fall into his palm

Chapter 245 It's Too Ruthless

Chapter 245 It's Too Ruthless


"The person most likely to plan this car accident is you." Leng Shaohan said.

"You, what nonsense are you talking about? How could it be me?" Ye Sisi shouted.

"How could it not be you? You and An Ruochen have been entangled. I heard that An Ruochen and Zhu Yuzhi are getting married, and you planned this car accident because of your fear."

"You, you nonsense! I didn't!"

Leng Shao smiled coldly, "Analyze from the perspective of profit. Zhu Yuzhi and you have always been at odds. If you kill her, you can vent your hatred and destroy the Zhu'an alliance. It is a favor for the Leng family."

"Why should I help Leng's family?"

"Because you took the benefits, the Leng family transferred you 500 million plus [-] million. There are transfer records. Do you want to deny it?"

"There is such a thing, but it is obviously a favor paid to me by He Yuzhen..."

"You also said it was paid for benefits?" Leng Shaohan pressed him step by step.

"The benefit fee I'm talking about is..."

"Second, it's to vent your personal anger. You hate Zhu Yuzhi for robbing your Ruochen brother, so you planned this car accident. Both public and private, you acted, and you said it wasn't you?"

"You, you, you... nonsense!"

Leng Shao smiled coldly, "If this information is disclosed to the media, then there will be another suspect. Isn't the scene more interesting? The media will be more interested in this kind of love murder story, and you will definitely be popular!"

Ye Sisi was nervous.

If this fake news breaks out, the Zhu family and the An family will regard her as a big enemy!

Even if there is no evidence, as long as the false news spreads, she will be sucked into the vortex.

Such a vortex is terrifying, Leng Shaohan can stand it, but Ye Sisi can't stand it!
The enemies of the two major families in Jiangcheng, how much pressure would they have to bear?
The most direct manifestation is that you can't get along in Jiangcheng.

Leng Shaohan is really too ruthless!

So he quickly changed his face, "The third master was joking, how can I have that ability?"

"You haven't? Have you forgotten who framed me back then?" Leng Shaohan said angrily.

"Oh, that's because I'm young and ignorant..."

"You are young and ignorant, but let me live overseas, and let Ah Jin lose an arm, what a young and ignorant person!"

"That's not because you pushed too hard, so I resisted. That's basically self-defense, and I paid the corresponding price. The most important thing for a person to live is to be happy. Look forward, don't You always think about the past, right?"

Seeing Ye Sisi's obsequious expression, Leng Shaohan smiled imperceptibly.

"Let's drive. If you behave better, I won't report you."

"No, I didn't do this in the first place, so how can you say you are reporting on me?" Ye Sisi shouted.



Later, after confirming that Meng Ruofen had gone back, Ye Sisi finally had the opportunity to enter the hospital again and visit An Ruochen.

But An Ruochen was still in the intensive care unit, and even An Ying was not allowed to go in, so he had to stay outside.

"The doctor said that the situation is basically stable." An Ying's mood has also stabilized.

Ye Sisi took An Ying's hand, "Brother Ruochen will be fine."

"Well, I also believe that brother will be fine." An Ying said.

"It would be great if I could go in and see Brother Ruochen."

"The doctor said that it is not possible for the time being, and we can only go in when the situation improves."

"Then I'll watch here, you go back and have a rest. You've been guarding here for a day, and your body can't take it anymore."

But An Ying shook her head, "No, I want to stay here and guard my brother, I can't leave."

Ye Sisi pointed to the An family's bodyguards, "Aren't there them?"

An Ying lowered her voice, "I can't trust them. I suspect that there are ghosts in the An family who want to kill my brother."


"It's only about [-] minutes' drive from my home to Minzheng. If it wasn't for accurate calculations and arrangements, how could the truck that caused the accident arrive at the scene and hit my brother's car so quickly. It must have been when my brother was about to get up from home. Someone spread the news." An Ying said.

There must be such a possibility, even Leng Shaohan admitted that he had an eyeliner in An's house.

If Leng Shaohan can do this, so can others.

There are a lot of employees and servants in the big family. Although the employers have been carefully screened, it is inevitable that there will still be fish that slip through the net.

There is no way to avoid this kind of thing.

So An Ying's worry was not completely unreasonable.

It's just that An Ruochen's recovery can't be completed in a day or two. Could it be that if An Ruochen doesn't stay in the hospital for a day, she won't stay by his side? That's obviously unrealistic.

"You can't stay here all the time, you still have to pay attention to rest. Otherwise, you will fall ill before Brother Ruochen recovers, so what should you do? Who will protect Brother Ruochen then?" Ye Sisi said.

"But I really can't leave."

"How about this, you go to rest for a while, eat something, I'll watch for you. I promise not to let anyone else enter, even if I can't stop it, I can notify you." Ye Sisi said.

An Ying thought for a while, "Alright then, I'll go get something to eat, and then lie down in the car for an hour."

"Just go back and sleep. I won't leave until you come." Ye Sisi said.

"Okay. Thank you, Sisi."

"Why are you being polite to me, let's go."


After An Ying left, Ye Sisi did not dare to neglect, and stared at the ICU without blinking.

The bodyguards who enter the people's homes will check the IDs. If it is the family members of ordinary patients, they will never dare to check the IDs of the hospital staff.

After the bodyguard checked it, Ye Sisi had to look it over herself, because that's what An Ying did.

It may be that they have greeted each other before, so the staff who come in and out are also very cooperative.

But after about ten minutes, a middle-aged man in his thirties got out of the elevator and walked directly to the intensive care unit.

He didn't wear medical work clothes, he didn't bring his ID card, and he didn't even wear a mask.

Ye Sisi hurried over and motioned for the bodyguards to stop him.

Unexpectedly, the bodyguard just bent down and didn't mean to stop him.

Ye Sisi became anxious, "Stop him!"

The man was wearing a light-colored suit and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses. He looked good, but his eyes looked a little evil.

Ye Sisi rushed over and grabbed his clothes, "You can't go in!"

The man adjusted his gold-rimmed glasses, "Are you Ye Sisi?"

"Yes, who are you?"

The man took off his glasses, "Take a good look, who am I?"

The facial features of the man are indeed good, but his complexion is pale, and his dark circles are heavy, and he has bad living habits at a glance.

"I don't know. No matter who you are, you can't go in now. This is the doctor's order, and you are responsible for the patients." Ye Sisi said.

The man laughed, "What is your identity, and you still care about An's family?"

"I'm watching for An Ying. She ordered that no one should be allowed in."

The man laughed again, looked at the bodyguard, "tell her who I am."

(End of this chapter)

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