prenuptial property agreement was not negotiated, and on the premise that she knew that Zhu Yuzhi was pregnant?"

Ye Si thought for a while, and it was really strange.

"Brother Ruochen, that's just begging for perfection!"

"Really? Why didn't An Ruochen ask for perfection earlier, but only now?"

"How would I know."

"You don't know what you're crying about? Do you think you really know An Ruochen that well? Do you dare to conclude that this car accident was not planned by An Ruochen?"

"Who would gamble with his own life? Brother Ruochen is still trying to save him!"

"You set up a trap to hurt me, didn't you jump into the river, didn't you gamble with your own life? What's more, no one can enter the emergency room. I don't know how injured An Ruochen is, only those few The doctor knows!"

Ye Sisi was stunned again, and suddenly remembered an important question.

"You sent a plane to pick up that doctor to participate in the rescue. You didn't want him to find out the real situation, did you?"

Leng Shao smiled coldly, "It's true to save lives, and it's true to understand the situation! I don't want An Ruochen to die, because I don't want Dabao, Xiaobao, and you, an idiot, to be sad for him. But the Anzhu League has always dealt with me, always It is my serious problem, so of course I have to find a way to solve the situation! Just allow you, Brother Ruochen, to strategize, and not allow me to show you what to do?"

Ye Sisi stared blankly at Leng Shaohan, feeling that this person was too complicated and scary.

There are so many sides to him, it's hard to know which side of him is real.

Or either side is true, it just depends on which side he is willing to show.

Beside this guy, there is also a feeling of dealing with the devil.

Maybe he will eat it someday, the kind that doesn't have any bones left.

"What do you think I'm doing?" Leng Shaohan said, "You think I'm a bad guy again?"

"You are not a good person!" Ye Sisi said angrily.

Leng Shao smiled coldly, "I'm not a good person, so are you? You won't forget how you framed me back then, right?"

Ye Sisi also snorted coldly, "I'm not in the mood to tell you about Chen Zhima's bad things right now!"

"I know that what you care about now is your brother Ruochen, you'd better be polite to me. I am capable of letting An Ruochen die in the emergency room now!"

"do not want!"

"Now you know it's urgent? Then please beg me!"

(End of this chapter)

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