fall into his palm

Chapter 244 Most Likely

Chapter 244 Most Likely

"I beg you! Let Brother Ruochen go!"

Ye Sisi hardly hesitated, and immediately begged Leng Shaohan.

Leng Shaohan was not happy about it, "You are really willing to do anything for An Ruochen!"

"Brother Ruochen is kind to me, I can't let him die!"

As Ye Sisi spoke, her eye sockets became moist again.

Leng Shaohan watched Ye Sisi cry for An Ruochen, feeling jealous and sour in his heart.

He even wondered, if he was the one lying in the emergency room, would this woman shed a tear?

Probably not, she might even set off fireworks to celebrate.

Then occupy Kevin's little ancestor, and then find a man he likes to marry, and the family is happy.

Ye Sisi looked at Leng Shaohan's eyes and began to show a cruel look again, which was a bit inexplicable.

What's wrong with this guy?
It is a fact that An Ruochen is kind to him.

Am I going to be a person who repays virtue with hatred?

In short, if he doesn't speak, it's right not to make a sound himself.

As for the fact that he let the media break the news to slander An Ruochen, he probably couldn't persuade him, nor could he stop him.

And, it's not a matter of personal feelings.

This is one of the means for the two sides to fight.

What is Leng Shaohan most worried about?Worried about An Zhu's union and eating the dying Leng Shi.

Leng Shaohan also wanted to eat Leng Shi, but if he ate it, it wasn't considered eating, he just took it back.

Because his surname is Leng.

He regained control of Leng's in order to revive Leng's, develop it, and become Jiangcheng's big consortium again.

But when An Zhu took down the Leng Group, he wanted to dismember it and eliminate it, so that there would be no Leng Group in this world.

This property is completely different.

The current situation is that both An Ruochen and Zhu Yuzhi have accidents, and the situation has become chaotic and complicated.

But there are still people in An Zhu's family, An Ruochen is not here, Meng Yufen is still there, and An Ying's elder brother is rushing back from abroad.

If the two families share the same hatred, An Zhu may still form an alliance.

And what Leng Shaohan had to do was to prevent them from forming an alliance.

The most effective and easiest way to prevent them from forming an alliance is, of course, to make them hate each other.

This is Leng Shaohan's motive for spreading rumors.

From Leng Shaohan's point of view, there is no problem in doing so.

Saving An Ruochen is one thing, but slandering him is another.

You can let him live, but you can't let the Anzhu League.

It's just that Ye Sisi couldn't accept it emotionally.

But what if you can't accept it?It's useless to bite Leng Shaohan twice, he has to do what he should do.

It's better not to mess with him and wait for news from An Ruochen.


Half an hour later, Leng Shaohan's phone rang again.

After answering the call, Leng Shaohan took the initiative to say to Ye Sisi: "Your brother Ruochen is basically out of danger."

Ye Sisi breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank goodness, brother Ruochen is a lucky man, and a good man is rewarded with good things..."

Seeing that Leng Shaohan's face was gloomy again, he quickly shut up.

Leng Shaohan took out his mobile phone again, "Notify another group of media that the child Zhu Yuzhi is pregnant with is not An Ruochen's. After An Ruochen found out about this, Zhu's family wanted to silence them and planned the car accident."

Ye Sisi was shocked again.

Two completely different versions of the story, both from a screenwriter and a director!

On the one hand, it was said that it was the car accident of director An Jia, and on the other hand, it was the car accident of director Zhu Jia.

Where the people who eat melons can tell the truth, they naturally hear that the wind is the rain.

Those who support the An family believe that it must be the Zhu family's conspiracy, and those who support the Zhu family believe that the An family is doing bad things.

If there is a quarrel on the Internet, the two families will also pinch each other in reality.

Originally, both families were injured, and there was still a little hope of unity.

But this time, if they were suspicious and scolded each other, ninety-eight times out of ten they were targeting each other.

The Anzhu Alliance basically collapsed.

The An family thought it was the Zhu family who posted the news randomly, and the Zhu family also thought it was the An family who released the news randomly, and accused each other, but who would have thought that the one in front of him was actually the one who released the news.

Good trick!
Ye Sisi suddenly felt that with Leng Shaohan's means, he could return to Jiangcheng and live a good life, all thanks to his grace of not killing.

Zhu Yuzhi had to pay for it in order to let him leave Jiangcheng.

If Leng Shaohan wanted to leave Jiangcheng, it would basically be a matter of one sentence.

Move your fingers casually, and you will be useless.

After finishing the phone call, Leng Shaohan directed Ye Sisi, "Let's drive, people have been saved, and the matter is over, I have to start my own plan."

Ye Sisi started the car, and asked Leng Shaohan while driving, "You didn't instigate that car accident, did you?"

"What do you think?" Leng Shaohan asked back.

"Besides you, I can't think of other candidates. From the perspective of profit, you are the biggest suspect!" Ye Sisi said.

Unexpectedly, Leng Shaohan was not provoked this time, but sneered, "You are not stupid."

"So it's really you?"

"I haven't finished my sentence yet, you are not stupid, you have some brains, but only a little bit, not much!" Leng Shaohan said disdainfully.

"Of course you don't want to admit that you did something bad!"

"You are analyzing it from the perspective of profit, and you think it is me. There is nothing wrong with this idea itself, and it has some truth. If you think this way, others will think the same way. So in order to prevent the Zhu'an family from thinking like this, forming a With the same enemy, I have to let them fight each other first! That's why I let the media spread the news, understand?"

Hey, this person can really find a reason for any bad thing he does!
"So you're still innocent?"

"Of course! Even if you doubt me, how can others not doubt me? So this matter is not only aimed at An Ruochen, but also at me! It can be said to kill three birds with one stone! Of course, the one who is directly hurt is An Ruochen, I'm just affected."

"Then you mean that the car accident was not planned by you?"

"Of course not. I'm not that stupid to do such a thing. Let others guess that it's me. If I really want to play tricks, I will protect Zhu Yuzhi, let her give birth to the child, and then do a paternity test to prove that it is not Anjia At that time, the An family and the Zhu family will be ashamed, and they will really turn their faces, and I will be the real winner." Leng Shaohan said.

What he said seems to make sense?
Anyway, he was the one talking, and it was all in his favor.

"Then if you want to put it this way, who is the real culprit behind the planning of the car accident?" Ye Sisi asked.

"I'm still looking into this, so it's hard to say. It may be someone from Zhu's family, or someone from An's family. Stupid people think that I made a profit, but in fact, I am not the one who actually made a profit."

"Who is that?"

"With Zhu Yuzhi gone, does the person who made Zhu Yuzhi pregnant feel at ease? With An Ruochen gone, does that mean that there will be one less person to share the An family's property, and the other children of the An family will not benefit? An Ying and Her brother doesn't make a profit?"

Ye Sisi couldn't answer.

It seems that things in this rich family are really hard to say.

"However, I know that one is the most likely." Leng Shaohan said.


(End of this chapter)

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